Monday, February 28, 2011

An Real Live Platypus

pizzino, from Rome to Racalmuto

Berlusconi at a press conference to announce that it does not take the phone to avoid being caught ... better pizzini, Silvio! While the world goes on, Obama is in direct line with the Americans, silvio afraid because the head has a fixation on "bunga bunga 'with ... will try again! Who
news of the award "fair justice" Leonardo Sciascia? Petrotto the mayor did not say anything about the trip to Rome to meet Scilipoti: is a state secret or was a "pack Neapolitan?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Renew Driver's License After Expired Bc Canada

Schegge assassine, libro sulla bonifica bellica di Gianni Lafirenze

continue, stubbornly, to explain what the rehabilitation of war and to document incidents relating to discoveries of weapons of war, now because of several tragic accidents, it is the consequence of a awareness campaign, for years, the author of this book, Gianni Lafirenze, directed against the indifference of those who do not know or are helpless to an unknown far from being resolved. Always, in fact, the risk of failure is due to reclamation many victims among the civilian population and the risk, according to industry experts, rimane altissimo e, purtroppo, sottovalutato da parte di chi dovrebbe investire, a più ampio raggio, sulla sicurezza di tutti noi ignari dei pericoli mortali che ancora si celano dappertutto nel sottosuolo, sia in città che in campagna. La professionalità e l’abnegazione dei bonificatori, invisibili sentinelle di vita, rimangono elementi indispensabili per affrontare un problema che inspiegabilmente, rimanendo confinato ai margini di ogni importante notizia, è sminuito nella sua portata anche quando a rischiare sono uomini che lavorano accanto a bombe e ordigni pronti ad esplodere.

In questo libro l’Autore, oltre a definire, in sintesi, l’importanza di una bonifica, ripercorre, filtering through a documentation acquired by the Internet and his website, , the stages of episodic past and present information concerning the discovery of weapons and related accidents.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mac Emulator Soulsilver


Achtung Panzer. History of the weapon and uniform German battleship 1939-1945
158 pages
Cover Size 24x17
Language ItalianoPrezzo: 26.00 €

An exhibition of uniforms for the crews of Panzer, with nods to the history, uniforms and the most famous commander of the German battleship, the exhibition theme 'Achtung Panzer!' (Fair Militalia May 2010). Many ill with a and b / w

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Funny Bon Voyage/bridal Poems

Campo della Memoria, gennaio 2011

Saturday, January 22, at the Military Memorial Field Memory of Neptune, under a heavy rain, more than three hundred participants attended the moving ceremony in which they remember our fallen soldiers on the front pontine after the landing of the Anglo americani.Alla presence of high authority among the political and institutional which include: Hon. Luigi Turchi, Sen. Candido de Angelis, Vice Mayor of Anzio Garza, Rodolfo Turano City Council of Neptune, belonging to several military and veterans Viecieli Major General, Commander of the Carabinieri station of Neptune and the representatives of all Weapons: Red Cross, State Police, Forest Guards, Carabinieri, Police and Navy and many reduci: Luigi Poluzzi, Mario Panzironi, Gina Romeo e Sante Battaglia.Il responsabile dell'Associazione Campo della Memoria, Alberto Indri , apriva la cerimonia, ricordando il marò Pietro Calamai recentemente scomparso.
Si sono uniti al saluto tutti i superstiti del Battaglione Barbarigo: Giuseppe Angiolillo, Marcello Borta, Antonio Canti, Antonio Crosio, Albino De Zerbi, Luigi Failli, Elio Fontanelli, Mario Fusco, Sergio Giari, Franco Grechi, Enzo Leoncini, Franco Olivotti, Luciano Pieri, Marco Pittaluga, Claudio Procaccini Di Monsanvito, Giulio Ronchi, Gioacchino Rossini, Umberto Schiavon, Luciano Sorlini e Fernando Togni.
Prendevano poi la parola l'on. Luigi Turchi e il comandandante Poluzzi che leggevano, con grande pride, the reasons for the bronze medal at the pennant Barbarigo and the Gold Medal to the Commander and the Commander Alessandro Bardelli Tognoloni. Numerous young people were present and members of the Association of Field of Remembrance throughout the Pontine plain: Mrs. Gallitto , Fiorella Cencetti, Claudio Tedeschi, Claudio Tolu, Roberto Gigli, Michele d'Asaro, Netherlands, Cavaterra, Federica Grazia and Debe-Pireddagli Arditi of Neptune, for the Association of Tennis memory sections Aprilia, Latina, Frosinone and Cisterna.
have sent messages to participate, the Com Ivo Ilariucci, President of the Ass. Combatants X Mas - RSI, Borean Amelio, V. President Ass, Vicar, Franco Minelli, AnsMode Ass, Olivotti Franco, Luciano Pieri, and Francesco Ferruccio Buonaprole Martinelli, grandson of Peter Marò Calamai.Avvenuta Sacred blessing officiated by the priest, the sailor Poluzzi read Sailor's Prayer.
After two hours of pouring rain, while the sergeant recalled the heroic deeds Sante Battle of El Alamein and was playing in the background of the anthem composed by Donna Daria Xa, finally a ray of sun breaks through the clouds and lit up our glorious cross of Sant 'Andrea.Dopo the dark is always light.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Purfume Taste In Mouth

La guerra dimenticata. Il conflitto Iran-Iraq, 1980-1988, a cura di Andrea Lombardi

The forgotten war

Iran-Iraq Conflict, 1980-1988

by Andrea Lombardi

In this book, the story of the Iran-Iraq is rebuilt by the wise The Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988 by Saskia M. Gieling, where detailed historical background of the hostilities between Iraq and Iran, the political and diplomatic developments during the course of the conflict, Military history Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988 by Carlo Lombardi and Andrea Lagomarsino, which deals in detail the military organization and military operations of the two countries, analyzing the various moments of the war in Iraq starting from the offensive to counter-Iranian from the war years of bombing and missile position in the towns (the "War of the Cities") and vessel traffic in the Gulf (the "tanker war"), then touching the issues in dispute as the U.S. intervention in chemical warfare conflict. The test chemical weapons Javed Ali, then displays the evolution of Iraqi chemical weapons program, their field use against Iran and against the Kurds, the reactions of the UN and the United States, while The United States and the Iran-Iraq Stephen R. Shalom controversially but carefully analyzing U.S. policy in the Persian Gulf: the diplomatic maneuvers to increase U.S. military presence in the region, its support to Iraq, the supply of arms to Iran (Iran-Contra scandal), and aggressive operations the U.S. Navy, culminating in Operation Praying Mantis, defined at the time the largest U.S. naval operation since World War II, and in breaking the massacre of civilians by a U.S. warship in an airliner Airbus Iran. Included are numerous photographs of the fighting land, air and sea and of the means employed, and several new images in Italy on the terrible effects of Iraqi chemical weapons on Iranian civilians and curdi.In appendix, the text of UN Resolution 598 that ended the conflict and the list of companies that contributed development of chemical weapons, biological and nuclear weapons in Iraq. 17x24, paperback, 262 pages, fully illustrated with 182 color photographs (most unusual in Italy), maps and profiles, Euro 32.00.

Publisher Association ITALY, Genova 2011.

For information and direct orders contact: Association ITALY Via Onorato 9 / 18 16144 Genova Italy Tel 348 6708340 Cell

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