Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poptropica How To Sword

Let's meet!

I report with great satisfaction, the letter I wrote to a local newspaper after being taken for a ride by an employee of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine .

On October 7 at 14:30 o'clock I go to 'fuel Office of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine to change data on the card subsidized gasoline. Pick the number that gives me access to the order at the counter: 39. After a few minutes I get " served" in the meantime users increase in a row: there are about a dozen. At the counter there is only one player, even an operator . Unfortunately I do not know the name: In fact, he had no identification tag as maybe provided by law (Civil Service Circular dated 5 August 1989, no 36970/18.3.2). I state that perhaps it would be appropriate to give the possibility to those who work from Monday to Friday to have access to that office on Saturday morning, opening it only maybe twice a month. Instead, workers are forced to ask permission or disturb a family vacation or to delegate this task. Usually no one does like to wait in the queue (not even the doctor ...), much less give up work commitments for operations rather trivial. But there comes the question: Outside of fuel (and inside) is exposed to a sign that invites the audience to fill out forms before entering the counter . What entirely justified, even compared to the other people waiting. I look to the next module, I try to close the door, I ask other people in line, but there is no shadow of a pen . Patience: "To write my personal information as long does it take?", I think. "The wonder at the counter." It's time the number 39: it's my turn! I carry in front of '"operator", a greeting and I kindly ask pen as close to the modules are not there. I replied that I had to go out and make me pay someone. I reply that I had explored this possibility, ma nessuno aveva a disposizione una penna. Lei dice che le penne vengono messe a disposizione ogni mattina e poi magicamente spariscono. Le controbatto dicendo che mi dispiace e, con toni gentili, chiedo se poteva allungarmi la penna che delicatamente stava facendo girare sulle sue dita . La risposta è stata negativa, fa avanzare il display al numero 40 e mi invita a lasciare libero lo sportello. Io eseguo e me ne vado dagli uffici. Ora: visto che la variazione dei dati va effettuata entro 15 giorni, mi recherò presso l’Ufficio carburante solamente quando ne avrò la possibilità senza rinunciare a eventuali altri impegni assunti. E una volta presso l’ufficio, se non troverò una penna a disposizione, me ne tornerò via. And if the change in the data should occur after 15 days, the sanction, if any, the Chamber of Commerce to pay the face to the 'worker' that was made available and has shown great education for me (and people who came before me ). Usually when I go to post offices at the counter there is always the pen : it is linked ! In the Chamber of Commerce have not yet thought about this possibility, so in the budget for the cost of stationery items would be lower ie users do not waste time! And thanks for making me miss an entire afternoon! This
the letter of public apology two days later

Sorry for that episode

The Chamber of Commerce is a public corporation that, with the cooperation of its staff, carries out many activities to assist businesses and citizens. This is the case, too, the fuel card that affects motorists in the province. Normally, every day, the service has all the features of courtesy , of professionalism and 's efficiency. In the reported case, obviously, was not so. A much personally apologize to him. Dr. Silvio
Saints - Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Udine

Friday, October 3, 2008

راشيل الدانا

In Italy ...

I apologize for a few days I have not been on this blog, but other commitments I was hooked. This morning I want to inform those who are not of Udine (and around) the big mess that has happened as a result of the Uefa Cup match between Udinese and Borussia Dortmund . I refer to the order issued by the Mayor of Udine prohibiting the sale and dispensing of alcoholic beverages in the hours preceding the meeting. Personally I do not host nor by the Mayor, nor the part of all those merchants who complain about lost revenue as a result of the order. express only considerations: 1. for a few hours you can live without beer or other spirits 2. the ordinananza could have been avoided if the fans (the most "hot") had arrived with less advance or if the police were present in more massive. Nevertheless the good Germans pissed on shop windows, they bottles stolen ... in short, behave quite differently from Friuli, Udinese who have followed the first leg. Apparently the legend that circulated in Germany who is in Italy can do whatever the fuck he wants ... But it will be a legend or is it the truth?

W ... of others!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Male Erection Visuals

unblocking Pediatric

After a post was born from a need to share the " nuisance" that you try to read some news, now we wish to inform of a project born from the desire of a Roman doctor as well as Red Cross volunteer.
As you will see from the site that Linker, the
Dr. Squicciarini is a person who has always been committed to spreading the techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR + CPR), also referring to pediatric subjects.
From what you can read about him (and who carries on activities outside the medical profession) is nothing short of commendable.
has created a site where it is possible for everyone (not just health care!) To know and learn what are the means of intervention in case of choking in children .

Every year in Italy there are 50 families destroyed by a tragedy without borders: 50 children are killed by suffocation by foreign bodies (27% of accidental deaths data for 2007-SIP Societa 'Italian Association of Paediatrics) does not only for the "foreign body" accidentally taking (rubber balls, ham ham, salad, marshmallows, games etc etc ...), but mainly because ' carers in the first dramatic moments are usually NOT "format" these operations and generate disastrous consequences.

This is perhaps the reason that led the Dr. Squicciarini to engage in this area, perhaps the love of children and knowing how to understand what difficulties may find a parent, a grandparent or a kindergarten teacher in 'to address an urgent problem.

I invite you to visit the Dr. Squicciarini and disseminate the culture of first aid as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (all we can begin heart massage !!!).

Very beautiful are the letters that Dr. Squicciarini received and that he wanted to publish on the site.

Well, what about ... W Dr. Squicciarini!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

South Park Streaming En Francais

Here is another idiot

do I ask how you can do as a buffer to a media that, in my opinion, does not even know what it means to work.
I refer to that young lady whose name is Raffaella Fico (or Pussy ???), of former Big Brother contestant who said :
Auctioning my virginity for a million euro. I want to see if anyone pulls out of this sum for me

But go to hell!

I defy even the most stupid of the sheikhs or good Russian tycoon and President of Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich to pay ONE MILLION EURO (although they are small change ...) and maybe that comes after a fuck 38 seconds!


The news reported on Corriere.it also shows this statement:

I do not know what it means to have sex
But you do not even know what it means work!!

Ridiculous .... Italy cheers again!

Get A Fake Id London Ontario

Killing a woman of 90 years was not enough

I took inspiration from an "authoritative" news (Studio Open!) For this post.
hear the news: KILLED TO 90 YEARS FOR ROBBERY .

then I'll go anywhere and try to understand, read the news. I end up

Gioiosa Jonica
gagged during robbery dies ninety
"... Louise Zito lived alone in a house in the historic center di Gioiosa Jonica. Il cadavere della donna, che era legata ed imbavagliata, è stato trovato a letto. La casa era stata messa a soqquadro dai ladri..."

Ora mi chiedo: ma con che coraggio si può uccidere una vecchietta? Non voglio commentare la notizia ma mi chiedo: se e quando i colpevoli verranno individuati, secondo voi quanti giorni di carcere sconteranno?

Vergogna... W l'Italia .

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mount And Blade How Do I Build A Fort

