Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Port Royale 2 Translation


E 'known to the ancient Egyptians (and others) and guarded,
especially cultivated knowledge on the structure of
human brain. I believe that no human being would
left such marks on earth, if that is not served
leave to posterity the evidence of a knowledge
deeply spiritual. La costruzione delle piramidi, il segno più
evidente di un messaggio per i posteri, ha suscitato le
fantasie di parecchi impostori.
Sicuramente ai giorni nostri, orde di cospirazionisti e
millantatori di ogni sorta, hanno strumentalizzato una
verità imprenscindibile: la mente umana, se non contaminata,
è in grado di sviluppare le giuste facoltà animico spirituali.
Nel Vangelo di Giovanni viene messa alla luce questa

Dal Vangelo di Giovanni

La costituzione del cervello umano
1. (Continua il Signore:) «Ed ora vedremo se saremo in grado di
procurarci un complesso di tabelline del cervello per il vostro più
preciso ammaestramento! Per mezzo di Raffaele noi potremmo certo
farci portare immediatamente qui un paio di teste umane naturali,
e precisamente da Roma, dato che appunto in questo istante
là sono stati decapitati, addirittura sul Campidoglio, due dei peggiori malfattori!
Però simili teste di scellerati ci servirebbero a poco o addirittura
per niente!
2. Bisognerà dunque fare in modo che l'angelo ci procuri invece
quattro selci di materiale adatto, perfettamente white and pure,
taking away from some stream, and with these we will
represent a human brain in the best way
granted by the possibilities of the material. Go then, or Raphael, and bring us here
what we need! "
3. Raffaele then disappeared for about seven seconds, and then suddenly reappeared
and laid on the table before us, or rather
before Me, four pieces of white flint. Two
were larger and two smaller ones, the first two corresponded to the brain
larger front
intended to receive the impressions of the images, the other two smallest rear brain
for sound recording.
4. And when those stones were placed in good order before me, I
I touched them, and they became transparent as a pure rock crystal
. After that I alitai on them, and the masses were divided into
millions of pyramids with four triangular faces, each of which was
consists of three sides or outer surfaces and the surface.
5. The two flints that were on my right brain
depicting the state of perfect order, and the one on my left hand in the brain
been reversed as a result of false education and other negative influences
, as commonly occurs among men.
6. In the latter case, however, was not exclusively
pyramids, but along with a few pyramids appeared
almost all forms, shapes and types stereometric, and this was seen with all the more because I
accuracy, using a new breath, I
ten times enlarged reproductions of the brain that I had before Me, in a way that
astonished eyes of the disciples revealed
now four large clusters of matter representing the brains
arranged in very good order on the table, which in this
purpose, by Raffaele had to be expanded rapidly in
7. I then said, "Well, now you can watch separately and in a manner distinct
all four brain masses.
8. You see, here on the right front brain is the great pyramids of
everything extremely regular, and so did the small rear
brain consists of the same pyramids, only the latter are
three times smaller, yet are large rather than enough for the soul,
to receive the full range of air vibrations.
9. But now look at the two clusters on my left! Here, as
already observed before, turn out the forms very different from their
which do not fit perfectly in any point, and now here, now there
there is a gap which creates all sorts of false reflections as you
opportunity to convince later with the facts. The brain
back, which is similar to the front, it has also its
tables reduced to one third of the size in relation to those in their brain
front. Then see a little '
these forms. "
10. Then she went to see all the brains
artistically represented by the four major flint in the
natural proportions - so far shown only in their form of tables
pyramid - with no division into inner rooms
and without any connection between the brain of tables them.
11. (Lord:) "Behold, when everybody will be made clearer idea can
of this, I then repeated with a breathing, separate rooms in the tables
brain and cause a polar
their conjunction in each room, and the conjunction of the rooms
between them and the front with the rear of the brain, so that in this
how the tables brain of any species may be, are likely to welcome
made of images and signs "
12. Cyrene much struggling to recover from his astonishment
and finally exclaimed: "Ah, now I begin to see some '
clear! The first inhabitants Egypt, who were the first to
edificato le loro scuole in forma di piramide, erano certamente
degli esseri umani dall'anima ancora perfetta, quindi colmi
della luce interiore, e potevano osservare la
struttura organica del loro corpo! A questi primi abitanti
d'Egitto tali forme piramidali devono essere certo state
visibili e riconoscibili come le più importanti per la
conoscenza umana, e ispirandosi a questo concetto essi
hanno scelto questa forma anche nella edificazione
dei loro grandiosi edifici scolastici. Anzi, they have been able to scrutinize
exactly, from top to bottom, the structure of each
pyramid formed by the tables in the brain,
and will then also given internally
each pyramid, they built in proportions very
large the same structure that they had found there
organically in a pyramid formed by the tables in the brain.
13. And that is why a pyramid of this species has in its internal

many and so many corridors and rooms, whereas the
quali anche la persona più savia ed intelligente non può
assolutamente raccapezzarsi, né comprendere di quale utilità
possa essere stata questa o quell'altra cosa! O Signore! Questo
mio giudizio è sì o no ben fondato?»
14. Ed Io rispondo: «Il tuo giudizio è perfettamente vero e buono;

perché veramente era così, e per la stessa ragione gli egiziani
hanno anche fatto dipingere le pareti delle piramidi,
specialmente all'interno, con ogni tipo di segni, di iscrizioni,
and images being represented satisfy
everything a human being in his flesh
must pass on this Earth, and all the struggles that he has to pay and
like to do to recognize themselves and recognize that
true love is the central point of all life. "


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