Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Creatine And Enlarging The Heart

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Lo start è partito…del 1° GreenRally dei Lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO

Angera, August 1, 2008 The 1st

GreenRally Lakes Maggiore Orta VCO, has finally begun.

Tomorrow from 10:00 to 20:00 on the start of technical inspections and testing of sports teams in the town of Omegna, Sunday, August 3, 2008, starting at 10:01 of the first competitor from the Town Hall Omegnese.
many tensions began to be felt among the crew ... in constant search of the best strategy for victory.
the field, we will compete against 30 teams including over 10 from Switzerland.
This first edition of the lakes GreenRally find some teams that also participated in other GreenRally 2008 of two tests, such as the Race Team Bio Concept, EcoVel Club or Restaurant Ballotta that will be presented with a brand new Ferrari 355 to biotanolo. In the basin of the lakes
parade lines in different colors and unusual shapes for those accustomed to frequent racing.
landscapes, breathtaking views and lots of fun to accompany the crew during the race and sprint will be adding more secret timed special stages.
long wait for the testimonial of honor 'event, "Bebo" Bonomi, Olympic and world champion in the specialty kayak.

GreenRally Sara Gussoni Press Office Tel 348-5735473
Stampa Comune di Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Summer Wild Flowers Wedding

1, GreenRally Lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO
on the top step of the podium, the crew Swiss Foley / Foley Team Ecovelclub Peugeut 106 on electricity.

Angera, August 4, 2008.

It was concluded on 1 GreenRally of Lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO.
The top step of the podium for the crew consists of Ticino and Tiziana Mark Foley aboard a Peugeot 106 electric.
A thrilling and exciting race of all, to fight until the last minute.
A challenge on the race, crews from all over Italy and nearby Switzerland; a pleasant note the presence of two crews female. Also present at the start
Testimonial, "Bebo" Bonomi, Olympic and world champion in the specialty kayak.
Several crew members residing in the province of the VCO: Corby / Songa on a Mes Dea Twingo electricity, Road / Street on the Fiat Grande Punto Abarth LPG, Vittoni / Cannistraro Volkswagen Golf on LPG and Reina / Cagnoli on a Citroen Xantia LPG .
A great race divided into two distinct paths for electric vehicles and those engines.
crews on their way, in complete respect for the environment were able to admire many landscapes, from mountains to the lake areas to end up back at the lake areas. Big applause
throughout the organization and the promoter of the event Robert Foglia, able to organize this year's spectacular and fun competitions like this and to raise public awareness through these events, promoting alternative energy vehicles, demonstrates their adaptability to the already existing ' daily use.
full satisfaction, so the awards by the authorities present: Mayor of the City of Omega, the patron of 'event, Antonio Quaretta, Councillors, sport Mattia Corbetta, Luigi Songa public works, civil defense Stephen Street.
Also important is the presence of the Province of the VCO, other Institution Patron of the event, in persona dell’Assessore all’ambiente Gianni Desanti, che in occasione della premiazione, ha ribadito l’iniziativa per “La limitazione del traffico inquinante in Provincia”.
Al termine delle premiazioni il promoter dell’evento ha dato appuntamento alla 2° edizione del GreenRally dei Laghi Maggiore Orta e VCO 2009 ed ha ringraziato tutte le persone che hanno contribuito alla buona riuscita della manifestazione.

Ufficio Stampa GreenRally Sara Gussoni Tel 348-5735473
Ufficio Stampa Comune di Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Wording On Wedding Response Cards About Allergies

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Al via il “1° GreenRally dei Laghi Maggiore Orta e VCO”.

Angera 29 luglio 2008

Pochi giorni alla partenza della 1° edizione del GreenRally dei Laghi Maggiore Orta e Vco.

Sabato 2 agosto 2008, gli equipaggi si incontreranno nella città di Omegna per le verifiche sportive e tecniche dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 20.00 circa.
Domenica 3 agosto 2008 alle ore 10.01 il primo concorrente prenderà il via dal Palazzo Comunale della cittadina di Omegna sulle rive del Lago d’Orta.

The race promises to be very exciting to challenge where we will see not only Italian teams, but also those from neighboring Switzerland. Competitors must follow the normal rules of the road while competing in a trial that will reward the crew that has been more regular during the whole event. For the overall rankings
adding the results of regularity race and test power consumption.

Among the crew at the start include the presence of Councillors and Corby Street, the city of Omega, which challenges than driving a Twingo Mes Dea supply the first and the second will be the navigator on board di una fiammante Fiat Grande Punto Abarth.
Altro motivo d’interesse la presenza dei primi 5 equipaggi in testa alla classifica di Coppa del Mondo FIA.
Dopo i successi Olimpici, anche il testimonial della manifestazione “Bebo” Bonomi, sarà alla partenza della gara alla guida di una vettura elettrica.

I concorrenti attraverseranno la Provincia del VCO lambendo tutti gli specchi d’acqua che vi si affacciano; paesaggi suggestivi e colpi d’occhio mozzafiato. Questo è uno degli ingredienti che identifica i GreenRally.

I comuni interessati alla manifestazione sono: Omegna, Armeno, Gignese, Stresa, Baveno, Mergozzo, Vogogna, Piedimulera, Pieve Vergonte, Villadossola, Antrona S., Ornavasso Gravellona Toce, Casale Corte Cerro, Quarna Quarna Above and Below.

Program: 09:00
of hours pilots Briefing / Race Director
09:30 HOURS HOURS Open season starting
first competitor
10:01 Departure 18:31 Arrival of hours theoretical first competitor
19:30 HOURS Publication charts
HOURS 19:45 Award Ceremony and presentation of the draft Environment Councillor of the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossolla "Restricting traffic pollution in the Province"
Press GreenRally Sara Gussoni
Tel 348-5735473 Press Office City of Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419