Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Dear Secretary Michelangelo: either leave or leave Petrotto PD

Mayor Petrotto never ceases to surprise us: after having turned the "seven churches" to replace our Councillors who have resigned because they did not share its new location on the right and the delay in the implementation of agreed administrative In December 2009, here is a cylinder that extracts from his new surprise.
E 'managed to convince the secretary of the circle of PD, Michelangelo Petruzzella, to accept the office of city councilor without the knowledge of the whole party.
It 'clear that this choice must be considered very personal that does not involve the party and taken against the expressed public policy of the party by using the tools mass communication.
The Secretary of the club is called, therefore, to take a step back and remove the embarrassment the party!
It 'been called for next Sunday, members of the Assembly to adopt the measures envisaged by the statutes of the party.

Salvatore Sardo
PARENT council of PD

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Michelangelo Petruzzella, secretary of the PD, the new commissioner of Petrotto.

New in the bargain. The Secretary of the Democratic Party Michelangelo Petruzzella appointed as the new commissioner by the mayor Petrotto. On February 16 during the two assessors of the city council PD Todaro and Morgan leave the council after the mayor's decision to award the prize Sciascia Berlusconi "for a fair justice.". Less than a month, the secretary of the PD change your mind and makes a proposal to the mayor to enter the junta with a sense of responsailità in a difficult moment for the country. " Petrotto takes the ball to leap and immediately signed the nomination to the Secretary of the national Democratic Party. A nothing is being served against two posters posted on the bulletin boards Petrotto own city by the Democratic Party. Hard Attack of the directors of the PD-Sardo Brucculeri amazed of what happened: "the party knew nothing about is a personal decision Petruzzella of Michelangelo." But the neo Councillor there is "My decision is a political responsibility, decision as secretary of the Democratic Party and former Communist Party." A city council on, we'll see on youtube a few moments of confrontation between Petrotto, the ; Dr. Sardo and Alfredo Morning. The effects of Scilipoti also coming home to Racalmuto prorpio PD.
What are the counter-summits of the PD?
(Regalpetra free blog)

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Racalmuto, delays in the allocation of new housing and payment of the company

In the district Feet Zichi Racalmuto were made ten municipal housing construction through the economic benefits of the people. The City of Racalmuto contracted a loan of one million and seventy thousand euro by cash deposits and loans for the creation of this housing. After a year of opening the construction site, the new apartments of 106 square meters (five rooms plus services) can be assigned , immediately, to citizens who request it based on a ranking that will be drawn from the municipal offices. At the moment there seems to be a list dating back ten years ago that should be updated. Some concerned citizens have been to the municipality requesting information about the criteria for allocation of housing ma hanno ricevuto risposte molto evasive .
Se gli appartamenti rifiniti con cura non vengono abitati al più presto da chi ne ha diritto e rimangono incustoditi è probabile che persone senza autorizzazione occupino abusivamente i nuovi alloggi. Com' è possibile, visti i tempi, il saccheggio di quanto è asportabile: porte, sanitari, rubinetterie, termosifoni, infissi esterni, ecc. (ricordiamo tutti lo scandalo di Favara)

Ma non finisce qui !

La ditta “M.G.G. Costruzioni” che ha realizzato i dieci alloggi ad oggi non ha ricevuto un solo euro dal comune. Il Comune di Racalmuto ha ricevuto accreditation by the Cassa, but the office said that to meet the parameters of the Stability Pact can not issue any order to pay to the company. The company in January filed a petition to the court for the injunction is issued to the City of Racalmuto, which would entail an additional outlay for the municipal coffers.
The company has complied with the letter of the contract with the City of Racalmuto, submission of work is scheduled for March 22, 2011, four were in the contract (SAL progress of work), for each SAL an order to pay as promised, but to date no order to pay for this company. The structure was built with the total advance financial company. All companies, among them some are local, which provided services and materials to the company awarded the contract for the completion of housing waiting patiently to be welded.

The company, in short, will deliver the housing market in town without seeing one euro. The municipality will receive the accommodation without a list that quickly deliver the houses to those who need it, with the risk that the new residential structure will become prey to squatters and looters.

As such it is appropriate that the council and the mayor of Racalmuto si premurano affinché si accelerino i tempi delle procedure amministrative per l’assegnazione degli alloggi e per la liquidazione della ditta che ha realizzato i lavori.