a dwarf, here's another ... The Decree

Il secondo post del Blog lo vorrei dedicare al Nano più famoso d'Italia: il Ministro Renato Brunetta .
Belle idee, giuste e condivisibili but clearly the media!
I mean it is right to control "his" employees (the public ones), it is right to regulate the public sector employment, it is just cutting spending.
But all civil servants are lazy ? All civil servants are home to a common cold? I think not.
Why, instead, the Prof. Brunetta if not the blame on his predecessors who have not applied the law and regulations have been written?
Brunetta complains of productivity, the public employees who have a second job, absenteeism. Vero, belle parole!
Perchè allora non mette in pratica lo strumento che prevede di premiare chi produce di più e chi sta a casa di meno?
E soprattutto: perchè non applica le stesse regole a tutti quei politici che preferiscono l'inaugurazione della galleria d'arte dell'amico elettore oppure un'apparizione televisiva rispetto alla presenza in Aula al Senato o alla Camera?
Perchè i nostri politici (pagati molto meglio di tutti i dipendenti pubblici) non devono rimanere a casa dalla 8 alle 20 in attesa della visita fiscale? Perchè loro non devono farsi firmar il permesso da Schifani o Fini per le loro assenze?
understand that there will preaches good e. .. Razzola is a bit 'out?!
In this regard, I would shoot a post taken from Free-News.it of 31 July this year:
Albina Perri - with the trade minister earns nonsense. You already knew, but we have had confirmation by opening the site Renato Brunetta, www.innovazionepa.it. The most loved by Italians, in fact, after putting on the virtual marketplace salaries of all its public servants, has also decided to tell her. It is done: € 46,113.60 gross yearly, as per Presidential Decree 748/1070, which are 3842 € per month. For those who have to govern Italy, and not the little factory of San Zeno al Lambro, is not tanto.Il minister, but, honestly there says it all. It is not his only entry, that one. Brunetta, in fact, did not give up the parliamentary chair, along with Bondi and Sacconi, so he is a civil servant from the two hats. Just as what he called a "ball and chain" and who has declared war at the beginning of the mandate. So Brunetta explains his salary a, by the Parliamentary Assembly: "The first voice is fine, what in common parlance is called" salary ", the following per diem and reimbursement: for the expenses of the relationship between elected and electors, incidental expenses for travel, travel abroad and telephone charges. Complete the entries on the check card to order office, social security benefits, including health and transport. " The allowance amounts to € 5,486.58 per month. The allowance to € 4003.11 per month. The sum is reduced to € 206.58 for each day of absence from the sessions of the Assembly of Members in which the proceedings take place with electronic voting. The lump sum reimbursement for the expenses of the relationship between elected and electors is 4,190 € per month. It touches also add to all this phone calls and travel reimbursements. And if you think that Brunetta is also professor of labor economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, e che dal 1999 al 2008 è stato parlamentare europeo, con la pensione e le indennità che ne conseguono, ecco che il pubblico emolumento del ministro prende la forma di un bel gruzzolo.«Il Paese non ne può più di una amministrazione pubblica opaca», aveva detto il ministro qualche tempo fa, lanciando la sua campagna moralizzatrice. «Io voglio considerare la pubblica amministrazione come le società quotate, in cui gli azionisti sono i cittadini, quei sessanta e oltre milioni di italiani chiamati a fare i cani da guardia». E via con le restrizioni: chi ha un impiego pubblico non può averne un altro, altrimenti truffa lo Stato. Adesso il doppio incarico di Brunetta è nero su bianco su Internet. Lo stipendio da ministro sarà misery, all right, but that by "more parliamentary minister" Brunetta makes a good preaching. Berlusconi, before the elections, had promised that none of his ministers have held two seats. And now, what do we do?

And again ... W Italy!

How Many Wings In 40 Pounds Ofchicken Wings

Anti Prostitution

'm starting the blog with one of the hottest topics this week: the draft law on measures against prostitution .
premise, as a human being male, my total support for the good for Silvio chosen as a huge pussy Minister. It 's true, I still understand the function of the Ministry of Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna but is a good Minister.
In my view, also, a bill with such content could be easily borne by the Ministry of the Interior.

"The introduction of the crime of prostitution in public place or place open to the public, regardless of treatment for prostitutes and clients is provided for the arrest of five to fifteen days with a fine from 200 to 3000 € for both those who offer sexual services, both for those who request them.
The measures envisaged aim to remove street prostitution and above a contrastarne lo sfruttamento, tutelando la dignità e i valori della persona umana: "Combattere questo fenomeno non è solo una questione di decoro urbano o di sicurezza – spiega il Ministro Carfagna – La prostituzione fa proliferare tutte le organizzazioni criminali che la sfruttano e che stanno dietro a questa pratica".
Pene più severe dunque per chi organizza o partecipa a un'associazione a delinquere finalizzata allo sfruttamento della prostituzione. Quanto alla prostituzione minorile, verrà punito con il carcere fino a 12 anni e con multe fino a 150mila euro chi sfrutta e gestisce la prostituzione minorile o induce un minore alla pratica; carcere e ammenda anche per chi compie atti sessuali con un minorenne. I minori stranieri in prostitution in Italy will instead be reground to the family of origin or to the responsible authorities of their country of origin ".

It 's true street prostitution is almost always controlled by criminal organizations that require women to sell (I would say sell out) his body on the street, to suffer violence and blackmail of any kind. And behind the criminal organizations are hidden people (!?) unscrupulous. So it's a problem of security, public order, health and hygiene.

But I wonder: given that prostitution in public places or open to the public will be an offense if the Bill were to pass, why do not regulate prostutuzione outside of these areas?
What are the "Miss" that give away spontaneously in the apartments? How many girls (also Italian) and even young people have decided themselves to do a lot of money quickly and doing the oldest profession in the world?
Well, then why do not regulate definitely prostitution as in other European countries where the whores pay their taxes and are subject to regular medical examinations?

Why not let those who want to have sex for a fee (and get paid to have sex) will not be done in full legality, paying taxes like any other citizen who works?

I invite you to read a publication dell'AssoEdilizia "
Valore oltre mercato del canone di locazione immobiliare: indice di sfruttamento della prostituzione o pericolosa presunzione ".
Perchè, se avessi un immobile da affittare, non lo posso cedere ad una o più signorine affinchè esercitino liberamente e in modo controllato la loro attività?
Perchè in Italia dobbiamo fare sempre le cose a metà e dimostrare di essere moralisti?
Quanti dei Signori Parlamentari che voteranno la legge vanno regolarmente a puttane negli hotel negli appartamenti di tutta Italia?

W l'Italia!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Creatine And Enlarging The Heart

Comunicato stampa
Lo start è partito…del 1° GreenRally dei Lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO

Angera, August 1, 2008 The 1st

GreenRally Lakes Maggiore Orta VCO, has finally begun.

Tomorrow from 10:00 to 20:00 on the start of technical inspections and testing of sports teams in the town of Omegna, Sunday, August 3, 2008, starting at 10:01 of the first competitor from the Town Hall Omegnese.
many tensions began to be felt among the crew ... in constant search of the best strategy for victory.
the field, we will compete against 30 teams including over 10 from Switzerland.
This first edition of the lakes GreenRally find some teams that also participated in other GreenRally 2008 of two tests, such as the Race Team Bio Concept, EcoVel Club or Restaurant Ballotta that will be presented with a brand new Ferrari 355 to biotanolo. In the basin of the lakes
parade lines in different colors and unusual shapes for those accustomed to frequent racing.
landscapes, breathtaking views and lots of fun to accompany the crew during the race and sprint will be adding more secret timed special stages.
long wait for the testimonial of honor 'event, "Bebo" Bonomi, Olympic and world champion in the specialty kayak.

GreenRally Sara Gussoni Press Office Tel 348-5735473
Stampa Comune di Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Summer Wild Flowers Wedding

1, GreenRally Lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO
on the top step of the podium, the crew Swiss Foley / Foley Team Ecovelclub Peugeut 106 on electricity.

Angera, August 4, 2008.

It was concluded on 1 GreenRally of Lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO.
The top step of the podium for the crew consists of Ticino and Tiziana Mark Foley aboard a Peugeot 106 electric.
A thrilling and exciting race of all, to fight until the last minute.
A challenge on the race, crews from all over Italy and nearby Switzerland; a pleasant note the presence of two crews female. Also present at the start
Testimonial, "Bebo" Bonomi, Olympic and world champion in the specialty kayak.
Several crew members residing in the province of the VCO: Corby / Songa on a Mes Dea Twingo electricity, Road / Street on the Fiat Grande Punto Abarth LPG, Vittoni / Cannistraro Volkswagen Golf on LPG and Reina / Cagnoli on a Citroen Xantia LPG .
A great race divided into two distinct paths for electric vehicles and those engines.
crews on their way, in complete respect for the environment were able to admire many landscapes, from mountains to the lake areas to end up back at the lake areas. Big applause
throughout the organization and the promoter of the event Robert Foglia, able to organize this year's spectacular and fun competitions like this and to raise public awareness through these events, promoting alternative energy vehicles, demonstrates their adaptability to the already existing ' daily use.
full satisfaction, so the awards by the authorities present: Mayor of the City of Omega, the patron of 'event, Antonio Quaretta, Councillors, sport Mattia Corbetta, Luigi Songa public works, civil defense Stephen Street.
Also important is the presence of the Province of the VCO, other Institution Patron of the event, in persona dell’Assessore all’ambiente Gianni Desanti, che in occasione della premiazione, ha ribadito l’iniziativa per “La limitazione del traffico inquinante in Provincia”.
Al termine delle premiazioni il promoter dell’evento ha dato appuntamento alla 2° edizione del GreenRally dei Laghi Maggiore Orta e VCO 2009 ed ha ringraziato tutte le persone che hanno contribuito alla buona riuscita della manifestazione.

