Monday, April 21, 2008

Disc Forrollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum

2 ° GreenRally Hills Hills
Abano Terme, 18 and 19 April 2008

GreenRally: quiet start with an incredible shooting power
podium Vincenzo Di Bella and Christian Collovà Bio Concept of Race Team with a Toyota Prius Hybrid.

podium in the overall classification of the 2nd GreenRally Euganean Hills Vincenzo Di Bella and Christian Collovà with a Toyota Prius Hybrid: great competition throughout the race between crews in seven Swiss. Check out all silent sprint with an incredible shot of power for all vehicles, demonstrating that the environmentally friendly cars can compete with competitiveness. All pilots have focused on strategies first and then challenged the hunt for victory.

racetrack more dynamic than last year with ups and downs to make the competition more attractive in which to add sprints were conducted four timed special stages. After the first cautious jokes, crews immediately familiar with the route and, after processing the most appropriate tactics, we are launched toward the conquest of the highest peaks of the league. The fifth place if they won a crew made up of pink and Sandra Paola Crude Sanavia.

Big applause for the organization, by all the competitors and the public, capable, by all accounts, fashioning a spectacular race and selective but also very funny.

full satisfaction, then, by the present authorities including the President of the Province of Padua Vittorio Casarin, unfortunately this only via Alderman Road to the Province of Padua Riolfatto Domenico, Andrea CosentinoVice Mayor of Abano Terme, Mayor Giuliano Martini City of Vo and Alex Giorgi, unfortunately disqualified for a mistake of the crew. Wide

satisfaction of all technical partners, Channel 3, Aci, AutoECO, Azienda Agricola Giacomo Salmaso, Carlo Cream Shop, Coldiretti Padua, Fer Gas Michele Ferraro, FIA Alternative Energies Cup and Tecno Fluss, for the success of event.

After dinner gala promoter, renewing the appointment for the next year, was keen to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Message To Write To Baby Samples

PRESS RELEASE "2nd GreenRally Hills Hills"
Abano Terme, 18 and 19 April 2008
Sport and Tourism
the right combination to win the territory!

2 ° GreenRally Hills Hills: the victory will surely land in the Hills! In a race that combines the winning combination of sport and tourism, will be the President of the Province of Padua Vittorio Casarin to give away. The Councillor for Traffic of the Province of Padua Domentico Riolfatto will challenge the other teams while the Department for Transport Mario Verza deploy the Provincial Police. At the start also the deputy mayor of Abano Terme Andrea Cosentino. The Province of Padua, the town of Abano Terme and the City of Vo with Coldiretti Padua are the partners that joined with enthusiasm at this year organized by promoter Robert Leaf.

A day marked by incessant rhythms, today at Villa Low: 41 crews competing in as many as 7 in Switzerland. Among the Italians our great Ferrari 355 sedan powered by bio-ethanol and a sprintissima Fiat 500 of 1962. Also note the presence of foreign luxury cars like a BMW Z4 bifuel demonstrating that large sport can respect the environment.
Tomorrow, Saturday, April 19, the start of the "2nd GreenRally Hills Hills" will also be characterized by the welcome presence at the start of the testimonial Alex Giorgi, ski champion and supporter of GreenRally.
The departure of the first contestant is due to start at 9.30 at the Villa Bassi Abano Terme and its return at around 16.30 in Town Square. At 17.30 will be published rankings and winners will be awarded at the Gala Dinner at 20.30.
travel between a stop and then the other will be about 30 km between the controls and each stamp set will be the most interesting at the Antica Trattoria Ballotta Torreglia where, in collaboration with Coldiretti Padua, participants will taste typical products to zero km including the fresh Serprino Az.Ag. Diego Salmon.

Info: Press Office

Simona Fontana

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How Long Can You Live With Melanoma

Tips "champion" to crews
Alex Giorgi, testimonial at the start of the 2nd GreenRally Hills Hills of Abano Terme will give proper advice "champion" to the crews at Start the Villa Bassi. Great skiing glory, Giorgi has gone from a blue in the national ski, sports leader of giant men in the years 1982 and 1984 and the Men's Slalom in 1987.
The weekend will host the second edition of GreenRally Euganean Hills, following the success of last year, will start Friday, April 18 with the Documentation and scrutineering at the Villa Bassi in Abano Terme, where the day the next will start the race.
To kick off the President of the Province of Padua Vittorio Casarin at 9.00 am on Saturday 19 April with the theoretical estimated at 16.00 arriving in Old Town Square in Abano Terme. At 17.30
be published rankings of the competition, whose winners will be honored during the gala dinner at 20.30.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bimetallic Strip Why Two Metals Needed

press conference Province of Padua

2nd GreenRally Hills Hills
Abano Terme, 18 and 19 April 2008
Padova, April 15, 2008. A true competitive regularly doing much success with the public and professionals, the show will offer the second edition of the Hills Hills GreenRally provided on 18:19 April. Starting and finishing in the town of Abano Terme, the race will continue in the wonderful fresh green landscape of the province of Padua, where the crews will compete with passion rising from Rovolon, Teolo, Vo ', Torreglia.