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Sergio Scimè

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Racalmuto Home Video, the new housing in c.da feet Zichi

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At 18.30 the City Council to Racalmuto

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"dramatized in English" school Racalmuto

Actors and actresses
Pasar Louis, Walter Scimè, Benedetta Conte, Alice Mendolia, Emily Alaimo, Edis Scimè, John Brosellino, Carmelo Macaluso, Elis Campanella, Flavio Bellomo, Andrea Navarino, Elis Vella, Luigi Romano , Alfredo Pagliuca, Elison Rizzo, Flavia Borsellino, Daniel Bell, Fatima Chiarelli, Elison Rizzo
Teachers: Rosetta and Rosetta Baio Morreale

The project "dramatized in the English language", contained in extra-curricular projects including the Institute of POF Gen . Macaluso "Racalmuto has seen the involvement of children in III A and III B of the primary school.
The pupils were involved in a lively and good fun and original drama entitled "SNOW WHITE AND SEVEN Dwarfs"! "

The theater inizia con una serie di scene molto divertenti, ma anche molto dolci che ci portano a capire che l’unione fa la forza e che i bambini, meglio di noi adulti, hanno la grande capacità di essere solidali tra loro, di cooperare per uno scopo comune e di aiutare chi sentono più fragile.
L’insegnamento è stato grande e speriamo di riuscire, per davvero, a ricordarlo almeno per un anno intero.
Nella recita di oggi c’è molto di più, i bambini hanno avuto la capacità di lavorare insieme in “apprendimento cooperativo” dando il giusto aiuto al compagno per costruire attivamente le sue conoscenze e per dare anche ai più timidi la possibilità di sentirsi partecipi ed aiutati dalla forza del gruppo.
Ciò che i bambini hanno appreso resterà per sempre nella loro memoria e ne conserveranno sicuramente un bel ricordo.
Questa recita è stato davvero un bellissimo esempio, di “apprendimento cooperativo” e di “didattica inclusiva”, è stata una sfida educativa che le classi hanno saputo cogliere ed affrontare, grazie al paziente impegno e alla professionalità che da sempre offriamo al servizio dei nostri alunni, mostrandoci sensibili ed aperte alle varie innovazioni educative.
Per l’obiettivo specifico per la lingua inglese, occorre dire che l’esperienza fatta grazie al progetto ha offerto the opportunities for children to acquire a skill that goes far beyond what could only be achieved by studying the unit of learning offered by their textbook.
admirable, meaningful and fruitful collaboration, the availability of families, with a wise action for coordination and encouragement on our part, have been able to develop with great creativity and generosity, however beautiful the costumes of our students.

The teachers of the project
Baio Rosetta and Rosetta Morreale

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Thanks Don Michael

On the occasion of the third anniversary of priestly ordination of Fr Michael's blog Deadline Regalpetra freely express gratitude for the work he carried out to the community of Racalmuto.

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are easy to imagine the harsh conditions of living and fighting in the makeshift defensive positions on the hills, constantly swept by artillery and air attacks by the Allies.

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In the background, without the beret, it is recognized Sergeant Major Francis Buffa, a legendary "ace" of the MG 42.

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Racalmuto Other thefts targeted the Tobacco Fantauzzo and the new game room in Corso Garibaldi

criminal episodes still in the country.
targeted, this time, the bookies Fantauzzo and games room. Fear of merchants and citizens

No, no joke carnival. Not at all. It 's a bitter news that he woke up this morning and Racalmuto racalmutesi. Still other thefts in the town center. This time the gangsters have taken aim at the tobacco shop Fantauzzo, in via Garibaldi, a short walk from the Piazzetta Crispi ancient heart of the country, and game room, again in Via Garibaldi, near the bar Blob, where thieves have emptied the machines.
Fantauzzo In the bookies, he told us the owner, the thieves disconnected the external alarm. Then they broke the bolt off the entrance of the College. Then, disable the internal alarm by cutting the wires, have robbed the entire tobacco shop. Bring all the way cartons of cigarettes. The antichi scaffali del negozio stamattina intorno alle 6 la signora Paola li ha trovati vuoti. Questa è la quarta volta che quest'esercizio viene preso di mira. L'ultima volta il 4 settembre dell'anno scorso. Ed è l'ennesimo episodio criminale che accade da gennaio ad oggi a Racalmuto. Cosa sta succedendo?, si chiedono i commercianti che la scorsa settimana hanno scritto al Prefetto. A chi toccherà adesso?
Intanto continua il lavoro dei Carabinieri che tuttavia sperano in una maggiore collaborazione dei cittadini, come ha detto il Maresciallo Costa intervenendo al Consiglio comunale straordinario che si è svolto la scorsa settimana.
"Non sappiamo che fare - Told us this morning a trader who asked to remain anonymous - we are afraid. Intervene as soon as the Prefect, is heard. And they do live councilors, politicians ... you can sleep here. "
For this trader and all citizens will not be like any other parade of floats tonight, for two days, he animated the streets of Racalmuto. It will not be equal because everyone will wonder in the midst of the uproar of the Carnival, to those who touch them.
(Salvatore Picone)

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Considerations: Sciascia, security, reluctance ...

