1 GreenRally Lakes Maggiore Orta VCO
submissions open until July 18, 2008. The race will be held in the basin of Lake Maggiore Orta VCO 2 and 3 August 2008.
Omegna July 8, 2008. After the success of the two GreenRally in Turin and in Abano Terme, a triptych concludes 2:03 August 1 GreenRally lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO.
The city of Omega, the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, the municipality of Mergozzo, the municipality of Quarna Above and the Lake District are the partners that joined with enthusiasm in this first edition.
The active collaboration with the Aci VCO, and want to meant to demonstrate continuity between the races today and those of the future.
The teams will compete in the area surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of lakes, encountering along the way many views.
The race will start at 9.30 am from the town hall of the city of Omegna, the first town in the territory to host a sporting event that promotes alternative energy vehicles.
The competition will consist of a regularity race and Energy Consumption Test on normal roads open to traffic, the markings will cover all electric vehicles, hybrids, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol purpose of promotion and development of efficient vehicles environmental impact.
dimostare This event aims to the public the performance and suitability for everyday use of alternative energy vehicles, trying to raise awareness for a noble cause. In addition, this will be an opportunity by the Province of VCO to showcase the project "Initiative traffic restrictions.
Beniamino Bonomi, Olympic and world champion in kayaking, will be the testimonial of 1 GreenRally lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO.
GreenRally Sara Gussoni Press Office Press Office Tel 348-5735473
City Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419