The Province of Padua, the town of Abano Terme and the City of Vo are the partners that joined with enthusiasm at this year organized by promoter Robert Leaf: first of the Councillor for Traffic Domenico Riolfatto that " put in play, "competing with a KIA on gas, while the Deputy Mayor of Transportation Mario Verza to deploy via a Fiat Punto on gas carried by the crew of the Provincial Police.

Sport "bride" ecology embellishing the prestigious race with vehicles, including a Ferrari and a Fiat 355 sedan 500 bioethanol, a Jaguar X-Type BMWZ4 hydrogen and LPG. All vehicles are powered by biofuels or electric or LPG and CNG challenge in full compliance with a friendly natural environment such as the province of Padua, in full spring bloom. Massive presence of the crew members with cars to LPG.
addition to the Italian crew, seven crews will be in Switzerland that will delight the audience: the race alternate between brief stops planned in Abano Terme and VO (always respecting the rules of the road with open roads) and moments of intense competition in which participants will compete in timed sections (always respecting the rules of the road with roads open) travel between a stop and then the other will be about 30 km between the controls and each stamp set will be the most interesting at the Antica Trattoria Ballotta Torreglia where, in collaboration with Coldiretti Padua, participants will taste typical products including zero km of fresh Serprino Az.Ag. Diego Salmon.
The program from the start of Abano Terme Villa Bassi in which the teams will meet on April 18, 2008 from 10.00 to 19.00 will take place and scrutineering. The race itself is scheduled for Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00 am with l’arrivo del primo concorrente in Piazza dell’Orologio dalle 16.00 in poi; dalle ore 17.30 e alle ore 20.00 saranno diffuse le classifiche mentre la cerimonia di premiazione avverrà durante la cena di gala.

Per maggiori informazioni:
Ufficio Stampa Provincia di Padova
Ufficio stampa GreenRally
Simona Fontana

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Ask People To Bring Food

2° GreenRally dei Colli Euganei
Abano Terme , 18 e 19 aprile 2008
Abano Terme, 8 aprile 2008.

Success exciting, passion and competitiveness: the 2nd GreenRally Euganean Hills returns with his irrepressible charge. Confirmed support and sponsorship of important partners such as the City of Abano Terme and the Province of Padua, while the VO and the City of Padua Coldiretti are the new brands that have embraced this project.
Crews fear only one supreme court: the stopwatch. The determination by the organizers, in fact, is to make the game faster and more involving alternating timed at times (always respecting the rules of the road with open roads), a stopover at Abano Terme and Vo, here electric vehicles can place an "opportunity charging" di energia per poter portare a termine la manifestazione; pertanto gli spostamenti tra una sosta e l’altra saranno quindi di circa 30 km ciascuno. Previsti inoltre alcuni controlli timbro lungo il percorso: tra questi interessante sarà quello presso la Trattoria Ballotta di Torreglia dove, in collaborazione con Coldiretti Padova, i partecipanti gusteranno prodotti tipici a km zero tra cui il fresco Serprino della A.A. Salmaso.
Un’organizzazione dinamica e grintosa, quella di Roberto Foglia che si è adoperato per mettere in gara veicoli di tutti i tipi tra cui il fiore all’occhiello è sicuramente la Ferrari 355 Berlina a bioetanolo.

La Segreteria della Manifestazione GreenRally (c/o ASD Energy Sport- via Gasperini 9-35045 Sacco-Pd-Rain) will collect entries until midnight on April 9 and on April 15, 2008 Book Road will deliver the crews who will fight hard.

The 2nd GreenRally Hills Hills proves, therefore, an exciting competition in which everyone awaits the start to give their best among the beautiful landscapes of hills through Abano Terme, Rovolon, Teolo, Vo ', Torreglia

The race will start from the Abano Terme Villa Netherlands that will be the scene of the appointment for the crews planned on April 18, 2008 from 10.00 to 19.00 will take place and scrutineering. Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00 am will inizio la gara, mentre l’arrivo del primo concorrente sarà presso Piazza dell’Orologio dalle 16.00. in poi; le classifiche dei partecipanti saranno pubblicate dalle ore 17.30 e alle ore 20.00 durante la cena di gala, avrà luogo la cerimonia di premiazione.

