Friday, December 24, 2010
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Enough historical (anti-Italian) on Sunday! Simon Ball "The bitter sea" defames the Italian Armed Forces
Simon Ball
The monthly "History on the Net" starts and raised our alert:
Simon Ball
December 15
Enough historical (anti-Italian) on Sunday!
Writing History on the Net Once again a foreign town - a British historian - shoots to zero against Italy. And once again the historical detractor shoots big, put on a series of inaccuracies, bias and pure and simple lies that shows how superficial the end of addressing the history of Bel Paese.Se prejudices born of ignorance, even worse is a kind of "revisionism" far from scientific, not based on solid documentation and convincing arguments and peer to peer open to debate, but clearly defamatory, and motivated by bitterness - let us say - a racism that is always bubbling through against Italy.
A merit award for "historic Sunday" this time it's Simon Ball, author of a controversial essay about the Second World War in the Mediterranean called "Bitter Sea".
The following is a counter-review written by Andrea Lombardi ( ) that "History on the Net" issue number 63 of January 2011.
The Bitter Sea - The brutal fight WW2 for the Mediterraneandi Simon Ball
A poor search, not just anti-Italian ...
As the title of the review, the book in question represents a major step backwards with regard to research on the role of the armed forces Italian World War II. On the first page of the chapter "The good Italians", Mr. Ball writes, correctly, that the thesis "Italians good people" is largely a myth (ie, contrary to what is usually claimed, anche il Regio Esercito ebbe – durante il secondo conflitto mondiale e non solo – la sua parte di crimini di guerra), ma quindi procede a compiere lo stesso errore storiografico… solo al contrario, scrivendo, tra l’altro, la seguente, incredibile frase: “Italian troops were famously fond of raping very young girls”, ossia “le truppe italiane erano celebremente entusiaste nello stuprare ragazzine” (pag. 212). Ciò senza citare una singola fonte per questa nota diffamatoria, dove all’accusa ai nostri soldati di essere noti come stupratori si aggiunge anche l’imputazione doppiamente infamante della pedofilia: “very young girls”, tradotto letteralmente, “ragazze very young. "Now, if the" Italian troops (not just "some units" or "individuals") were "celebrities" (and I stress "celebrities") enthusiasts in the rape of young girls, is too much to ask to which Mr. Ball Whatever its sources, and they must show strength to the finding of a large number of rapes of "young girls" by Italian soldiers in order to test how true the quote above. This is not "history" or "revisionism" or "original research". It is sheer slander of the armed forces (Italy punished in Article 290 of the Code Penale). È anche illuminante notare come Mr. Ball sbagli più volte nel riportare i nomi degli autori da lui citati nelle note del libro, per es. “Agarossi” per Elena Aga-Rossi, o “Luigi Ganapi” invece che Ganapini. Un errore un po’ spiacevole per uno storico accademico. È anche sconfortante che Mr. Ball, scrivendo un saggio sulla guerra nel Mediterraneo e in Italia non abbia fatto alcuna ricerca negli archivi italiani (a giudicare dalle fonti citate in bibliografia), in pratica basando la parte più riuscita del suo libro, ossia quella sui rapporti diplomatici tra le varie nazioni coinvolte, su un numero piuttosto limitato e scontato di fonti (Churchill, Eisenhower, Ciano…) e i documenti dei National British Archives, now easy to find. Deludente.Ovviamente, Mr. Ball was bound to sever some historiographical opinion also on the Italian Social Republic (p. 241), defined as "a state run by and for terrorists" with "Il Duce forced to a new model of government through the Companies death "and where the entire Armed Forces CSR is obviously reduced to a handful of "depraved death squads," most were born from the remains of the Decima MAS "(!!!), that" will not get anything if you do not settle old scores. " A vision closer to Pasolini's "Salò or the 120 Days of Sodom" than of a historian, parrebbe.
Andrea Lombardi
Associazione Culturale ITALIA
A questo punto, invitiamo tutti i lettori di Storia in Rete a scrivere a Simon Ball presso la sua università – e per conoscenza al Cancelliere University of Glasgow - or ask for supporting evidence on which he based the infamous and very serious charge of "pedophile rapists" launched by the Armed Forces of Italy during World War II, or a necessary correction of this magnitude, copincollando this letter:
Dear mr. Ball
I've read about your statement in "Bitter Sea" about Italian Army soldiers to rape habit "very young girls". It's a very hard statement Against Italian honor and I would ask you to give references about it. Otherwise, I would ask you to correct it.
Yours sincerely
Monday, December 6, 2010
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