Ufficio Stampa GreenRally Sara Gussoni Tel 348-5735473
Ufficio Stampa Comune di Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Wording On Wedding Response Cards About Allergies

Comunicato Stampa

Al via il “1° GreenRally dei Laghi Maggiore Orta e VCO”.

Angera 29 luglio 2008

Pochi giorni alla partenza della 1° edizione del GreenRally dei Laghi Maggiore Orta e Vco.

Sabato 2 agosto 2008, gli equipaggi si incontreranno nella città di Omegna per le verifiche sportive e tecniche dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 20.00 circa.
Domenica 3 agosto 2008 alle ore 10.01 il primo concorrente prenderà il via dal Palazzo Comunale della cittadina di Omegna sulle rive del Lago d’Orta.

The race promises to be very exciting to challenge where we will see not only Italian teams, but also those from neighboring Switzerland. Competitors must follow the normal rules of the road while competing in a trial that will reward the crew that has been more regular during the whole event. For the overall rankings
adding the results of regularity race and test power consumption.

Among the crew at the start include the presence of Councillors and Corby Street, the city of Omega, which challenges than driving a Twingo Mes Dea supply the first and the second will be the navigator on board di una fiammante Fiat Grande Punto Abarth.
Altro motivo d’interesse la presenza dei primi 5 equipaggi in testa alla classifica di Coppa del Mondo FIA.
Dopo i successi Olimpici, anche il testimonial della manifestazione “Bebo” Bonomi, sarà alla partenza della gara alla guida di una vettura elettrica.

I concorrenti attraverseranno la Provincia del VCO lambendo tutti gli specchi d’acqua che vi si affacciano; paesaggi suggestivi e colpi d’occhio mozzafiato. Questo è uno degli ingredienti che identifica i GreenRally.

I comuni interessati alla manifestazione sono: Omegna, Armeno, Gignese, Stresa, Baveno, Mergozzo, Vogogna, Piedimulera, Pieve Vergonte, Villadossola, Antrona S., Ornavasso Gravellona Toce, Casale Corte Cerro, Quarna Quarna Above and Below.

Program: 09:00
of hours pilots Briefing / Race Director
09:30 HOURS HOURS Open season starting
first competitor
10:01 Departure 18:31 Arrival of hours theoretical first competitor
19:30 HOURS Publication charts
HOURS 19:45 Award Ceremony and presentation of the draft Environment Councillor of the Province of Verbano Cusio Ossolla "Restricting traffic pollution in the Province"
Press GreenRally Sara Gussoni
Tel 348-5735473 Press Office City of Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Monday, July 21, 2008

25661 Fake Identification

press conference July 8, 2008 City Omegna

1 GreenRally Lakes Maggiore Orta VCO

submissions open until July 18, 2008. The race will be held in the basin of Lake Maggiore Orta VCO 2 and 3 August 2008.
Omegna July 8, 2008. After the success of the two GreenRally in Turin and in Abano Terme, a triptych concludes 2:03 August 1 GreenRally lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO.
The city of Omega, the province of Verbano Cusio Ossola, the municipality of Mergozzo, the municipality of Quarna Above and the Lake District are the partners that joined with enthusiasm in this first edition.
The active collaboration with the Aci VCO, and want to meant to demonstrate continuity between the races today and those of the future.
The teams will compete in the area surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of lakes, encountering along the way many views.
The race will start at 9.30 am from the town hall of the city of Omegna, the first town in the territory to host a sporting event that promotes alternative energy vehicles.
The competition will consist of a regularity race and Energy Consumption Test on normal roads open to traffic, the markings will cover all electric vehicles, hybrids, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol purpose of promotion and development of efficient vehicles environmental impact.
dimostare This event aims to the public the performance and suitability for everyday use of alternative energy vehicles, trying to raise awareness for a noble cause. In addition, this will be an opportunity by the Province of VCO to showcase the project "Initiative traffic restrictions.
Beniamino Bonomi, Olympic and world champion in kayaking, will be the testimonial of 1 GreenRally lakes Maggiore and Orta VCO.

GreenRally Sara Gussoni Press Office Press Office Tel 348-5735473
City Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Is Xanax Safe To Take When U Have A Concussion

English Localiczation Mw2


Beniamino Bonomi for all Bebo, is an Olympic and world champion in the specialty kayak. He started as a child to paddle on Lake Maggiore, the Rowing Club of Intra, up to ride the Olympic waters for the first time in Seoul in 1988 where he was the youngest finalist. Gets the first international result at the World Championships in Paris in 1991. After taking part in Barcelona 1992 and Atlanta 1996 in 2000 in Sydney won the top step of the podium in the K2 1000 m, and 2004 Athens gets the silver medal over 1000m. No longer count the many wins that gets to the national and international competitions in which it participates. Won a gold at the World Championships in Duisburg in 1995 and as many as 6 silver. In 1997 he became European Champion. Also with regard to the Italian titles no longer knows where to put the many medals that he won from time to time on both single and double boat and the various distances.
Bebo is a true sportsman who trains hard enduring many sacrifices. He came to the canoe for the first time in 8 years and started competing at 10. As a teenager thanks to his skills as a canoeist was recruited by the Group of Flames Yellow Boat. For him the sport means hard work, commitment and persistence to achieve maximum results and cheer on the podium. Practice the sport of canoe is for him the realization of a dream he had as a child and is committed to achieve the best. Participation in the Olympics is the culmination of his sporting career. The most exciting moment for him is to get on the podium after battling throughout the race.

Jerome Shostak Vocabulary Answers


1 GreenRally Lakes Maggiore Orta VCO

Omegna, July 2, 2008

After the success of the two GreenRally in Turin and in Abano Terme, the challenge for competition vehicles alternative energy, conceived and promoted by Robert Leaf, concludes 2:03 August 1 GreenRally Lakes Maggiore Orta VCO.

It promises an exciting race that will take place on 2 and 3 August the streets of the VCO, where vehicles powered by alternative energy sources will challenge the streets of the lakes' Orta, Mergozzo and Lake Maggiore, and then climb up the valley Antrona .
The event will start from City Hall in the town of Omegna on the shores of Lake Orta, and then climb up the hill Mottarone, falling back along the Lake Maggiore, even before reaching the valley Antrona. The crews will face the ultimate test Quarna reaching above and then finish the race back to Omega, where competitors will be welcomed by the authorities who made this possible the changeover in their territories.

GreenRally The idea that moves is the creation of true competitive races between vehicles for demonstrating to the public that they are performing as well as the current means and suitable for everyday use as a viable alternative to vehicles powered by fuels currently trade. Not to mention that these vehicles are low-or no for the electrical, environmental impact.

The event takes place on roads open to traffic, following a specific route indicated by the organizer that competitors have to strictly follow.
Crews will support tests of regularity, along stretches of strada in un dato tempo imposto e mantenendo una data media oraria. Con cronometro alla mano cercheranno di spaccare il centesimo di secondo.
Saranno messi a dura prova anche dal test di consumo, qui sta nell’abilità del pilota riuscire a ottenere i tempi migliori abbattendo maggiormente i consumi.
Lungo il percorso sono previsti dei punti di controllo per verificare il rispetto del percorso indicato dal Road book.
Al termine della gara saranno stilate due classifiche. Quella di consumo e quella di regolarità che saranno poi assemblate per ottenere la classifica finale valida all’ottenimento dei punti per il Titolo FIA Energie Alternative.

