Saturday, May 24, 2008

Were To Buy Microchet Hair Extensions


Here is the story of a professor of history
eyewitness of the fighting last night in front of the landfill Chiaiano
"So I saw the police beating unleashed
women and elderly people "

" I had the distinct sensazaione that everything was preordained. A charge not substantiated
People had their arms high, as the clocks for tearing them down "

NAPLES - From Professor Elisa Di Guida, a professor of history and philosophy in a high school in Naples, we receive this witness yesterday's clashes Chiaiano evening: "I was born in that area - he told us by phone - but I do not live there anymore for some time. But I feel connected to these people and this ugly story. So yesterday evening I was there and I saw terrible things. I had the feeling that everything was prepared, which the police have charged suddenly without a reason, a spark. So I decided to try to write what I saw. "

Here is the story of a guide professoeressa

" Give me voice and space in newspapers tomorrow because you do not read what happened. You read that protesters Chiaiano have been in contact with the police. But I was there. And the story is another. "

" At 8:20 p.m. at least 100 people, including policemen, police and financial police have charged the defenseless people. In the front row not only men but women of all ages and the elderly. Citizens tough but civil - before my eyes I still see their hands in the air - which, in extreme stretch of Via Santa Maria a Cubit, a garrison intersection. Between 19.05 and 20.20 the two sides have just encountered. Then the police, in riot gear, began to load. The scene seemed surreal to watch them from above, the police seemed to only go forward. Who was on the street has appreciated the technique. Kick in the shins, the knees with the shock and the extreme low of the club. The best pulled watches or bracelets. Thus, in a vain attempt to recover them, there were those who lowered his hands and was dragged to the ground by the wrists. Their advance has not spared anyone. I was struck particularly violence against women, many of whom were pushed to the ground, scratched, Stratton. Behind the plastic of the helmets, I remain in memory's eye indifferenti, senza battiti di ciglia dei poliziotti. Quando sono scappata, più per la sorpresa che per la paura, trascinavano via due giovani uomini mentre tante donne erano sull'asfalto, livide di paura e rannicchiate. La gente urlava ma non rispondeva alla violenza, inveiva - invece - contro i giornalisti, al sicuro sul balcone di una pizzeria, impegnati nel fotografare".

"Chiusa ogni via di accesso, alle 21, le camionette erano già almeno venti. Ma la gente di Chiaiano non se ne era andata. Alle 21.30, oltre 1000 persone erano ancora in strada. La storia è questa. Datemi voce e spazio. Perché si sappia quello che è accaduto. Lo stato di polizia e l'atmosfera violenta di questa sera somigliano troppo to those of totalitarian regimes. Just what story with horror to my students during the lessons of history. "

Elisa Di Guida (Professor of History and Philosophy - Napoli)

Secondary School In Singapore In The 1970s 1980s



The current fee for the way deprives me of the bread.
and steals my food.
This fee is a robbery. existing taxes,
are not in line with reality. I can steal
to buy goods with money that I could get
that I use for the payment of taxes.
of Gilberte Côté-Mercier

Taxes presenti sono una rapina. Le attuali tasse
devono essere abolite. Avete sentito i "White berretts"
ripetere queste due frasi molte volte. Si potrebbe credere
che sia pura propaganda, uno slogan utilizzato per
colpire l'immaginazione! Un uomo d'affari ci è venuto a
trovare al "Michael" Office; egli ci ha detto prima di
lasciare la nostra casa: "Sono molto felice di essere
venuto qui. Ho imparato qualcosa che non sapevo:
che le tasse attuali sono veramente una rapina
, che
devono sparire e possono sparire. Ho pensato che il vostro
poster esprimesseso uno slogan. Ma ora mi rendo conto che si tratta
di una verità basata su solide argomentazioni ".
A young student of the 'University of Ottawa,
attended one of our meetings.
He said he was happy to finally understand how the works could be financed without public
imposed by
a provincial system of credit, and such as withdrawal and
issue of money should be made by a Social Credit financial system
. taxes are current a robbery.
repeat it with conviction and tenacity until
not be abolished. This is the
ruin of our families and society
. The income tax, with its intolerable
implications, is a nightmare for everyone.
The property taxes and income taxes that increase
constantly chase families from their homes, farms or businesses
wresting from the hands of those who have built
. The Pension Board,
another tax disguised under a false name, adds to the already intolerable tax burden
. This legalized robbery is still rising . This is a robbery carried out by the law itself - the government,
that first of all is supposed to be the protector of all
people against the invaders, thieves and others.
All these fees should disappear immediately. The more intelligent systems
our governments are not merely useless remedies
as long as the current tax system will not be abolished.
Our government acts as patron of thieves.
are their faithful lackeys .


these taxes are robbery. To understand this,
proceed with questions and answers.

