Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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[BOOK] Andrea Lombardi, I decorated with the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords

last important change for 2010 Editions Effepi
Effepi Edizioni, via Balbi Rainbow No. 7, 16149 Genova
ordering: tel. 338 9195220, E-mail: .


Andrea Lombardi
I Decorate with Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (mit Eichenlaub und Ritterkreuz Schwertern)

The two volumes of the work are all one hundred fifty-nine decorated with the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, one of the highest decorations of the value of the Reich through the bios where it is recounted in detail the their military career and her courageous actions in the battles that saw them protagonists in Kharkov Peiper e nelle Ardenne, Wittmann in Normandia, Baade a Montecassino, Bärenfänger nella testa di ponte del Kuban, Bäke a Cherkassy, Ramcke a Brest, Fritz von Scholz e Felix Steiner a Narva, Lent e Schnaufer nei cieli notturni sulla Germania bombardata, i leggendari duelli aerei di Hartmann, Marseille, Galland…Sono inoltre citate le motivazioni del conferimento della Croce di Cavaliere e dei suoi gradi superiori, e incluso l’elenco completo delle decorazioni e dei riconoscimenti loro conferiti.

Volume 1, 220 pagine, 17x24, ill. b/n
Volume 2, 250 pagine, 17x24, ill. b/n
30,00 Euro a volume


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