Al 1° GreenRally dei laghi Maggiore Orta e VCO possono partecipare tutti i veicoli which are powered by environmentally-friendly fuels, and electric, hybrid, or mono fuel bifuel powered by gaseous or liquid fuels such as LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel and bioethanol.
Entries are open to tender by June 15 the entry form and regulations of the competitions can be downloaded from the website www.greenrally.it .
E 'also provided a large participation of foreign crews, mainly from neighboring Switzerland, with their vehicles powered by electricity only.

To raise public awareness on the respect for nature was matched to GreenRally a photo contest with the theme "Alternative energy move the environment. " All you can participate by submitting their own photographs, which are then displayed in an exhibition on 2 and 3 August in the premises of the City of Omegna.

GreenRally Sara Gussoni Press Office Press Office Tel 348-5735473
City Omegna Maria Teresa Masiello Tel.0323/868419

Friday, June 13, 2008

Pratham And Gauri Fight In Kutumb


The link between the brain front and rear

1. (Continued on the Lord:) "But behold, now I breathed again
on these four masses in the brain, and then you will have the opportunity to see something similar to
obelisks (spiky columns) that rise to
two at front each Egyptian pyramid. Certainly these
columns were intended by the Egyptians for a purpose different from that of
columns that are two and two before
each side of the brain pyramids, obelisks placed it in front of the pyramids showed
simply that the wisdom
was to be found inside the pyramids, for this course
was allowed access only to a person of proven purity.
2. The two small obelisks, instead, placed in front of each of the pyramids brain
times table, so that each pyramid is
so to have eight, are the pencils through which, in
result of the movement made to them by the appropriate nerves of the brain
that are connected by a supremely talented
a mechanical-organic nerves
those with vision or hearing, the tables are covered in an order
particular, of characters or other images of spiritual
3. But now devoted particular attention to what your
that follow, we now fill these pencils a sap,
and begin to consider first the brain in order!
Here, I want the tables of this brain are thoroughly covered
first character in a completely
ordered, as if this was the feeling, both as regards
the view that the hearing!
4. Then all struggled to fix their gaze and focus
the most of our attention on these artificial brains,
and were waiting for what would follow. Certainly, in this case I had to
give rise to images from the raw material light,
because the light of the soul, since the
My disciples looked with the eyes of their flesh, it is not nothing he could do
. But what these observers saw attentive?
5. They saw how those from the ends of pencils on the tables spill
pyramids brain a lot of stars in color
reddish and bluish, and precisely in order that those who had been
has a very keen sight could see as with
those countless stars were formed on all types of tables
meravigliosissime tiny images.
6. Of course, for those moments I made so that the eyes of observers
purchasing for some time the strength of magnification
a good microscope, which in that case was very necessary, since otherwise
observers would not seen much of
wonderful images and shapes of light, or would have been sufficient for this purpose
enlargement to ten times the pyramids brain first!
But since now they could see the tables
brain magnified a hundredfold, were can already see many things.
7. I then asked what he saw in Cyrene. And he
replied, "Oh, Lord! A marvel after another! From small obelisks
places before the pyramids of the brain, constantly stirring and made
many bodies that cross in each direction throughout their length ,
gush incessantly a large number of stars in red and blue light
. The pairs of sticks, almost like an insect's antennae are in
continuous activity on each of the four faces of the pyramids and work without
break with their tops that scatter sparks here and there on
their triangular faces with great swiftness, and sprinkle
latter of stars. Sure you might think that all this work
around the triangular faces of the pyramids, apparently
meaningless and random as it should not be a
amount of scribbles, but instead are composed almost automatically
regular figures of each species which provide much
delight the eye.
8. Well, now I'm watching as the two sticks replaces
absolute quiet when a triangular area is completely covered
signs. But really is hardly credible
that all these signs and these tiny images in number a thousand times a thousand
have been able to come drawn by the two pencils
living on such a triangular table in that short time!
The forms are however some very small, although a
table of this species we see it as tall as a man of great stature
, but these pictures and signs are so small
clear that something more clear and not perfect you could imagine.
9. But because the brain back on their multiplication tables completely
similar to the front brain, you can not see
any of those little pictures? I can not find that the dashes, and other points of
hooked signs that mean I would not know what they want!
What explanation could be given for this phenomenon? "
10. I replied:" These are all signs of the word, but
them, where they are, they're not isolated in itself, but instead are always in a
state of union with the polar surface of one of the tables
triangular front of the brain, and sound or recorded on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hind brain
times table by lines, dots and other symbols to
hook is posted nello stesso istante pure sulla corrispondente
faccia della piramide del cervello anteriore, di solito
quella inferiore che forma la base della piramide, come una minuscola
immagine corrispondente al suono o all'idea, e così questa viene
rappresentata all’anima per un riconoscimento più agevole.
11. Per ottenere questo effetto, deve venire tesa una quantità di
filamenti nervei da ciascuna piramide cerebrale dell'occipite a ciascuna
piramide del capo anteriore, altrimenti nessuno potrebbe raffigurarsi in
maniera chiara un concetto appreso, o una cosa, oppure un'azione
descritta con parole.
12. The inarticulate sounds and so does the music not recorded;
therefore also no one can represent any image or
something on the basis of a sound, or harmony or melody. In fact, as
said, similar sounds are not recorded on the tables of the brain
head front, but will forever remain only on the corresponding
occiput faces of the pyramids in the form of lines, dots and other shapes
13. In return, the faces of the pyramids occiput,
marked only at the sound, through the nerves branch off the spinal cord until
ai nervi della bocca dello stomaco (gangli), e da questi
fino al cuore; ecco perché la musica, sempre che sia del tutto pura,
esercita un’influenza principalmente soltanto sull'animo, lo domina e non
di rado lo intenerisce e lo rende sensibilissimo.
14. Ma uscendo e salendo dall’animo, i suoni possono tuttavia essere
disegnati come forme sulle tabelline del cervello mediante la luce
dell’amore, come appunto avviene attraverso le stelline sprizzanti da
due piccoli obelischi. E allora i suoni non di rado sono per l’anima dei veri
segnali indicatori verso i grandi padiglioni vitali dello spirito. E per questa
reason music straight and totally pure can be of great help to unite the soul

completely with your spirit! And so we learn and teach the music, as long as pure as the Colt
one day David!
15. That a very pure music has this power, you can
noted by the fact that, if gathered in a given place
enemies and friends and make a pure music resonate in the midst of them, you'll see that very soon instead of enemies
before you will be solely with the affable
friends. Certainly, a similar effect can only get the music
that is completely pure, impure music e rozza ottiene invece addirittura
l'effetto opposto.
16. Ecco che ora tu hai visto come perfino i suoni vengono rappresentati
per vie indirette all'anima come qualcosa di visibile, quantunque non
come immagini concrete ma tuttavia come forme superiori spirituali
raffigurate da ogni tipo di segni, quali di simili se ne riscontrano sugli
antichi monumenti egiziani. Ed Io credo che quanto è stato mostrato finora
ti riuscirà discretamente chiaro, cosicché non è necessario aggiungerci altro
se non che tutto questo avviene solo in un cervello ben ordinato e incorrotto,
nell’ordinata preparazione che viene from the soul (feelings), and where the brain
tables are written with the first
light, with different shapes souls and spiritual. "

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Port Royale 2 Translation


E 'known to the ancient Egyptians (and others) and guarded,
especially cultivated knowledge on the structure of
human brain. I believe that no human being would
left such marks on earth, if that is not served
leave to posterity the evidence of a knowledge
deeply spiritual. La costruzione delle piramidi, il segno più
evidente di un messaggio per i posteri, ha suscitato le
fantasie di parecchi impostori.
Sicuramente ai giorni nostri, orde di cospirazionisti e
millantatori di ogni sorta, hanno strumentalizzato una
verità imprenscindibile: la mente umana, se non contaminata,
è in grado di sviluppare le giuste facoltà animico spirituali.
Nel Vangelo di Giovanni viene messa alla luce questa