In conformità con il Regolamento Tecnico FIA, saranno ammessi alla gara: veicolo elettrici convertiti, modificati e prototipi, prodotti in serie leggeri, veicoli irbidi elettrici e altri veicoli ibridi. Consentiti anche veicoli ad energie alternative come i mono fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi, i poli fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi e liquidi, i mono fuel alimentati da idrogeno, veicoli bi fuel alimentati da idrogeno e da un altro combustibile, veicoli in fuel cells (fuel cells) and vehicles powered by biofuels.

For vehicles powered by biofuels means all motorized vehicles that use any type of combustion engine powered by environmentally-friendly fuels, such as, for example, vegetable oils, methanol or ethanol from renewable crops of plants, synthetic fuels produced by other processes sources that use energy sources such as solar energy. The cycle of production and use of these types of fuel does not increase the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, creating an alternative to oil dependency, and avoid over-exploiting natural resources and significantly reducing pollution emissions from transport. More news
surprising in the coming days.

For more information:
Press GreenRally -

Simona Fontana

Press City Abano Terme
Pelizza Mara - 340.2469992

Monday, April 7, 2008

Anniversary Ideas Tampa


Guernsey's monetary experiment

Guernsey is a small island in the English Channel.

It has a population of Anglo-Norman. The island is located

nearest coast of French rather than English. At the end of the Napoleonic wars

, the island, like many other countries, was in miserable conditions

, both physically and financially.

There was no money. There was need roads, fringe waves, markets.

There was no labor shortage. But there were no

money to pay for these opere.Il money used by people

island was the British currency, the pound sterling. But, as after every war

, lenders chiesero indietro i soldi avanzati per

finanziare la "macellazione", e le sterline quindi scarseggiarono

ovunque. L'Isola ebbe un governo autonomo ", gli Stati di Guernsey."

Così ebbe i diritti inerenti a tutti i governi sovrani; tra gli altri diritti,

quello di regolare il volume di denaro in circolazione nel paese.

Ma, non più di qualsiasi altro paese, gli Stati di Guernsey pensarono

di esercitare questa prerogativa sovrana.

Un intelligente governatore

L'Isola aveva soprattutto bisogno di un nuovo market, and a

committee was established to deal with this. The Committee

went to the governor to explain the situation:

"We need a new market, but we

money to build it."

"What material do you need to build a market?"

Churches governor.

"of stone and wood."

"Did you on the island?"

"Of course, in abundance."

"Do you have employees?"

"Yes, but money is missing."

"It could not il vostro parlamento emettere il denaro?"

Chiese il governatore.

Una nuova idea!

Questa idea non era mai venuta agli uomini del comitato,

che non aveva mai analizzato la questione monetaria. Essi

sapevano dove trovare il denaro, quando c'era; ma non si

erano mai chiesti da dove venivano i soldi o da dove

possono "iniziare". Il metodo della tassazione quando c'era

denaro era piuttosto familiare. Ma il metodo di infettare il

denaro carente, e della tassazione solo dopo, è stato qualcosa

again to our administrators.

issues of national currency

A cost estimate was prepared and printed

the money required, which was paid both to those who worked

the project and those who provided the materials for construction.

As the new currency went into circulation among the people,

trade underwent an acceleration. The employee went

shopkeepers, traders went to the producers, manufacturers

acquired sufficient resources to increase

loro produzione. La moneta fu accolta ovunque. Il governo

prese provvedimenti contro l'inflazione decretando un tetto

di denaro da tassare, in modo da non poter essere accumulato.

Ma, appena la crescente attività richiese una corrispondente

quantità di denaro, altre emissioni furono disposte dal governo

per le altre opere. Il 12 ottobre 1822, il nuovo mercato fu

completato e aperto. Non un centesimo di debito pubblico

fu creato per questa impresa pubblica!!

Intervento dei banchieri

At the time of the first issue, there was no bank

island. This explains, no doubt, because there was opposition

issuance of money from the state.

But ten years after the first issue, the island had become

so prosperous, thanks to the activities permitted by a sufficient

volume of money that British banks put their eyes on this

island. British Bankers establishes branches on the island and

convinced the population to accept rules of the Orthodox.

