2° GreenRally dei Colli Euganei
Abano Terme , 18 e 19 aprile 2008
Abano Terme, 8 aprile 2008.
Success exciting, passion and competitiveness: the 2nd GreenRally Euganean Hills returns with his irrepressible charge. Confirmed support and sponsorship of important partners such as the City of Abano Terme and the Province of Padua, while the VO and the City of Padua Coldiretti are the new brands that have embraced this project.
Crews fear only one supreme court: the stopwatch. The determination by the organizers, in fact, is to make the game faster and more involving alternating timed at times (always respecting the rules of the road with open roads), a stopover at Abano Terme and Vo, here electric vehicles can place an "opportunity charging" di energia per poter portare a termine la manifestazione; pertanto gli spostamenti tra una sosta e l’altra saranno quindi di circa 30 km ciascuno. Previsti inoltre alcuni controlli timbro lungo il percorso: tra questi interessante sarà quello presso la Trattoria Ballotta di Torreglia dove, in collaborazione con Coldiretti Padova, i partecipanti gusteranno prodotti tipici a km zero tra cui il fresco Serprino della A.A. Salmaso.
Un’organizzazione dinamica e grintosa, quella di Roberto Foglia che si è adoperato per mettere in gara veicoli di tutti i tipi tra cui il fiore all’occhiello è sicuramente la Ferrari 355 Berlina a bioetanolo.
La Segreteria della Manifestazione GreenRally (c/o ASD Energy Sport- via Gasperini 9-35045 Sacco-Pd-Rain) will collect entries until midnight on April 9 and on April 15, 2008 Book Road will deliver the crews who will fight hard.
The 2nd GreenRally Hills Hills proves, therefore, an exciting competition in which everyone awaits the start to give their best among the beautiful landscapes of hills through Abano Terme, Rovolon, Teolo, Vo ', Torreglia
The race will start from the Abano Terme Villa Netherlands that will be the scene of the appointment for the crews planned on April 18, 2008 from 10.00 to 19.00 will take place and scrutineering. Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00 am will inizio la gara, mentre l’arrivo del primo concorrente sarà presso Piazza dell’Orologio dalle 16.00. in poi; le classifiche dei partecipanti saranno pubblicate dalle ore 17.30 e alle ore 20.00 durante la cena di gala, avrà luogo la cerimonia di premiazione.
In conformità con il Regolamento Tecnico FIA, saranno ammessi alla gara: veicolo elettrici convertiti, modificati e prototipi, prodotti in serie leggeri, veicoli irbidi elettrici e altri veicoli ibridi. Consentiti anche veicoli ad energie alternative come i mono fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi, i poli fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi e liquidi, i mono fuel alimentati da idrogeno, veicoli bi fuel alimentati da idrogeno e da un altro combustibile, veicoli in fuel cells (fuel cells) and vehicles powered by biofuels.
For vehicles powered by biofuels means all motorized vehicles that use any type of combustion engine powered by environmentally-friendly fuels, such as, for example, vegetable oils, methanol or ethanol from renewable crops of plants, synthetic fuels produced by other processes sources that use energy sources such as solar energy. The cycle of production and use of these types of fuel does not increase the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, creating an alternative to oil dependency, and avoid over-exploiting natural resources and significantly reducing pollution emissions from transport. More news
surprising in the coming days.
For more information:
Press GreenRally -
Simona Fontana
Press City Abano Terme
Pelizza Mara - 340.2469992
Press City Abano Terme
Pelizza Mara - 340.2469992
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