The link between the brain front and rear
1. (Continued on the Lord:) "But behold, now I breathed again
on these four masses in the brain, and then you will have the opportunity to see something similar to
obelisks (spiky columns) that rise to
two at front each Egyptian pyramid. Certainly these
columns were intended by the Egyptians for a purpose different from that of
columns that are two and two before
columns that are two and two before
each side of the brain pyramids, obelisks placed it in front of the pyramids showed
simply that the wisdom
was to be found inside the pyramids, for this course
was allowed access only to a person of proven purity.
2. The two small obelisks, instead, placed in front of each of the pyramids brain
2. The two small obelisks, instead, placed in front of each of the pyramids brain
times table, so that each pyramid is
so to have eight, are the pencils through which, in
result of the movement made to them by the appropriate nerves of the brain
that are connected by a supremely talented
a mechanical-organic nerves
those with vision or hearing, the tables are covered in an order
those with vision or hearing, the tables are covered in an order
particular, of characters or other images of spiritual
3. But now devoted particular attention to what your
3. But now devoted particular attention to what your
that follow, we now fill these pencils a sap,
and begin to consider first the brain in order!
Here, I want the tables of this brain are thoroughly covered
first character in a completely
first character in a completely
ordered, as if this was the feeling, both as regards
the view that the hearing!
4. Then all struggled to fix their gaze and focus
4. Then all struggled to fix their gaze and focus
the most of our attention on these artificial brains,
and were waiting for what would follow. Certainly, in this case I had to
give rise to images from the raw material light,
because the light of the soul, since the
My disciples looked with the eyes of their flesh, it is not nothing he could do
. But what these observers saw attentive?
5. They saw how those from the ends of pencils on the tables spill
. But what these observers saw attentive?
5. They saw how those from the ends of pencils on the tables spill
pyramids brain a lot of stars in color
reddish and bluish, and precisely in order that those who had been
has a very keen sight could see as with
those countless stars were formed on all types of tables
meravigliosissime tiny images.
6. Of course, for those moments I made so that the eyes of observers
6. Of course, for those moments I made so that the eyes of observers
purchasing for some time the strength of magnification
a good microscope, which in that case was very necessary, since otherwise
observers would not seen much of
wonderful images and shapes of light, or would have been sufficient for this purpose
enlargement to ten times the pyramids brain first!
But since now they could see the tables
brain magnified a hundredfold, were can already see many things.
7. I then asked what he saw in Cyrene. And he
brain magnified a hundredfold, were can already see many things.
7. I then asked what he saw in Cyrene. And he
replied, "Oh, Lord! A marvel after another! From small obelisks
places before the pyramids of the brain, constantly stirring and made
many bodies that cross in each direction throughout their length ,
gush incessantly a large number of stars in red and blue light
. The pairs of sticks, almost like an insect's antennae are in
continuous activity on each of the four faces of the pyramids and work without
break with their tops that scatter sparks here and there on
their triangular faces with great swiftness, and sprinkle
latter of stars. Sure you might think that all this work
around the triangular faces of the pyramids, apparently
around the triangular faces of the pyramids, apparently
meaningless and random as it should not be a
amount of scribbles, but instead are composed almost automatically
regular figures of each species which provide much
delight the eye.
8. Well, now I'm watching as the two sticks replaces
8. Well, now I'm watching as the two sticks replaces
absolute quiet when a triangular area is completely covered
signs. But really is hardly credible
that all these signs and these tiny images in number a thousand times a thousand
have been able to come drawn by the two pencils
living on such a triangular table in that short time!
The forms are however some very small, although a
The forms are however some very small, although a
table of this species we see it as tall as a man of great stature
, but these pictures and signs are so small
clear that something more clear and not perfect you could imagine.
9. But because the brain back on their multiplication tables completely
9. But because the brain back on their multiplication tables completely
similar to the front brain, you can not see
any of those little pictures? I can not find that the dashes, and other points of
hooked signs that mean I would not know what they want!
What explanation could be given for this phenomenon? "
10. I replied:" These are all signs of the word, but
10. I replied:" These are all signs of the word, but
them, where they are, they're not isolated in itself, but instead are always in a
state of union with the polar surface of one of the tables
triangular front of the brain, and sound or recorded on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hind brain
times table by lines, dots and other symbols to
hook is posted nello stesso istante pure sulla corrispondente
faccia della piramide del cervello anteriore, di solito
quella inferiore che forma la base della piramide, come una minuscola
quella inferiore che forma la base della piramide, come una minuscola
immagine corrispondente al suono o all'idea, e così questa viene
rappresentata all’anima per un riconoscimento più agevole.
11. Per ottenere questo effetto, deve venire tesa una quantità di
11. Per ottenere questo effetto, deve venire tesa una quantità di
filamenti nervei da ciascuna piramide cerebrale dell'occipite a ciascuna
piramide del capo anteriore, altrimenti nessuno potrebbe raffigurarsi in
maniera chiara un concetto appreso, o una cosa, oppure un'azione
descritta con parole.
12. The inarticulate sounds and so does the music not recorded;
therefore also no one can represent any image or
something on the basis of a sound, or harmony or melody. In fact, as
said, similar sounds are not recorded on the tables of the brain
head front, but will forever remain only on the corresponding
occiput faces of the pyramids in the form of lines, dots and other shapes
13. In return, the faces of the pyramids occiput,
13. In return, the faces of the pyramids occiput,
marked only at the sound, through the nerves branch off the spinal cord until
ai nervi della bocca dello stomaco (gangli), e da questi
fino al cuore; ecco perché la musica, sempre che sia del tutto pura,
esercita un’influenza principalmente soltanto sull'animo, lo domina e non
di rado lo intenerisce e lo rende sensibilissimo.
14. Ma uscendo e salendo dall’animo, i suoni possono tuttavia essere
14. Ma uscendo e salendo dall’animo, i suoni possono tuttavia essere
disegnati come forme sulle tabelline del cervello mediante la luce
dell’amore, come appunto avviene attraverso le stelline sprizzanti da
due piccoli obelischi. E allora i suoni non di rado sono per l’anima dei veri
segnali indicatori verso i grandi padiglioni vitali dello spirito. E per questa
reason music straight and totally pure can be of great help to unite the soul
completely with your spirit! And so we learn and teach the music, as long as pure as the Colt
one day David!
15. That a very pure music has this power, you can
15. That a very pure music has this power, you can
noted by the fact that, if gathered in a given place
enemies and friends and make a pure music resonate in the midst of them, you'll see that very soon instead of enemies
before you will be solely with the affable
friends. Certainly, a similar effect can only get the music
that is completely pure, impure music e rozza ottiene invece addirittura
l'effetto opposto.
16. Ecco che ora tu hai visto come perfino i suoni vengono rappresentati
16. Ecco che ora tu hai visto come perfino i suoni vengono rappresentati
per vie indirette all'anima come qualcosa di visibile, quantunque non
come immagini concrete ma tuttavia come forme superiori spirituali
raffigurate da ogni tipo di segni, quali di simili se ne riscontrano sugli
antichi monumenti egiziani. Ed Io credo che quanto è stato mostrato finora
ti riuscirà discretamente chiaro, cosicché non è necessario aggiungerci altro
se non che tutto questo avviene solo in un cervello ben ordinato e incorrotto,
nell’ordinata preparazione che viene from the soul (feelings), and where the brain
tables are written with the first
light, with different shapes souls and spiritual. "
light, with different shapes souls and spiritual. "