'E' was wrong. " said ", lasciare che il governo per anni

finanziasse le sue imprese, senza creare debito". I banchieri

fecero di tutto per impedire ulteriori emissioni, per poter

introdurre il sistema di prestiti onerosi per il governo, e per

ritirare dall'isola il denaro di Stato che era stato messo in

circolazione. Vi fu una certa resistenza, ma i banchieri vinsero,

con i loro metodi abituali. Così il 9 ottobre del 1836, gli Stati di

Guernsey abdicarono alle loro prerogative sovrane per il controllo

del volume di denaro. Da allora in poi, la quantità money

national downward trend, and was replaced by money

issued by private banks in the form of loans dragging

the island in debt.

Why a financial problem?

As you can see, with natural resources, workers, and some

common sense, there is no financial problem. But when

noticed exploiters want to regulate economic activity

according to their power and their profits, then the problem arises

Financial. Naturalmente, coloro che sono alla ricerca di argomenti

per giustificare l'attuale regime diranno che Guernsey è stata solo

un insignificante piccola isola; che il controllo del volume di denaro

da parte dei rappresentanti del popolo è un bene per un paese

piccolo, ma non per un grande Paese. D'accordo. Prendete atto di

ciò che questi signori vi obbiettano oggi. La prossima settimana,

questi stessi gentiluomini vi diranno che il problema del denaro

non può essere risolto correttamente in un piccolo territorio o in

una provincia, ma deve essere led to a federal level or even

internationally! Social Credit was not yet what you had

in Guernsey from 1820 to 1836. There is no doubt however that the

development of that time and that place would not allow

go so far as to give a dividend to consumers. But it was

already support the national currency with no debt, issued in accordance with the

opportunity to meet the need. The issue

of the national currency by the States of Guernsey

not cause either inflation or unemployment. They created the business

and prosperity. But these issues have not

slave anyone, and this is why banks

Louis Even
Translation Biopresto

New Sand Rail For Sale

1 GreenRally the Mole: The winning crew!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Nj Getting My Liscense Back

On 1 GreenRally Mole
The crew of the Swiss-Ghielmini Pagani Ecovel Club Citroen Saxo
si aggiudica la vittoria
L’equipaggio svizzero di Ecovel Club composto da Giorgio Ghielmini e da Giusva Pagani si aggiudica la vittoria del 1° GreenRally della Mole: la loro Citroen Saxo elettrica ha dominato una gara che ha riscosso molto successo sia tra il pubblico che tra gli addetti ai lavori. Undicesimo posto per l’equipaggio “rosa” della Città di Chieri. Soddisfatto il promoter Roberto Foglia che ringrazia l’organizzazione del Salone dell’Automotive ecologico AUTOECO presso l’Oval Lingotto di Torino.
Prima delle tre tappe dei GreenRally Edizione 2008, la gara della Mole si è rivelata bella, appassionante, tecnicamente molto apprezzata da equipaggi e da critici. Ora l’attesa rooms for the 2nd GreenRally Euganean Hills to be held in Abano Terme near Padua on 18 and 19 April.

Info: Press Office GreenRally
Simona Fontana

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cases Of Air Travel And Afib

Starts on 1 GreenRally the Mole: Chieri put a crew on the track "Pink"!
first challenge for the 2008 edition of GreenRally: tomorrow starting at 9:00, 7 of which as many as 30 crew members of Ecovel Swiss Club will compete at 1 GreenRally the Mole AutoECO leaving from the second edition of Automotive open until tomorrow. In the hours before the tension is mounting and the drivers are observed with great attention to focus on exciting new race strategy ... and to find the best candidate to victory! Checks closed, then, successfully, in the presence of FIA Stewards and Chief Executive Officer Carlos Funes FIA George Brasseur. The town of Chieri
stands for putting on track a Peugeot 106 fully electric with a female crew led by the deputy commander and a staff member of the municipal police of Chieri. Antica Trattoria Ballotta comes with a Ferrari 355 driven by limousine to bioethanol Federico and Riccardo Legnaro Cucco. Pietro Cambi competes with the 1970 Fiat 500 F supply. The Service Center will host a Mini Clubman for Iron hydro led by Fabio Iron and Alessandro Pavesi. And many more.

