Friday, March 4, 2011

Restaurants Silvercity Ottawa

Racalmuto serves collaboration of citizens

Il 2 marzo si è svolto il Consiglio comunale aperto sui problemi del paese. Intervenuti il sindaco, il maresciallo e l’arciprete. Pochi gli interventi dei consiglieri comunali. Solidarietà ai commercianti racalmutesi
The station commander of the Carabinieri of Costa Racalmuto Marshal Alexander was clear. Better not to alarm.

The story of the last criminal act against traders Racalmuto is over the city council met in special session last night and also open to the city.
Present Mayor Toto Petrotto, the priest Don Diego Martorana, representatives of schools, associations and local information.
Among city councilors have taken Carmelo Collura (PDL in the minority), Alfredo Morning (PDL majority), Toto and Carmelo Sardo Brucculeri of PD. And then Sergio Scimè citizens, racalmutese blogger and member of the UDC, Joseph Guaglio, API, Luigi Romano, vice director of the institute including the country, Brucculeri Joseph, a businessman and active in politics. And Father Martorana, who spoke of distrust of citizens towards the institutions. After all of the session, which ended around 22, was approved an agenda where you summarize the problems of the country from economic crisis to the lack of jobs for young people, and the important role played by institutions, families and also individuals who just cooperate with law enforcement to prevent incidents like those that occurred in recent weeks.

Salvatore Picone


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