Tuesday, April 1, 2008

99 Cent Store Mini Basketball Hoops

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1° GreenRally della Mole
Torino, 5 e 6 aprile 2008

Torino, 31 marzo 2008. La stagione appassionata ed entusiasmante dei GreenRally ( http://www.greenrally.it/ ) organizzati da Roberto Foglia di Green Service Events inizia da Torino per poi fare tappa sui Colli Euganei a Abano Terme in provincia di Padova in data 18 e 19 aprile e sul Lago Maggiore in data 2 e 3 agosto. Il 1° GreenRally della Mole percorrerà la provincia passando anche per la suggestiva Chieri: start per gli equipaggi in data 6 aprile dalla struttura dell’Oval Lingotto di via Nizza in concomitanza con la rassegna dell’automotive ecologico AUTOECO presieduta da Renzo Druetto. Una Ferrari 355 Berlinetta alimentata a bioetanolo, un prototipo FIAT 500 F del 1970 completamente elettrica, una Toyota a idro-metano con altre vetture ad energie alternative si sfideranno per la prima volta a Torino a dimostrazione che la mobilità sostenibile è possible and not to the detriment of performance and attractive appearance. AutoECO in a space dedicated to the two prototype solar future on several occasions that he represented Italy in the world. The participation of the crews of which at least 7 from Switzerland Italian is very brilliant results suggest: even the Deputy Mayor of the City of Chieri Antonio Guarini will get to drive a car and compete. The partners of this GreenRally are AutoECO, ACFItalia, Tecnofluss, and Salmon Farming, in addition to the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture of Turin that has immediately embraced the project in the persons of President and Secretary General Alessandro Barberis Guido Bolatto and the City Chieri. The race
provides the starting point and end of the street circuit at Oval Lingotto: the appointment is for the crews to the Secretary of the Exhibition 1 GreenRally the Mole at TTGExpo srl (Via Perrone 16, Turin) on 3 April for the Delivery of the Road Book will accompany the cars through the landscape of gentle hills Valentino Turin by tapping the historic, majestic Basilica di Superga going to Pino Torinese, Baldi, the evocative Chieri. Here there will be a reorganization of two and a half hours during which the crews will make a live electrical charge when needed and then off once more for Cambiano Trofarello and then returned to Moncton Torino. Il programma di gara prevede dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 19.00 di sabato 5 aprile le verifiche sportive e tecniche presso l'area predisposta all’interno di AUTOECO all’ Oval Lingotto, (via Nizza - Torino). Il 1° GreenRally della Mole prenderà poi il via domenica 6 aprile alle ore 9.00 dal Parco Partenza presso AUTOECO dell’Oval Lingotto. Lo start del primo concorrente è previsto alle ore 9.30, mentre l’arrivo è atteso a partire dalle 16.30. Alle 17.30 il Comitato di Gara pubblicherà le classifiche dei partecipanti e alle 19.00 avrà luogo la cerimonia di premiazione.
La competizione è una gara di Regolarità e Test di Consumo Energetico su normali strade aperte alla circolazione; le iscrizioni riguarderanno all electric vehicles, hybrids, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol purpose of promotion and development of vehicles with low environmental impact.
The final ranking of 1 GreenRally the Mole, it will be done in under two results which will acquire competitors entered a single score for the FIA \u200b\u200btitle. The winning crew will be the one who has learned to behave better in the trial that the consumption test. During the two Convoys that has divided the exhibition will be arranged in four secret evidence which crews must strictly observe the speed imposed by the organizers, to monitor compliance with the rules of the road and travel, all competitors must observe the Highway Code.
Innovation, therefore, the fuel used by cars but also in the methods popular posters of 1 GreenRally the Mole are also present on the island of Turin Italy of a Second Life how to invite the public in the third era of the Internet in the new age real transport to alternative energy.

For further information: Press Office GreenRally

Simona Fontana


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