Thursday, September 18, 2008

Male Erection Visuals

unblocking Pediatric

After a post was born from a need to share the " nuisance" that you try to read some news, now we wish to inform of a project born from the desire of a Roman doctor as well as Red Cross volunteer.
As you will see from the site that Linker, the
Dr. Squicciarini is a person who has always been committed to spreading the techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR + CPR), also referring to pediatric subjects.
From what you can read about him (and who carries on activities outside the medical profession) is nothing short of commendable.
has created a site where it is possible for everyone (not just health care!) To know and learn what are the means of intervention in case of choking in children .

Every year in Italy there are 50 families destroyed by a tragedy without borders: 50 children are killed by suffocation by foreign bodies (27% of accidental deaths data for 2007-SIP Societa 'Italian Association of Paediatrics) does not only for the "foreign body" accidentally taking (rubber balls, ham ham, salad, marshmallows, games etc etc ...), but mainly because ' carers in the first dramatic moments are usually NOT "format" these operations and generate disastrous consequences.

This is perhaps the reason that led the Dr. Squicciarini to engage in this area, perhaps the love of children and knowing how to understand what difficulties may find a parent, a grandparent or a kindergarten teacher in 'to address an urgent problem.

I invite you to visit the Dr. Squicciarini and disseminate the culture of first aid as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (all we can begin heart massage !!!).

Very beautiful are the letters that Dr. Squicciarini received and that he wanted to publish on the site.

Well, what about ... W Dr. Squicciarini!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

South Park Streaming En Francais

Here is another idiot

do I ask how you can do as a buffer to a media that, in my opinion, does not even know what it means to work.
I refer to that young lady whose name is Raffaella Fico (or Pussy ???), of former Big Brother contestant who said :
Auctioning my virginity for a million euro. I want to see if anyone pulls out of this sum for me

But go to hell!

I defy even the most stupid of the sheikhs or good Russian tycoon and President of Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich to pay ONE MILLION EURO (although they are small change ...) and maybe that comes after a fuck 38 seconds!


The news reported on also shows this statement:

I do not know what it means to have sex
But you do not even know what it means work!!

Ridiculous .... Italy cheers again!

Get A Fake Id London Ontario

Killing a woman of 90 years was not enough

I took inspiration from an "authoritative" news (Studio Open!) For this post.
hear the news: KILLED TO 90 YEARS FOR ROBBERY .

then I'll go anywhere and try to understand, read the news. I end up

Gioiosa Jonica
gagged during robbery dies ninety
"... Louise Zito lived alone in a house in the historic center di Gioiosa Jonica. Il cadavere della donna, che era legata ed imbavagliata, è stato trovato a letto. La casa era stata messa a soqquadro dai ladri..."

Ora mi chiedo: ma con che coraggio si può uccidere una vecchietta? Non voglio commentare la notizia ma mi chiedo: se e quando i colpevoli verranno individuati, secondo voi quanti giorni di carcere sconteranno?

Vergogna... W l'Italia .

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mount And Blade How Do I Build A Fort