09.00 hours Start Park Oval Lingotto, Via Nizza Turin
09.30 am Start of the first competitor from Oval Lingotto, Via Nizza Turin
15.00 hours Arrival of the first theoretical competitor in Oval Lingotto, Via Nizza Turin
Publication of the charts
17.30 19.00 Awards Ceremony

Info: Press Office
Simona Fontana

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Invitations For Church Anniversary

1 GreenRally the Mole
5 and 6 April 2008
Sport and ecology: a winning combination

Torino, April 3, 2008. Sport and ecology are always a winning combination for AutoECO. The promoter and GreenRally TTG EXPO presentano l’auto Futura 2 ad energia solare, i ciclomotori ad idrogeno di Envypark e le fantastiche moto con cui Betti si è aggiudicato per ben quattro anni consecutivi la vittoria nei campionati mondiali delle moto elettriche. Spazio all’innovazione, quindi, non solo con la Ferrari a bioetanolo ma specialmente con la Scuba Car presentata al salone di Ginevra del marzo scorso.

Per maggiori informazioni:Ufficio stampa GreenRally

Simona Fontana

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

99 Cent Store Mini Basketball Hoops

Comunicato Stampa
1° GreenRally della Mole
Torino, 5 e 6 aprile 2008

Torino, 31 marzo 2008. La stagione appassionata ed entusiasmante dei GreenRally ( ) organizzati da Roberto Foglia di Green Service Events inizia da Torino per poi fare tappa sui Colli Euganei a Abano Terme in provincia di Padova in data 18 e 19 aprile e sul Lago Maggiore in data 2 e 3 agosto. Il 1° GreenRally della Mole percorrerà la provincia passando anche per la suggestiva Chieri: start per gli equipaggi in data 6 aprile dalla struttura dell’Oval Lingotto di via Nizza in concomitanza con la rassegna dell’automotive ecologico AUTOECO presieduta da Renzo Druetto. Una Ferrari 355 Berlinetta alimentata a bioetanolo, un prototipo FIAT 500 F del 1970 completamente elettrica, una Toyota a idro-metano con altre vetture ad energie alternative si sfideranno per la prima volta a Torino a dimostrazione che la mobilità sostenibile è possible and not to the detriment of performance and attractive appearance. AutoECO in a space dedicated to the two prototype solar future on several occasions that he represented Italy in the world. The participation of the crews of which at least 7 from Switzerland Italian is very brilliant results suggest: even the Deputy Mayor of the City of Chieri Antonio Guarini will get to drive a car and compete. The partners of this GreenRally are AutoECO, ACFItalia, Tecnofluss, and Salmon Farming, in addition to the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of Turin that has immediately embraced the project in the persons of President and Secretary General Alessandro Barberis Guido Bolatto and the City Chieri. The race
provides the starting point and end of the street circuit at Oval Lingotto: the appointment is for the crews to the Secretary of the Exhibition 1 GreenRally the Mole at TTGExpo srl (Via Perrone 16, Turin) on 3 April for the Delivery of the Road Book will accompany the cars through the landscape of gentle hills Valentino Turin by tapping the historic, majestic Basilica di Superga going to Pino Torinese, Baldi, the evocative Chieri. Here there will be a reorganization of two and a half hours during which the crews will make a live electrical charge when needed and then off once more for Cambiano Trofarello and then returned to Moncton Torino. Il programma di gara prevede dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 19.00 di sabato 5 aprile le verifiche sportive e tecniche presso l'area predisposta all’interno di AUTOECO all’ Oval Lingotto, (via Nizza - Torino). Il 1° GreenRally della Mole prenderà poi il via domenica 6 aprile alle ore 9.00 dal Parco Partenza presso AUTOECO dell’Oval Lingotto. Lo start del primo concorrente è previsto alle ore 9.30, mentre l’arrivo è atteso a partire dalle 16.30. Alle 17.30 il Comitato di Gara pubblicherà le classifiche dei partecipanti e alle 19.00 avrà luogo la cerimonia di premiazione.
La competizione è una gara di Regolarità e Test di Consumo Energetico su normali strade aperte alla circolazione; le iscrizioni riguarderanno all electric vehicles, hybrids, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol purpose of promotion and development of vehicles with low environmental impact.
The final ranking of 1 GreenRally the Mole, it will be done in under two results which will acquire competitors entered a single score for the FIA \u200b\u200btitle. The winning crew will be the one who has learned to behave better in the trial that the consumption test. During the two Convoys that has divided the exhibition will be arranged in four secret evidence which crews must strictly observe the speed imposed by the organizers, to monitor compliance with the rules of the road and travel, all competitors must observe the Highway Code.
Innovation, therefore, the fuel used by cars but also in the methods popular posters of 1 GreenRally the Mole are also present on the island of Turin Italy of a Second Life how to invite the public in the third era of the Internet in the new age real transport to alternative energy.

For further information: Press Office GreenRally

Simona Fontana

Is There A Conditioner In Alter Ego Product

press conference March 31, 2008 Torino