Dal Vangelo di Giovanni

La costituzione del cervello umano
1. (Continua il Signore:) «Ed ora vedremo se saremo in grado di
procurarci un complesso di tabelline del cervello per il vostro più
preciso ammaestramento! Per mezzo di Raffaele noi potremmo certo
farci portare immediatamente qui un paio di teste umane naturali,
e precisamente da Roma, dato che appunto in questo istante
là sono stati decapitati, addirittura sul Campidoglio, due dei peggiori malfattori!
Però simili teste di scellerati ci servirebbero a poco o addirittura
per niente!
2. Bisognerà dunque fare in modo che l'angelo ci procuri invece
quattro selci di materiale adatto, perfettamente white and pure,
taking away from some stream, and with these we will
represent a human brain in the best way
granted by the possibilities of the material. Go then, or Raphael, and bring us here
what we need! "
3. Raffaele then disappeared for about seven seconds, and then suddenly reappeared
and laid on the table before us, or rather
before Me, four pieces of white flint. Two
were larger and two smaller ones, the first two corresponded to the brain
larger front
intended to receive the impressions of the images, the other two smallest rear brain
for sound recording.
4. And when those stones were placed in good order before me, I
I touched them, and they became transparent as a pure rock crystal
. After that I alitai on them, and the masses were divided into
millions of pyramids with four triangular faces, each of which was
consists of three sides or outer surfaces and the surface.
5. The two flints that were on my right brain
depicting the state of perfect order, and the one on my left hand in the brain
been reversed as a result of false education and other negative influences
, as commonly occurs among men.
6. In the latter case, however, was not exclusively
pyramids, but along with a few pyramids appeared
almost all forms, shapes and types stereometric, and this was seen with all the more because I
accuracy, using a new breath, I
ten times enlarged reproductions of the brain that I had before Me, in a way that
astonished eyes of the disciples revealed
now four large clusters of matter representing the brains
arranged in very good order on the table, which in this
purpose, by Raffaele had to be expanded rapidly in
7. I then said, "Well, now you can watch separately and in a manner distinct
all four brain masses.
8. You see, here on the right front brain is the great pyramids of
everything extremely regular, and so did the small rear
brain consists of the same pyramids, only the latter are
three times smaller, yet are large rather than enough for the soul,
to receive the full range of air vibrations.
9. But now look at the two clusters on my left! Here, as
already observed before, turn out the forms very different from their
which do not fit perfectly in any point, and now here, now there
there is a gap which creates all sorts of false reflections as you
opportunity to convince later with the facts. The brain
back, which is similar to the front, it has also its
tables reduced to one third of the size in relation to those in their brain
front. Then see a little '
these forms. "
10. Then she went to see all the brains
artistically represented by the four major flint in the
natural proportions - so far shown only in their form of tables
pyramid - with no division into inner rooms
and without any connection between the brain of tables them.
11. (Lord:) "Behold, when everybody will be made clearer idea can
of this, I then repeated with a breathing, separate rooms in the tables
brain and cause a polar
their conjunction in each room, and the conjunction of the rooms
between them and the front with the rear of the brain, so that in this
how the tables brain of any species may be, are likely to welcome
made of images and signs "
12. Cyrene much struggling to recover from his astonishment
and finally exclaimed: "Ah, now I begin to see some '
clear! The first inhabitants Egypt, who were the first to
edificato le loro scuole in forma di piramide, erano certamente
degli esseri umani dall'anima ancora perfetta, quindi colmi
della luce interiore, e potevano osservare la
struttura organica del loro corpo! A questi primi abitanti
d'Egitto tali forme piramidali devono essere certo state
visibili e riconoscibili come le più importanti per la
conoscenza umana, e ispirandosi a questo concetto essi
hanno scelto questa forma anche nella edificazione
dei loro grandiosi edifici scolastici. Anzi, they have been able to scrutinize
exactly, from top to bottom, the structure of each
pyramid formed by the tables in the brain,
and will then also given internally
each pyramid, they built in proportions very
large the same structure that they had found there
organically in a pyramid formed by the tables in the brain.
13. And that is why a pyramid of this species has in its internal

many and so many corridors and rooms, whereas the
quali anche la persona più savia ed intelligente non può
assolutamente raccapezzarsi, né comprendere di quale utilità
possa essere stata questa o quell'altra cosa! O Signore! Questo
mio giudizio è sì o no ben fondato?»
14. Ed Io rispondo: «Il tuo giudizio è perfettamente vero e buono;

perché veramente era così, e per la stessa ragione gli egiziani
hanno anche fatto dipingere le pareti delle piramidi,
specialmente all'interno, con ogni tipo di segni, di iscrizioni,
and images being represented satisfy
everything a human being in his flesh
must pass on this Earth, and all the struggles that he has to pay and
like to do to recognize themselves and recognize that
true love is the central point of all life. "

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Were To Buy Microchet Hair Extensions


Here is the story of a professor of history
eyewitness of the fighting last night in front of the landfill Chiaiano
"So I saw the police beating unleashed
women and elderly people "

" I had the distinct sensazaione that everything was preordained. A charge not substantiated
People had their arms high, as the clocks for tearing them down "

NAPLES - From Professor Elisa Di Guida, a professor of history and philosophy in a high school in Naples, we receive this witness yesterday's clashes Chiaiano evening: "I was born in that area - he told us by phone - but I do not live there anymore for some time. But I feel connected to these people and this ugly story. So yesterday evening I was there and I saw terrible things. I had the feeling that everything was prepared, which the police have charged suddenly without a reason, a spark. So I decided to try to write what I saw. "

Here is the story of a guide professoeressa

" Give me voice and space in newspapers tomorrow because you do not read what happened. You read that protesters Chiaiano have been in contact with the police. But I was there. And the story is another. "

" At 8:20 p.m. at least 100 people, including policemen, police and financial police have charged the defenseless people. In the front row not only men but women of all ages and the elderly. Citizens tough but civil - before my eyes I still see their hands in the air - which, in extreme stretch of Via Santa Maria a Cubit, a garrison intersection. Between 19.05 and 20.20 the two sides have just encountered. Then the police, in riot gear, began to load. The scene seemed surreal to watch them from above, the police seemed to only go forward. Who was on the street has appreciated the technique. Kick in the shins, the knees with the shock and the extreme low of the club. The best pulled watches or bracelets. Thus, in a vain attempt to recover them, there were those who lowered his hands and was dragged to the ground by the wrists. Their advance has not spared anyone. I was struck particularly violence against women, many of whom were pushed to the ground, scratched, Stratton. Behind the plastic of the helmets, I remain in memory's eye indifferenti, senza battiti di ciglia dei poliziotti. Quando sono scappata, più per la sorpresa che per la paura, trascinavano via due giovani uomini mentre tante donne erano sull'asfalto, livide di paura e rannicchiate. La gente urlava ma non rispondeva alla violenza, inveiva - invece - contro i giornalisti, al sicuro sul balcone di una pizzeria, impegnati nel fotografare".

"Chiusa ogni via di accesso, alle 21, le camionette erano già almeno venti. Ma la gente di Chiaiano non se ne era andata. Alle 21.30, oltre 1000 persone erano ancora in strada. La storia è questa. Datemi voce e spazio. Perché si sappia quello che è accaduto. Lo stato di polizia e l'atmosfera violenta di questa sera somigliano troppo to those of totalitarian regimes. Just what story with horror to my students during the lessons of history. "

Elisa Di Guida (Professor of History and Philosophy - Napoli)

Secondary School In Singapore In The 1970s 1980s



The current fee for the way deprives me of the bread.
and steals my food.
This fee is a robbery. existing taxes,
are not in line with reality. I can steal
to buy goods with money that I could get
that I use for the payment of taxes.
of Gilberte Côté-Mercier

Taxes presenti sono una rapina. Le attuali tasse
devono essere abolite. Avete sentito i "White berretts"
ripetere queste due frasi molte volte. Si potrebbe credere
che sia pura propaganda, uno slogan utilizzato per
colpire l'immaginazione! Un uomo d'affari ci è venuto a
trovare al "Michael" Office; egli ci ha detto prima di
lasciare la nostra casa: "Sono molto felice di essere
venuto qui. Ho imparato qualcosa che non sapevo:
che le tasse attuali sono veramente una rapina
, che
devono sparire e possono sparire. Ho pensato che il vostro
poster esprimesseso uno slogan. Ma ora mi rendo conto che si tratta
di una verità basata su solide argomentazioni ".
A young student of the 'University of Ottawa,
attended one of our meetings.
He said he was happy to finally understand how the works could be financed without public
imposed by
a provincial system of credit, and such as withdrawal and
issue of money should be made by a Social Credit financial system
. taxes are current a robbery.
repeat it with conviction and tenacity until
not be abolished. This is the
ruin of our families and society
. The income tax, with its intolerable
implications, is a nightmare for everyone.
The property taxes and income taxes that increase
constantly chase families from their homes, farms or businesses
wresting from the hands of those who have built
. The Pension Board,
another tax disguised under a false name, adds to the already intolerable tax burden
. This legalized robbery is still rising . This is a robbery carried out by the law itself - the government,
that first of all is supposed to be the protector of all
people against the invaders, thieves and others.
All these fees should disappear immediately. The more intelligent systems
our governments are not merely useless remedies
as long as the current tax system will not be abolished.
Our government acts as patron of thieves.
are their faithful lackeys .


these taxes are robbery. To understand this,
proceed with questions and answers.