Sunday afternoon I was in Sciacca I noticed that operators serving their customers drinks in plastic cups, are never too many precautions when it comes to boys ... in a time of celebration as the Carnival very addictive, the safety of children is a very important topic! ...
the statue of Sciascia sprayed foam carnival is not a good thing, I saw with my own eyes children who sprayed the statue in broad daylight in the indifference of their parents and not just (?) ... you absolutely must talk about other important aspects of our community but from past experience I have seen such reticenza, così come c'è tanta reticenza anche quando si tratta di valorizzare le cose belle di Racalmuto, in conclusione la realtà è più drammatica di quanto possa sembrare, il blog regalpetra libera è una voce di denuncia politica, sociale, ambientale ma come si vede è un anche uno strumento di promozione delle cose belle del paese basta fare un giro su youtube (feste religiose, foto del paese ...) nel blog il post più letto è quello che ha per titolo: Festa Maria SS del Monte ORGOGLIO RACALMUTESE ... in ultimo soltanto il blog ha fatto promozione del carnevale racalmutese 2010 e del 2011 ... per finire: Leonardo Sciascia e Racalmuto camminano insieme noi Racalmutesi dobbiamo valorizzare di più questo grande scrittore partly because the development of our country is bound to Sciascia, two have passed since President Racalmuto for Sciascia, the theater reopened through the efforts of Sciascia, the Foundation is because there Sciascia ... ALSO Regalpetra Free for Sciascia and there is not just a joke!

Sergio Scimè

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Barbara Jacques Prevert

Remember Barbara
raining non-stop that day on Brest
And you walk Serena smiling
kidnapped dripping
the rain Remember Barbara

As it was raining on Brest
And I've met in the Rue de Siam
you smiled And I smiled

Remember Barbara
you that I did not know
You do not know me
Remember Remember that day at all costs, do not forget

A man had taken refuge under a porch and shouted
your name
And you ran toward him in the rain
Dripping kidnapped calmed
And you threw her arms Remember that Barbara

And do not blame me give you the You
tell you to everyone I love
Although one time I've seen
I tell you to all those who love
Even if you do not know

Remember Barbara Do not forget

This rain
good and happy on your happy face
On this happy city
This rain sea
The boat
d'Ouessant Oh Barbara What a wanker
What about you now
Under this rain of iron
fire steel blood
And the man who will hold her lovingly

is dead or missing is still alive Oh Barbara

raining non-stop on Brest
As it was raining then
But it is not most the same thing and it all fell apart
It 's a terrible rain of mourning and desolate
There is not even the most storm
iron and steel blood
Only clouds
That die like dogs
As the dogs disappear
The water line in Brest
And they go to rot away
Far far from Brest
Where there is no more.

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Il libro "La guerra dimenticata. Il conflitto Iran-Iraq, 1980-1988", di Andrea Lombardi, recensito sul "Secolo d'Italia"

Who remembers most the conflict between Iran and Iraq?
Adriano Gentile - 04/03/2011