D. - Why are the taxes?
A. - To pay for public services, roads, fire brigade
, etc..

D. - With what roads are built?
A. - With tangible goods, such as sand, cement, etc., and with the work.

D. - How do they live for the men who build the road?
A. - Through tangible goods such as bread,
housing, etc.

D. - What is required for the production of material goods?
A. - It takes other material goods and labor.
There are public services such as roads, which require goods
materials and labor. There are personal, like bread, which
material goods and labor markets. Public services and private
two sectors, public and private sectors. These two areas need
material goods and labor markets. The population has
money, purchasing power to buy the services of
both sectors, public and private, the road and
daily bread.

D. - And what are the fees?
A. - This is una parte del denaro della popolazione
sottratto quindi dal settore privato per passare al settore
pubblico, sottratto dal pane quotidiano per passare alla
strada. Il governo vuole ridurmi senza pane, in modo da poter
pagare per la strada.

D. - Ma è necessario che io resti senza pane, in modo da
poter pagare per la costruzione della strada?
A. - Niente affatto. Ci sarà sempre pane a sufficenza per
la vendita, se costruiamo una strada; sia durante la costruzione
della strada che dopo la sua costruzione. Quindi, non vi è
alcun motivo per me di restare senza il pane fino a che il
fornaio non ne cambierà la quantità prodotta o non ne diminuirà
production. If it was the baker have to build the road, I might lose my
baker and my bread. But no, the
baker to bake bread. So why should I
be without bread? The tax payable for the road
deprives me of the bread. This fee is a robbery. It steals my food.
long as the production of the private sector continues to
same pace, the government must not take a single cent
out of my pocket to pay for the production of the public sector.
I keep all my purchasing power for goods and services
private, that private services are not reduced.
The construction of the road, not reduce them. On the contrary,
the construction of the road is good for business, and
also involves an increase in production of the private sector. If the baker
stopped baking bread because it is a road to be built
, then it may be a charge for
take away my power to buy bread and use it to pay
the road. But taxes today, which deprives me of
wealth, are not in line with reality. They are illegal. sitratta a robbery.
I steal personal property that could be had with money
I have to pay for taxes.


D. - But then, how you want che il governo riesca pagare per
la sua strada?
A. - Il governo deve pagare per la sua strada con la nuova
moneta, creata da un Ufficio del Credito, nello stesso momento
in cui la strada viene costruita. Gli ingegneri ed i lavoratori
costruiscono la strada. I finanziatori devono creare il credito,
il denaro da pagare per la strada, affinché venga costruita.
Devonoc reare tanto denaro quanto richiesto. Nuovissimo denaro,
in quanto si tratta di una nuova strada. Denaro preso da nessuna
parte, né dalle tasche dei contribuenti né altrove. Denaro
appositamente creato per la strada. Per una nuova produzione,
nuovo denaro . Come si può vedere, la strada
non è pagata con le tasse, ma con il nuovo credito, in quanto
il credito è denaro.

D. - Sì, ma se l'Ufficio di Credito quindi crea sempre nuovi
soldi per tutti i servizi pubblici, ci saranno un sacco di
soldi nuovi! Questo non provocherà inflazione?
A. - L'Ufficio di Credito deve creare denaro per la produzione
che è stata fatta, e distruggere i soldi per il consumo ed
il logorio. Questo Ufficio Nazionale di Credito mantiene i conti
nazionali. Mantiene i conti della produzione e del consumo,
che è costituito dall'uso dei beni materiali e dalla manodopera,
e dall'usura delle cose. L'Ufficio di credito crea denaro per la
produzione e lo distrugge per il consumo. Lo crea affinché
la produzione sia effettuata, e lo distrugge appena la produzione
è consumata. In questo modo, vi è un costante equilibrio tra i prezzi
dei beni ed il potere d'acquisto. Con questo equilibrio, gli
individui sono dotati di tutti i soldi necessari per pagare per
tutti i servizi pubblici e privati.