D. - Why are the taxes?
A. - To pay for public services, roads, fire brigade
, etc..

D. - With what roads are built?
A. - With tangible goods, such as sand, cement, etc., and with the work.

D. - How do they live for the men who build the road?
A. - Through tangible goods such as bread,
housing, etc.

D. - What is required for the production of material goods?
A. - It takes other material goods and labor.
There are public services such as roads, which require goods
materials and labor. There are personal, like bread, which
material goods and labor markets. Public services and private
two sectors, public and private sectors. These two areas need
material goods and labor markets. The population has
money, purchasing power to buy the services of
both sectors, public and private, the road and
daily bread.

D. - And what are the fees?
A. - This is una parte del denaro della popolazione
sottratto quindi dal settore privato per passare al settore
pubblico, sottratto dal pane quotidiano per passare alla
strada. Il governo vuole ridurmi senza pane, in modo da poter
pagare per la strada.

D. - Ma è necessario che io resti senza pane, in modo da
poter pagare per la costruzione della strada?
A. - Niente affatto. Ci sarà sempre pane a sufficenza per
la vendita, se costruiamo una strada; sia durante la costruzione
della strada che dopo la sua costruzione. Quindi, non vi è
alcun motivo per me di restare senza il pane fino a che il
fornaio non ne cambierà la quantità prodotta o non ne diminuirà
production. If it was the baker have to build the road, I might lose my
baker and my bread. But no, the
baker to bake bread. So why should I
be without bread? The tax payable for the road
deprives me of the bread. This fee is a robbery. It steals my food.
long as the production of the private sector continues to
same pace, the government must not take a single cent
out of my pocket to pay for the production of the public sector.
I keep all my purchasing power for goods and services
private, that private services are not reduced.
The construction of the road, not reduce them. On the contrary,
the construction of the road is good for business, and
also involves an increase in production of the private sector. If the baker
stopped baking bread because it is a road to be built
, then it may be a charge for
take away my power to buy bread and use it to pay
the road. But taxes today, which deprives me of
wealth, are not in line with reality. They are illegal. sitratta a robbery.
I steal personal property that could be had with money
I have to pay for taxes.


D. - But then, how you want che il governo riesca pagare per
la sua strada?
A. - Il governo deve pagare per la sua strada con la nuova
moneta, creata da un Ufficio del Credito, nello stesso momento
in cui la strada viene costruita. Gli ingegneri ed i lavoratori
costruiscono la strada. I finanziatori devono creare il credito,
il denaro da pagare per la strada, affinché venga costruita.
Devonoc reare tanto denaro quanto richiesto. Nuovissimo denaro,
in quanto si tratta di una nuova strada. Denaro preso da nessuna
parte, né dalle tasche dei contribuenti né altrove. Denaro
appositamente creato per la strada. Per una nuova produzione,
nuovo denaro . Come si può vedere, la strada
non è pagata con le tasse, ma con il nuovo credito, in quanto
il credito è denaro.

D. - Sì, ma se l'Ufficio di Credito quindi crea sempre nuovi
soldi per tutti i servizi pubblici, ci saranno un sacco di
soldi nuovi! Questo non provocherà inflazione?
A. - L'Ufficio di Credito deve creare denaro per la produzione
che è stata fatta, e distruggere i soldi per il consumo ed
il logorio. Questo Ufficio Nazionale di Credito mantiene i conti
nazionali. Mantiene i conti della produzione e del consumo,
che è costituito dall'uso dei beni materiali e dalla manodopera,
e dall'usura delle cose. L'Ufficio di credito crea denaro per la
produzione e lo distrugge per il consumo. Lo crea affinché
la produzione sia effettuata, e lo distrugge appena la produzione
è consumata. In questo modo, vi è un costante equilibrio tra i prezzi
dei beni ed il potere d'acquisto. Con questo equilibrio, gli
individui sono dotati di tutti i soldi necessari per pagare per
tutti i servizi pubblici e privati.

D. - Lei intende che l'Ufficio di Credito deve creare anche
i soldi per la produzione privata?
A. - La maggior parte sicuramente. L'Ufficio di Credito deve
creare il denaro pertutte le produzioni , pubbliche e private.
Il denaro creato per la produzione privata è distribuito agli
individui attraverso three channels:
interest-free financing for private companies, the discount price, as buyers,
and dividends to all citizens. The money created for the public
production is entrusted to the government for public services.
This is the way to abolish taxes. Also disappear
majority of the charges, the part that is currently used
to pay interest on public loans, and therefore the
debt. The national debt would no longer exist and, consequently
, there will be no need to use debt.
taxes will be lowered accordingly.

D. - But, then, means that there are still some
fees payable?
A. - Services such as refuse collection and the firefighters will still
paid by taxpayers. But the credit bureaus must
distribute to people all the money needed to pay
all public and private services. The services must be paid with money
. Money is an accounting system. The accounts
must never fail in respect of the services offered. There are
firefighters, men who are ready to put out the fire
. The riches are our firefighters.
real wealth, real wealth. The Office of the credit must include in its accounts
real wealth represented by our firefighters. E l'Ufficio del Credito deve assicurarsi
che la popolazione abbia il denaro per pagare i vigili del fuoco.
Lo stesso per il settore privato. C'è tanto burro per la vendita
come quanto la polazione è in grado di consumare. Il burro è la
vera ricchezza, la ricchezza reale. La ricchezza finanziaria,
il denaro-ricchezza, è solo contabilità
L'Ufficio Nazionale del credito deve assicurarsi che le persone
non abbiano la mancanza di denaro per pagare il burro.
Il ruolo svolto dall'Ufficio del Credito è di fornire di denaro
per il paese, così come gli agricoltori devono rifornire di prodotti
alimentari il paese. Oggi, l'Ufficio del Credito is not a nationalized
office, but a private office. These banks,
that exist for the profit of the bankers, instead of a real
its Office of Loans and well managed, that there should be
for the entire population. There should be a provincial office
Credit: A credit bureau of Quebec, an Ontario Credit Bureau

D. - Then we must have a National or a Provincial
Ufficiodel Credit!
R. - Sure. Without a National Bureau of Credit, is anarchy
in the monetary system, in our family budget and budgets of governments
. Taxes are a robbery. The entire financial system
current is a robbery from A to Z

Gilberte Cote-Mercier
Translation Biopresto


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Women Wrestling In Girdles


Berlusconi Prime Minister?

Come on do not tell me you believe it! Berlusconi and his ability not

deal that could (as just shown)

marketing and communications on behalf of the band of ministers who improvised

us (we) are (not me of course) or on their own.

Moreover, even Berlusconi himself said that the only irreplaceable

in his government is Gianni Letta.

Yes, it is Gianni Letta, the real chairman of the board, without

which Berlusconi would not even piss without which no

You would not even married (but seeing as it turned out. ..).

Marriage Gianni Letta was born from ancient times.

In 1987 Berlusconi in fact, admired by his journalistic

managerial skills, provides the managerial responsibilities at Fininvest.

comes even to propose it as President of the Republic, but

Napolitano was elected.