Between 1980 and 1988 the two countries fought a bloody war with not a few Western interference: an essay reconstructs the events Recent winds of revolt coming from the Maghreb reproduce, despite the urgency more immediate intervention, the need for a rethinking of the role of Italy and Europe in the world. The classic mixture of delay, misunderstanding, indifference and cynicism on the one hand, profiteering, interference on the other shows on these days all its limitations. For those wishing to reconstruct the history of this striking presence / absence of Europe and the West on the global arena comes therefore particularly welcome the wise by Andrea Lombardi, The Forgotten War. The Iran-Iraq 1980-1988 (Cultural Association of Italy, 262 pp, 182 color photos, € 32,00). The youngest of us is in fact a very vague recollection of those events, but were not exactly a backyard skirmish. The war saw the Iranian and Iraqi nations involved, led by two charismatic leaders Ruallah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein, was in fact the longest conventional war of the twentieth century. Began with the Iraqi invasion of Iran September 22, 1980, the conflict ended with the acceptance of Resolution 598 of bilateral UN Security Council July 20, 1988. The war cost a million people and 1.19 trillion. Even before the outbreak of hostilities between Tehran and Baghdad all contributed to heighten tensions: Shiites against Sunnis, secular fundamentalists against, each other's territorial claims, cross complaints about alleged interference in its domestic policy of live across. And, last but not least, the staff even open hostility of the two political leaders: Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam. Today the two leaders are gone, dead in his bed the ayatollah, who was hanged after a controversial process, the rais. Yet instances, dreams, hopes, goals, ideas which became carriers still dominate the scene. Just as today there is the ambivalent attitude of a West that wants to bearer but that seems capable of civilization, more than anything else, to speculate on the misfortunes of others without knowing how to propose, on the other hand, visions of any really decisive conflict. No coincidence that the essay by Andrea Lombardi ends with a special section devoted to the responsibilities with respect to armament ultra-modern western armies in Iraq. We speak of 86 German companies and researchers, including Rhein-Bayern, Daimler-Benz, Siemens and Thyssen, 18 British, 17 Austrian, 10 Swiss, 8 Belgian industries but also Russian, Chinese, Swedish, Brazilian, Japanese, Dutch and Yugoslav . Do not miss dozens of U.S. companies, including the American Type Culture Collection, still in full activity, distinguished itself for having sent to Iraq at least 70 shipments of germs that cause anthrax. And Italy? There are nine companies involved in the resetting of the beautiful country of Saddam: Audiset, Montedison, Technit SNIA, SNIA Bpd, Euromac, Danieli, Ilva, Technipetrole and the American branch of BNL. Valsella, Misar and they provided Tecnova mines that Iraq is Iran. Are known, also the pressure from Ronald Reagan to Giulio Andreotti in Italy for use as a base for supplies to Saddam. Past episodes on which there is still no mature reflection and conscious, in our country. There would be no need, especially given the current climate in the Mediterranean. To not make the same mistakes today than yesterday.

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Assessor Peppuccio Barravecchia calls to the Carnival Racalmutese

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This Racalmuto

This is Racalmuto: hope not! We of the blog Free Regalpetra not like this show. We ask the cooperation of the children, their parents and organizers of the carnival of 2011 to protect the image of our illustrious countryman Leonardo Sciascia. The image of
Racalmuto is to salvage lost hope.

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online press office - Constantly updated to the press officer

Often we are witnessing the "birth without training" of press offices, especially to promote the web, not to mention the "survival" of archaic webmaster for preventing facebook, twitter and more generally the social as "wasting time" and young that have nothing to do.

I can only smile at these "extravaganzas" and lament for those who come across these situations. The fact is that there is improvised, improvisation is always discovered in the long run and certainly not the best, neither the credibility nor the future for its customers (who often use other reality).
I'd also say that the constant updating is the cornerstone of all activity. As we said previously it is essential to know the tools, the means of communication, the potential, the analysis of everything that contributes to the online visibility and online distribution. And here, if we think of the tools of the cms, or blogs, widgets and features, the work makes more sense is to know all the latest news and tools.
Updates, search the web, be registered to the mailing list industry, enable the RSS of the main sites, join groups of experts or focus groups are the basic elements of this work.

E 'this research that can keep pace with the times and especially to offer our customers the best service!

In this regard I must say THANK YOU to those who daily tells me tools, widgets and news, because although I try constantly, there are those who know better look! ;-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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we do not like Carnival in the mall "Vines"

There are many initiatives of Carnival in the mall "Vines." After the success of the "Brazilian Show" who entertained all present with exciting dances in Brazil. The initiatives were continued yesterday Sunday, 2006 with free tasting of sweets Carnival. Appointment to Tuesday, March 8 with Salvo La Rosa and Enrico Guarneri making the "Litterio Story." Saturday, March 12 fashion show and presentation of collections for spring-summer 2011.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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(Video) Racalmuto Carnival 2011 - Disco live

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Racalmuto, all ready for Carnival 2011

Carro allegorico
Antica Racalmuto
(Sabato, 5 marzo 2011) - Raggruppamento e partenza dei carri allegorici alle 18:00 da via Filippo Villa (di fronte dott. Bosco). La sfilata si concluderà in piazza Francesco Crispi. Sei carri di carnevale che sfilano per il corso Garibaldi con tanta musica e divertimento. Il carro dei Simpson che era stato bruciato è stato recuperato e sfilerà insieme agli altri che sono: "Braccio di Ferro", "Antica Racalmuto" , "Berlusconi", "Diddl", "Lupen", "L'era glaciale".

