di Salvatore Picone
Nel “paese della ragione” Merchants call for the carrying of arms. A challenge, of course, that takes us back twenty years when, during the war of mafia, young people then asked to bear arms for personal defense. As in the Far West.
Same thing happens today, there are no wars in progress. But the air you breathe in Racalmuto is certainly heavy. The discomfort is there and it shows. If they can see especially at night, when the square is empty. Because a little 'fear has come back after the recent events as the burning of five cars in the town, in January, a tobacco store robbery in the central Via Garibaldi, a few weeks ago and now robbery army at a pizza bar tobacco, where burglars are robbing the owners entered the year. A state of permanent fear that prompted traders to write to the Prefect of Agrigento Francesca Ferrandino asked to intensify checks by the police, especially at night.
"We take note of the numerous and commendable, but still insufficient efforts of the representatives of the few law enforcement agencies - says the document also sent to the superintendent, the mayor and police and municipal police - need more control over the land, facing the spread of such violence that fails to carry out their work with confidence e vivere tranquillamente”.
Una petizione firmata dalla maggior parte dei commercianti (quei pochi che restano ormai, in un paese lacerato dove nessuno apre più negozi o altre attività che possano smuovere l’economia). Un paese che ha visto in questi ultimi anni desertificare il centro storico. Non ultimo la decisione di spostare il mercatino settimanale del sabato lontano dalla piazza.
I commercianti adesso chiedono controlli e attendono risposte. E domani, proprio per discutere di quest’emergenza - nel pieno di un’altra crisi, quella politica - si terrà alle 19 un Consiglio comunale straordinario convocato dal presidente Milioto.
Salvatore Picone
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