Their marriage is indissoluble, and Berlusconi is shown not to be able

do without, since it is always read

appointed Secretary to the Prime Minister.

In 2007, a case that highlights several aspects

about Gianni Letta.

is finally consecrated in cheek finance??

Consultant to Goldman Sachs??

Goldman expects from him a "strategic advice on opportunities

of business development, with a particular focus on Italy."

remember what Goldman Sachs.

"Goldman Sachs is one of the largest and most established banks

of world affairs, based in New York and has offices in

major capitals of the globe, which has become the protagonist in the years

for advice, management restructuring, mergers and acquisitions

corporate investments in commodities, derivatives and risk action,

administration of investment funds and social security "

So the perpetual dynasty: after Monti Draghi, Prodi here

yet another vassal of pro-American government. The Italian aircraft carrier

is ready to set sail again and I'm afraid that soon

smelled blood in the hold.

The blood will be our increasingly squeezed by the greed of power

banking and servile attitude of the waiters



Monday, April 21, 2008

Disc Forrollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum

2 ° GreenRally Hills Hills
Abano Terme, 18 and 19 April 2008

GreenRally: quiet start with an incredible shooting power
podium Vincenzo Di Bella and Christian Collovà Bio Concept of Race Team with a Toyota Prius Hybrid.

podium in the overall classification of the 2nd GreenRally Euganean Hills Vincenzo Di Bella and Christian Collovà with a Toyota Prius Hybrid: great competition throughout the race between crews in seven Swiss. Check out all silent sprint with an incredible shot of power for all vehicles, demonstrating that the environmentally friendly cars can compete with competitiveness. All pilots have focused on strategies first and then challenged the hunt for victory.

racetrack more dynamic than last year with ups and downs to make the competition more attractive in which to add sprints were conducted four timed special stages. After the first cautious jokes, crews immediately familiar with the route and, after processing the most appropriate tactics, we are launched toward the conquest of the highest peaks of the league. The fifth place if they won a crew made up of pink and Sandra Paola Crude Sanavia.

Big applause for the organization, by all the competitors and the public, capable, by all accounts, fashioning a spectacular race and selective but also very funny.

full satisfaction, then, by the present authorities including the President of the Province of Padua Vittorio Casarin, unfortunately this only via Alderman Road to the Province of Padua Riolfatto Domenico, Andrea CosentinoVice Mayor of Abano Terme, Mayor Giuliano Martini City of Vo and Alex Giorgi, unfortunately disqualified for a mistake of the crew. Wide

satisfaction of all technical partners, Channel 3, Aci, AutoECO, Azienda Agricola Giacomo Salmaso, Carlo Cream Shop, Coldiretti Padua, Fer Gas Michele Ferraro, FIA Alternative Energies Cup and Tecno Fluss, for the success of event.

After dinner gala promoter, renewing the appointment for the next year, was keen to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Message To Write To Baby Samples

PRESS RELEASE "2nd GreenRally Hills Hills"
Abano Terme, 18 and 19 April 2008
Sport and Tourism
the right combination to win the territory!

2 ° GreenRally Hills Hills: the victory will surely land in the Hills! In a race that combines the winning combination of sport and tourism, will be the President of the Province of Padua Vittorio Casarin to give away. The Councillor for Traffic of the Province of Padua Domentico Riolfatto will challenge the other teams while the Department for Transport Mario Verza deploy the Provincial Police. At the start also the deputy mayor of Abano Terme Andrea Cosentino. The Province of Padua, the town of Abano Terme and the City of Vo with Coldiretti Padua are the partners that joined with enthusiasm at this year organized by promoter Robert Leaf.

A day marked by incessant rhythms, today at Villa Low: 41 crews competing in as many as 7 in Switzerland. Among the Italians our great Ferrari 355 sedan powered by bio-ethanol and a sprintissima Fiat 500 of 1962. Also note the presence of foreign luxury cars like a BMW Z4 bifuel demonstrating that large sport can respect the environment.
Tomorrow, Saturday, April 19, the start of the "2nd GreenRally Hills Hills" will also be characterized by the welcome presence at the start of the testimonial Alex Giorgi, ski champion and supporter of GreenRally.
The departure of the first contestant is due to start at 9.30 at the Villa Bassi Abano Terme and its return at around 16.30 in Town Square. At 17.30 will be published rankings and winners will be awarded at the Gala Dinner at 20.30.
travel between a stop and then the other will be about 30 km between the controls and each stamp set will be the most interesting at the Antica Trattoria Ballotta Torreglia where, in collaboration with Coldiretti Padua, participants will taste typical products to zero km including the fresh Serprino Az.Ag. Diego Salmon.

Info: Press Office

Simona Fontana

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How Long Can You Live With Melanoma

Tips "champion" to crews
Alex Giorgi, testimonial at the start of the 2nd GreenRally Hills Hills of Abano Terme will give proper advice "champion" to the crews at Start the Villa Bassi. Great skiing glory, Giorgi has gone from a blue in the national ski, sports leader of giant men in the years 1982 and 1984 and the Men's Slalom in 1987.
The weekend will host the second edition of GreenRally Euganean Hills, following the success of last year, will start Friday, April 18 with the Documentation and scrutineering at the Villa Bassi in Abano Terme, where the day the next will start the race.
To kick off the President of the Province of Padua Vittorio Casarin at 9.00 am on Saturday 19 April with the theoretical estimated at 16.00 arriving in Old Town Square in Abano Terme. At 17.30
be published rankings of the competition, whose winners will be honored during the gala dinner at 20.30.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bimetallic Strip Why Two Metals Needed

press conference Province of Padua

2nd GreenRally Hills Hills
Abano Terme, 18 and 19 April 2008
Padova, April 15, 2008. A true competitive regularly doing much success with the public and professionals, the show will offer the second edition of the Hills Hills GreenRally provided on 18:19 April. Starting and finishing in the town of Abano Terme, the race will continue in the wonderful fresh green landscape of the province of Padua, where the crews will compete with passion rising from Rovolon, Teolo, Vo ', Torreglia.

The Province of Padua, the town of Abano Terme and the City of Vo are the partners that joined with enthusiasm at this year organized by promoter Robert Leaf: first of the Councillor for Traffic Domenico Riolfatto that " put in play, "competing with a KIA on gas, while the Deputy Mayor of Transportation Mario Verza to deploy via a Fiat Punto on gas carried by the crew of the Provincial Police.

Sport "bride" ecology embellishing the prestigious race with vehicles, including a Ferrari and a Fiat 355 sedan 500 bioethanol, a Jaguar X-Type BMWZ4 hydrogen and LPG. All vehicles are powered by biofuels or electric or LPG and CNG challenge in full compliance with a friendly natural environment such as the province of Padua, in full spring bloom. Massive presence of the crew members with cars to LPG.
addition to the Italian crew, seven crews will be in Switzerland that will delight the audience: the race alternate between brief stops planned in Abano Terme and VO (always respecting the rules of the road with open roads) and moments of intense competition in which participants will compete in timed sections (always respecting the rules of the road with roads open) travel between a stop and then the other will be about 30 km between the controls and each stamp set will be the most interesting at the Antica Trattoria Ballotta Torreglia where, in collaboration with Coldiretti Padua, participants will taste typical products including zero km of fresh Serprino Az.Ag. Diego Salmon.
The program from the start of Abano Terme Villa Bassi in which the teams will meet on April 18, 2008 from 10.00 to 19.00 will take place and scrutineering. The race itself is scheduled for Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00 am with l’arrivo del primo concorrente in Piazza dell’Orologio dalle 16.00 in poi; dalle ore 17.30 e alle ore 20.00 saranno diffuse le classifiche mentre la cerimonia di premiazione avverrà durante la cena di gala.

Per maggiori informazioni: http://www.greenrally.it/
Ufficio Stampa Provincia di Padova
Ufficio stampa GreenRally
Simona Fontana

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Ask People To Bring Food

2° GreenRally dei Colli Euganei
Abano Terme , 18 e 19 aprile 2008
Abano Terme, 8 aprile 2008.

