Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poptropica How To Sword

Let's meet!

I report with great satisfaction, the letter I wrote to a local newspaper after being taken for a ride by an employee of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine .

On October 7 at 14:30 o'clock I go to 'fuel Office of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine to change data on the card subsidized gasoline. Pick the number that gives me access to the order at the counter: 39. After a few minutes I get " served" in the meantime users increase in a row: there are about a dozen. At the counter there is only one player, even an operator . Unfortunately I do not know the name: In fact, he had no identification tag as maybe provided by law (Civil Service Circular dated 5 August 1989, no 36970/18.3.2). I state that perhaps it would be appropriate to give the possibility to those who work from Monday to Friday to have access to that office on Saturday morning, opening it only maybe twice a month. Instead, workers are forced to ask permission or disturb a family vacation or to delegate this task. Usually no one does like to wait in the queue (not even the doctor ...), much less give up work commitments for operations rather trivial. But there comes the question: Outside of fuel (and inside) is exposed to a sign that invites the audience to fill out forms before entering the counter . What entirely justified, even compared to the other people waiting. I look to the next module, I try to close the door, I ask other people in line, but there is no shadow of a pen . Patience: "To write my personal information as long does it take?", I think. "The wonder at the counter." It's time the number 39: it's my turn! I carry in front of '"operator", a greeting and I kindly ask pen as close to the modules are not there. I replied that I had to go out and make me pay someone. I reply that I had explored this possibility, ma nessuno aveva a disposizione una penna. Lei dice che le penne vengono messe a disposizione ogni mattina e poi magicamente spariscono. Le controbatto dicendo che mi dispiace e, con toni gentili, chiedo se poteva allungarmi la penna che delicatamente stava facendo girare sulle sue dita . La risposta è stata negativa, fa avanzare il display al numero 40 e mi invita a lasciare libero lo sportello. Io eseguo e me ne vado dagli uffici. Ora: visto che la variazione dei dati va effettuata entro 15 giorni, mi recherò presso l’Ufficio carburante solamente quando ne avrò la possibilità senza rinunciare a eventuali altri impegni assunti. E una volta presso l’ufficio, se non troverò una penna a disposizione, me ne tornerò via. And if the change in the data should occur after 15 days, the sanction, if any, the Chamber of Commerce to pay the face to the 'worker' that was made available and has shown great education for me (and people who came before me ). Usually when I go to post offices at the counter there is always the pen : it is linked ! In the Chamber of Commerce have not yet thought about this possibility, so in the budget for the cost of stationery items would be lower ie users do not waste time! And thanks for making me miss an entire afternoon! This
the letter of public apology two days later

Sorry for that episode

The Chamber of Commerce is a public corporation that, with the cooperation of its staff, carries out many activities to assist businesses and citizens. This is the case, too, the fuel card that affects motorists in the province. Normally, every day, the service has all the features of courtesy , of professionalism and 's efficiency. In the reported case, obviously, was not so. A much personally apologize to him. Dr. Silvio
Saints - Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine

Friday, October 3, 2008

راشيل الدانا

In Italy ...

I apologize for a few days I have not been on this blog, but other commitments I was hooked. This morning I want to inform those who are not of Udine (and around) the big mess that has happened as a result of the Uefa Cup match between Udinese and Borussia Dortmund . I refer to the order issued by the Mayor of Udine prohibiting the sale and dispensing of alcoholic beverages in the hours preceding the meeting. Personally I do not host nor by the Mayor, nor the part of all those merchants who complain about lost revenue as a result of the order. express only considerations: 1. for a few hours you can live without beer or other spirits 2. the ordinananza could have been avoided if the fans (the most "hot") had arrived with less advance or if the police were present in more massive. Nevertheless the good Germans pissed on shop windows, they bottles stolen ... in short, behave quite differently from Friuli, Udinese who have followed the first leg. Apparently the legend that circulated in Germany who is in Italy can do whatever the fuck he wants ... But it will be a legend or is it the truth?

W ... of others!