D. - Lei intende che l'Ufficio di Credito deve creare anche
i soldi per la produzione privata?
A. - La maggior parte sicuramente. L'Ufficio di Credito deve
creare il denaro pertutte le produzioni , pubbliche e private.
Il denaro creato per la produzione privata è distribuito agli
individui attraverso three channels:
interest-free financing for private companies, the discount price, as buyers,
and dividends to all citizens. The money created for the public
production is entrusted to the government for public services.
This is the way to abolish taxes. Also disappear
majority of the charges, the part that is currently used
to pay interest on public loans, and therefore the
debt. The national debt would no longer exist and, consequently
, there will be no need to use debt.
taxes will be lowered accordingly.

D. - But, then, means that there are still some
fees payable?
A. - Services such as refuse collection and the firefighters will still
paid by taxpayers. But the credit bureaus must
distribute to people all the money needed to pay
all public and private services. The services must be paid with money
. Money is an accounting system. The accounts
must never fail in respect of the services offered. There are
firefighters, men who are ready to put out the fire
. The riches are our firefighters.
real wealth, real wealth. The Office of the credit must include in its accounts
real wealth represented by our firefighters. E l'Ufficio del Credito deve assicurarsi
che la popolazione abbia il denaro per pagare i vigili del fuoco.
Lo stesso per il settore privato. C'è tanto burro per la vendita
come quanto la polazione è in grado di consumare. Il burro è la
vera ricchezza, la ricchezza reale. La ricchezza finanziaria,
il denaro-ricchezza, è solo contabilità
L'Ufficio Nazionale del credito deve assicurarsi che le persone
non abbiano la mancanza di denaro per pagare il burro.
Il ruolo svolto dall'Ufficio del Credito è di fornire di denaro
per il paese, così come gli agricoltori devono rifornire di prodotti
alimentari il paese. Oggi, l'Ufficio del Credito is not a nationalized
office, but a private office. These banks,
that exist for the profit of the bankers, instead of a real
its Office of Loans and well managed, that there should be
for the entire population. There should be a provincial office
Credit: A credit bureau of Quebec, an Ontario Credit Bureau

D. - Then we must have a National or a Provincial
Ufficiodel Credit!
R. - Sure. Without a National Bureau of Credit, is anarchy
in the monetary system, in our family budget and budgets of governments
. Taxes are a robbery. The entire financial system
current is a robbery from A to Z

Gilberte Cote-Mercier
Translation Biopresto

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Women Wrestling In Girdles


Berlusconi Prime Minister?

Come on do not tell me you believe it! Berlusconi and his ability not

deal that could (as just shown)

marketing and communications on behalf of the band of ministers who improvised

us (we) are (not me of course) or on their own.

Moreover, even Berlusconi himself said that the only irreplaceable

in his government is Gianni Letta.

Yes, it is Gianni Letta, the real chairman of the board, without

which Berlusconi would not even piss without which no

You would not even married (but seeing as it turned out. ..).

Marriage Gianni Letta was born from ancient times.

In 1987 Berlusconi in fact, admired by his journalistic

managerial skills, provides the managerial responsibilities at Fininvest.

comes even to propose it as President of the Republic, but

Napolitano was elected.

Their marriage is indissoluble, and Berlusconi is shown not to be able

do without, since it is always read

appointed Secretary to the Prime Minister.

In 2007, a case that highlights several aspects

about Gianni Letta.

is finally consecrated in cheek finance??

Consultant to Goldman Sachs??

Goldman expects from him a "strategic advice on opportunities

of business development, with a particular focus on Italy."

remember what Goldman Sachs.

"Goldman Sachs is one of the largest and most established banks

of world affairs, based in New York and has offices in

major capitals of the globe, which has become the protagonist in the years

for advice, management restructuring, mergers and acquisitions

corporate investments in commodities, derivatives and risk action,

administration of investment funds and social security "

So the perpetual dynasty: after Monti Draghi, Prodi here

yet another vassal of pro-American government. The Italian aircraft carrier

is ready to set sail again and I'm afraid that soon

smelled blood in the hold.

The blood will be our increasingly squeezed by the greed of power

banking and servile attitude of the waiters