Success exciting, passion and competitiveness: the 2nd GreenRally Euganean Hills returns with his irrepressible charge. Confirmed support and sponsorship of important partners such as the City of Abano Terme and the Province of Padua, while the VO and the City of Padua Coldiretti are the new brands that have embraced this project.
Crews fear only one supreme court: the stopwatch. The determination by the organizers, in fact, is to make the game faster and more involving alternating timed at times (always respecting the rules of the road with open roads), a stopover at Abano Terme and Vo, here electric vehicles can place an "opportunity charging" di energia per poter portare a termine la manifestazione; pertanto gli spostamenti tra una sosta e l’altra saranno quindi di circa 30 km ciascuno. Previsti inoltre alcuni controlli timbro lungo il percorso: tra questi interessante sarà quello presso la Trattoria Ballotta di Torreglia dove, in collaborazione con Coldiretti Padova, i partecipanti gusteranno prodotti tipici a km zero tra cui il fresco Serprino della A.A. Salmaso.
Un’organizzazione dinamica e grintosa, quella di Roberto Foglia che si è adoperato per mettere in gara veicoli di tutti i tipi tra cui il fiore all’occhiello è sicuramente la Ferrari 355 Berlina a bioetanolo.

La Segreteria della Manifestazione GreenRally (c/o ASD Energy Sport- via Gasperini 9-35045 Sacco-Pd-Rain) will collect entries until midnight on April 9 and on April 15, 2008 Book Road will deliver the crews who will fight hard.

The 2nd GreenRally Hills Hills proves, therefore, an exciting competition in which everyone awaits the start to give their best among the beautiful landscapes of hills through Abano Terme, Rovolon, Teolo, Vo ', Torreglia

The race will start from the Abano Terme Villa Netherlands that will be the scene of the appointment for the crews planned on April 18, 2008 from 10.00 to 19.00 will take place and scrutineering. Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00 am will inizio la gara, mentre l’arrivo del primo concorrente sarà presso Piazza dell’Orologio dalle 16.00. in poi; le classifiche dei partecipanti saranno pubblicate dalle ore 17.30 e alle ore 20.00 durante la cena di gala, avrà luogo la cerimonia di premiazione.

In conformità con il Regolamento Tecnico FIA, saranno ammessi alla gara: veicolo elettrici convertiti, modificati e prototipi, prodotti in serie leggeri, veicoli irbidi elettrici e altri veicoli ibridi. Consentiti anche veicoli ad energie alternative come i mono fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi, i poli fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi e liquidi, i mono fuel alimentati da idrogeno, veicoli bi fuel alimentati da idrogeno e da un altro combustibile, veicoli in fuel cells (fuel cells) and vehicles powered by biofuels.

For vehicles powered by biofuels means all motorized vehicles that use any type of combustion engine powered by environmentally-friendly fuels, such as, for example, vegetable oils, methanol or ethanol from renewable crops of plants, synthetic fuels produced by other processes sources that use energy sources such as solar energy. The cycle of production and use of these types of fuel does not increase the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, creating an alternative to oil dependency, and avoid over-exploiting natural resources and significantly reducing pollution emissions from transport. More news
surprising in the coming days.

For more information: http://www.greenrally.it/
Press GreenRally -

Simona Fontana

Press City Abano Terme
Pelizza Mara - 340.2469992

Monday, April 7, 2008

Anniversary Ideas Tampa


Guernsey's monetary experiment

Guernsey is a small island in the English Channel.

It has a population of Anglo-Norman. The island is located

nearest coast of French rather than English. At the end of the Napoleonic wars

, the island, like many other countries, was in miserable conditions

, both physically and financially.

There was no money. There was need roads, fringe waves, markets.

There was no labor shortage. But there were no

money to pay for these opere.Il money used by people

island was the British currency, the pound sterling. But, as after every war

, lenders chiesero indietro i soldi avanzati per

finanziare la "macellazione", e le sterline quindi scarseggiarono

ovunque. L'Isola ebbe un governo autonomo ", gli Stati di Guernsey."

Così ebbe i diritti inerenti a tutti i governi sovrani; tra gli altri diritti,

quello di regolare il volume di denaro in circolazione nel paese.

Ma, non più di qualsiasi altro paese, gli Stati di Guernsey pensarono

di esercitare questa prerogativa sovrana.

Un intelligente governatore

L'Isola aveva soprattutto bisogno di un nuovo market, and a

committee was established to deal with this. The Committee

went to the governor to explain the situation:

"We need a new market, but we

money to build it."

"What material do you need to build a market?"

Churches governor.

"of stone and wood."

"Did you on the island?"

"Of course, in abundance."

"Do you have employees?"

"Yes, but money is missing."

"It could not il vostro parlamento emettere il denaro?"

Chiese il governatore.

Una nuova idea!

Questa idea non era mai venuta agli uomini del comitato,

che non aveva mai analizzato la questione monetaria. Essi

sapevano dove trovare il denaro, quando c'era; ma non si

erano mai chiesti da dove venivano i soldi o da dove

possono "iniziare". Il metodo della tassazione quando c'era

denaro era piuttosto familiare. Ma il metodo di infettare il

denaro carente, e della tassazione solo dopo, è stato qualcosa

again to our administrators.

issues of national currency

A cost estimate was prepared and printed

the money required, which was paid both to those who worked

the project and those who provided the materials for construction.

As the new currency went into circulation among the people,

trade underwent an acceleration. The employee went

shopkeepers, traders went to the producers, manufacturers

acquired sufficient resources to increase

loro produzione. La moneta fu accolta ovunque. Il governo

prese provvedimenti contro l'inflazione decretando un tetto

di denaro da tassare, in modo da non poter essere accumulato.

Ma, appena la crescente attività richiese una corrispondente

quantità di denaro, altre emissioni furono disposte dal governo

per le altre opere. Il 12 ottobre 1822, il nuovo mercato fu

completato e aperto. Non un centesimo di debito pubblico

fu creato per questa impresa pubblica!!

Intervento dei banchieri

At the time of the first issue, there was no bank

island. This explains, no doubt, because there was opposition

issuance of money from the state.

But ten years after the first issue, the island had become

so prosperous, thanks to the activities permitted by a sufficient

volume of money that British banks put their eyes on this

island. British Bankers establishes branches on the island and

convinced the population to accept rules of the Orthodox.

'E' was wrong. " said ", lasciare che il governo per anni

finanziasse le sue imprese, senza creare debito". I banchieri

fecero di tutto per impedire ulteriori emissioni, per poter

introdurre il sistema di prestiti onerosi per il governo, e per

ritirare dall'isola il denaro di Stato che era stato messo in

circolazione. Vi fu una certa resistenza, ma i banchieri vinsero,

con i loro metodi abituali. Così il 9 ottobre del 1836, gli Stati di

Guernsey abdicarono alle loro prerogative sovrane per il controllo

del volume di denaro. Da allora in poi, la quantità money

national downward trend, and was replaced by money

issued by private banks in the form of loans dragging

the island in debt.

Why a financial problem?

As you can see, with natural resources, workers, and some

common sense, there is no financial problem. But when

noticed exploiters want to regulate economic activity

according to their power and their profits, then the problem arises

Financial. Naturalmente, coloro che sono alla ricerca di argomenti

per giustificare l'attuale regime diranno che Guernsey è stata solo

un insignificante piccola isola; che il controllo del volume di denaro

da parte dei rappresentanti del popolo è un bene per un paese

piccolo, ma non per un grande Paese. D'accordo. Prendete atto di

ciò che questi signori vi obbiettano oggi. La prossima settimana,

questi stessi gentiluomini vi diranno che il problema del denaro

non può essere risolto correttamente in un piccolo territorio o in

una provincia, ma deve essere led to a federal level or even

internationally! Social Credit was not yet what you had

in Guernsey from 1820 to 1836. There is no doubt however that the

development of that time and that place would not allow

go so far as to give a dividend to consumers. But it was

already support the national currency with no debt, issued in accordance with the

opportunity to meet the need. The issue

of the national currency by the States of Guernsey

not cause either inflation or unemployment. They created the business

and prosperity. But these issues have not

slave anyone, and this is why banks

Louis Even
Translation Biopresto