a dwarf, here's another ... The Decree

Il secondo post del Blog lo vorrei dedicare al Nano più famoso d'Italia: il Ministro Renato Brunetta .
Belle idee, giuste e condivisibili but clearly the media!
I mean it is right to control "his" employees (the public ones), it is right to regulate the public sector employment, it is just cutting spending.
But all civil servants are lazy ? All civil servants are home to a common cold? I think not.
Why, instead, the Prof. Brunetta if not the blame on his predecessors who have not applied the law and regulations have been written?
Brunetta complains of productivity, the public employees who have a second job, absenteeism. Vero, belle parole!
Perchè allora non mette in pratica lo strumento che prevede di premiare chi produce di più e chi sta a casa di meno?
E soprattutto: perchè non applica le stesse regole a tutti quei politici che preferiscono l'inaugurazione della galleria d'arte dell'amico elettore oppure un'apparizione televisiva rispetto alla presenza in Aula al Senato o alla Camera?
Perchè i nostri politici (pagati molto meglio di tutti i dipendenti pubblici) non devono rimanere a casa dalla 8 alle 20 in attesa della visita fiscale? Perchè loro non devono farsi firmar il permesso da Schifani o Fini per le loro assenze?
understand that there will preaches good e. .. Razzola is a bit 'out?!
In this regard, I would shoot a post taken from of 31 July this year:
Albina Perri - with the trade minister earns nonsense. You already knew, but we have had confirmation by opening the site Renato Brunetta, The most loved by Italians, in fact, after putting on the virtual marketplace salaries of all its public servants, has also decided to tell her. It is done: € 46,113.60 gross yearly, as per Presidential Decree 748/1070, which are 3842 € per month. For those who have to govern Italy, and not the little factory of San Zeno al Lambro, is not tanto.Il minister, but, honestly there says it all. It is not his only entry, that one. Brunetta, in fact, did not give up the parliamentary chair, along with Bondi and Sacconi, so he is a civil servant from the two hats. Just as what he called a "ball and chain" and who has declared war at the beginning of the mandate. So Brunetta explains his salary a, by the Parliamentary Assembly: "The first voice is fine, what in common parlance is called" salary ", the following per diem and reimbursement: for the expenses of the relationship between elected and electors, incidental expenses for travel, travel abroad and telephone charges. Complete the entries on the check card to order office, social security benefits, including health and transport. " The allowance amounts to € 5,486.58 per month. The allowance to € 4003.11 per month. The sum is reduced to € 206.58 for each day of absence from the sessions of the Assembly of Members in which the proceedings take place with electronic voting. The lump sum reimbursement for the expenses of the relationship between elected and electors is 4,190 € per month. It touches also add to all this phone calls and travel reimbursements. And if you think that Brunetta is also professor of labor economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, e che dal 1999 al 2008 è stato parlamentare europeo, con la pensione e le indennità che ne conseguono, ecco che il pubblico emolumento del ministro prende la forma di un bel gruzzolo.«Il Paese non ne può più di una amministrazione pubblica opaca», aveva detto il ministro qualche tempo fa, lanciando la sua campagna moralizzatrice. «Io voglio considerare la pubblica amministrazione come le società quotate, in cui gli azionisti sono i cittadini, quei sessanta e oltre milioni di italiani chiamati a fare i cani da guardia». E via con le restrizioni: chi ha un impiego pubblico non può averne un altro, altrimenti truffa lo Stato. Adesso il doppio incarico di Brunetta è nero su bianco su Internet. Lo stipendio da ministro sarà misery, all right, but that by "more parliamentary minister" Brunetta makes a good preaching. Berlusconi, before the elections, had promised that none of his ministers have held two seats. And now, what do we do?

And again ... W Italy!

How Many Wings In 40 Pounds Ofchicken Wings

Anti Prostitution

'm starting the blog with one of the hottest topics this week: the draft law on measures against prostitution .
premise, as a human being male, my total support for the good for Silvio chosen as a huge pussy Minister. It 's true, I still understand the function of the Ministry of Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna but is a good Minister.
In my view, also, a bill with such content could be easily borne by the Ministry of the Interior.

"The introduction of the crime of prostitution in public place or place open to the public, regardless of treatment for prostitutes and clients is provided for the arrest of five to fifteen days with a fine from 200 to 3000 € for both those who offer sexual services, both for those who request them.
The measures envisaged aim to remove street prostitution and above a contrastarne lo sfruttamento, tutelando la dignità e i valori della persona umana: "Combattere questo fenomeno non è solo una questione di decoro urbano o di sicurezza – spiega il Ministro Carfagna – La prostituzione fa proliferare tutte le organizzazioni criminali che la sfruttano e che stanno dietro a questa pratica".
Pene più severe dunque per chi organizza o partecipa a un'associazione a delinquere finalizzata allo sfruttamento della prostituzione. Quanto alla prostituzione minorile, verrà punito con il carcere fino a 12 anni e con multe fino a 150mila euro chi sfrutta e gestisce la prostituzione minorile o induce un minore alla pratica; carcere e ammenda anche per chi compie atti sessuali con un minorenne. I minori stranieri in prostitution in Italy will instead be reground to the family of origin or to the responsible authorities of their country of origin ".

It 's true street prostitution is almost always controlled by criminal organizations that require women to sell (I would say sell out) his body on the street, to suffer violence and blackmail of any kind. And behind the criminal organizations are hidden people (!?) unscrupulous. So it's a problem of security, public order, health and hygiene.

But I wonder: given that prostitution in public places or open to the public will be an offense if the Bill were to pass, why do not regulate prostutuzione outside of these areas?
What are the "Miss" that give away spontaneously in the apartments? How many girls (also Italian) and even young people have decided themselves to do a lot of money quickly and doing the oldest profession in the world?
Well, then why do not regulate definitely prostitution as in other European countries where the whores pay their taxes and are subject to regular medical examinations?

Why not let those who want to have sex for a fee (and get paid to have sex) will not be done in full legality, paying taxes like any other citizen who works?

I invite you to read a publication dell'AssoEdilizia "
Valore oltre mercato del canone di locazione immobiliare: indice di sfruttamento della prostituzione o pericolosa presunzione ".
Perchè, se avessi un immobile da affittare, non lo posso cedere ad una o più signorine affinchè esercitino liberamente e in modo controllato la loro attività?
Perchè in Italia dobbiamo fare sempre le cose a metà e dimostrare di essere moralisti?
Quanti dei Signori Parlamentari che voteranno la legge vanno regolarmente a puttane negli hotel negli appartamenti di tutta Italia?

W l'Italia!