In the district Feet Zichi Racalmuto were made ten municipal housing construction through the economic benefits of the people. The City of Racalmuto contracted a loan of one million and seventy thousand euro by cash deposits and loans for the creation of this housing. After a year of opening the construction site, the new apartments of 106 square meters (five rooms plus services) can be assigned , immediately, to citizens who request it based on a ranking that will be drawn from the municipal offices. At the moment there seems to be a list dating back ten years ago that should be updated. Some concerned citizens have been to the municipality requesting information about the criteria for allocation of housing ma hanno ricevuto risposte molto evasive .
Se gli appartamenti rifiniti con cura non vengono abitati al più presto da chi ne ha diritto e rimangono incustoditi è probabile che persone senza autorizzazione occupino abusivamente i nuovi alloggi. Com' è possibile, visti i tempi, il saccheggio di quanto è asportabile: porte, sanitari, rubinetterie, termosifoni, infissi esterni, ecc. (ricordiamo tutti lo scandalo di Favara)
Se gli appartamenti rifiniti con cura non vengono abitati al più presto da chi ne ha diritto e rimangono incustoditi è probabile che persone senza autorizzazione occupino abusivamente i nuovi alloggi. Com' è possibile, visti i tempi, il saccheggio di quanto è asportabile: porte, sanitari, rubinetterie, termosifoni, infissi esterni, ecc. (ricordiamo tutti lo scandalo di Favara)
La ditta “M.G.G. Costruzioni” che ha realizzato i dieci alloggi ad oggi non ha ricevuto un solo euro dal comune. Il Comune di Racalmuto ha ricevuto accreditation by the Cassa, but the office said that to meet the parameters of the Stability Pact can not issue any order to pay to the company. The company in January filed a petition to the court for the injunction is issued to the City of Racalmuto, which would entail an additional outlay for the municipal coffers.
The company has complied with the letter of the contract with the City of Racalmuto, submission of work is scheduled for March 22, 2011, four were in the contract (SAL progress of work), for each SAL an order to pay as promised, but to date no order to pay for this company. The structure was built with the total advance financial company. All companies, among them some are local, which provided services and materials to the company awarded the contract for the completion of housing waiting patiently to be welded. The company, in short, will deliver the housing market in town without seeing one euro. The municipality will receive the accommodation without a list that quickly deliver the houses to those who need it, with the risk that the new residential structure will become prey to squatters and looters.
As such it is appropriate that the council and the mayor of Racalmuto si premurano affinché si accelerino i tempi delle procedure amministrative per l’assegnazione degli alloggi e per la liquidazione della ditta che ha realizzato i lavori.
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Sergio Scimè
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