Carro allegorico
Braccio di Ferro
Carro allegorico
Braccio di Ferro
  Nei prossimi post pubblicheremo le foto degli altri carri.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Small Voices from Regalpetra

Small Voices from Regalpetra
Small Editors: Edy
Conte, Farra Giulia Ricottone Concetta Licata, Vincent Lo Cicero, Pomo Flavia, Puma Lorenzo, Gabriella Salemi, Sun Simon, He opens Aurora, Eva Lamb, Angelo Alaimo, Alberto Brucculeri, Manta Chiara, Melanie Marquez, Noto Robert Campanella, Cino Claudia, Olga Fucà, Enrico Puma, Salvatore Sferrazza Papa

optional activities each year to us primary school pupils the opportunity to realize workshops of various kinds: the recovery and / or strengthening in the various academic disciplines, creative activities, folk dance to. We ABCD fourth class pupils (in small groups for each class), we chose this year to attend the workshop held by teachers of journalism G. And AS Marotta Salvaggio.

Our magazine will be titled "Small heading Regalpetra", in homage to our illustrious fellow-citizen and writer Leonardo Sciascia.

We started by reading the newspaper, the analysis of the structure of the first page and the various types of news journalism and then embarked on his real interviews with various "characters" of Racalmuto: Mr Salvatore Fuca, former pupil of Leonardo Sciascia, Mrs. Faduma Moumine, Somali immigrant, prof. Sergio Scimè, creator of the blog "Regalpetra free."

We were also hosted by the Centre for Second Home "Project SPRAR - Racalmuto 2011," where we could touch the reality of political refugees in our territory.

We still have many other planned activities: the visit to the Calf Printing, where paginate and print the newspaper, "Despite Everything", to visit the police station, to many other meetings and interviews with famous and less known Racalmuto .

It 'a very interesting and engaging that we follow with passion and we hope that our magazine, when it is ready, to submit to those who read the same enthusiasm that we felt we been drafted.

pupils in the class fourth ABCD
School Year 2010-2011

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Carnival, burned the car of Simpson

burned the chariot of the Simpsons. Rumours say that in a night of carnival floats that would demean tonight Racalmuto went up in smoke. The news turns subito tra i ragzzi del paese, tra i banchi di scuola. Dopo il fallimento della sfilata di ieri perchè non era stata fatta l'assicurazione, un altro episodio sconfortante. Ci dispiace tantissimo per i tanti giovani che avevano realizzato il carro. Non sappaimo l'entità del danno, con molta probabilità stasera non sfilerà.

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Racalmuto serves collaboration of citizens

Il 2 marzo si è svolto il Consiglio comunale aperto sui problemi del paese. Intervenuti il sindaco, il maresciallo e l’arciprete. Pochi gli interventi dei consiglieri comunali. Solidarietà ai commercianti racalmutesi
The station commander of the Carabinieri of Costa Racalmuto Marshal Alexander was clear. Better not to alarm.

The story of the last criminal act against traders Racalmuto is over the city council met in special session last night and also open to the city.
Present Mayor Toto Petrotto, the priest Don Diego Martorana, representatives of schools, associations and local information.
Among city councilors have taken Carmelo Collura (PDL in the minority), Alfredo Morning (PDL majority), Toto and Carmelo Sardo Brucculeri of PD. And then Sergio Scimè citizens, racalmutese blogger and member of the UDC, Joseph Guaglio, API, Luigi Romano, vice director of the institute including the country, Brucculeri Joseph, a businessman and active in politics. And Father Martorana, who spoke of distrust of citizens towards the institutions. After all of the session, which ended around 22, was approved an agenda where you summarize the problems of the country from economic crisis to the lack of jobs for young people, and the important role played by institutions, families and also individuals who just cooperate with law enforcement to prevent incidents like those that occurred in recent weeks.

Salvatore Picone

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Carnival - today, unofficially, no tanks but Tequila "Bun Bun" by Toto and Peppuccio

No carts, but Tequila "BUN BUN " The guys have everything ready, are still hoping to 15.45 someone can pull out, others are resigned desolation. The program included the first exit off the wagon today, Thursday, March 3, but this morning was not all smooth. Confirm rumors that the municipality has failed to make insurance for the event. How can I forget proprio l'assicurazione? 
Fino a questo momento nessuna voce ufficiale del comune, l'assessore allo spettacolo Peppuccio Barravecchia e il sindaco non hanno comunicato nulla.
Ma in piazza gira un altro manifestino ufficiale il Tequila Bun Bun , la vera sorpresa carnevalesca di quest'anno. L'assessore Peppuccio Baravecchia e il sindaco Salvatore Petrotto ( i due sono nella foto)  insieme a cantare e suonare per le balere siciliane.  A Roma il "Bunga Bunga "Racalmuto the" Bun Bun ". Dear Mayor, even if you've promised not to reapply for more this year to change the look.
The parade (but do not yet know nothing), perhaps it will tomorrow.
hours 15,50 - March 3, 2011 - Racalmuto