Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mustang Front Bumper Repair

PROCREATION in animals and 'MAN (Part Four)

I ask you one last effort for those who had the patience to follow
so far, would be a shame to give up now.
procreation in animals and humans
1. Raffaele: "During the act of animal mating takes place
simply an excitement of the thought life
fundamental soul - which is already in the egg - to an orderly. Without such a
excitement, this would remain a vital element in its stillness suit
eater, but merely eating at the expense of those closest to him are
around, and these would in turn also to the first, and all this
continue until they had consumed each
to the last atom. Likewise però potrebbe
essere il caso anche con gli altri ovuli, che sono stati eccitati mediante
l'accoppiamento, se le necessarie condizioni ulteriori per lo sviluppo
venissero a mancare, o non si verificassero nella giusta misura.
2. L'atto dell'accoppiamento in tutti gli animali non è che un
eccitamento dell'ovulo già esistente nel corpo della femmina, poiché
i piccoli cumuli di principi animici vegetali ed animali si raccolgono
continuamente in un dato numero e ordine nel posto stabilito nel corpo
materno. Una volta al loro posto, essi eccitano
dapprima la femmina la quale, appunto in seguito all'eccitamento,
now in turn stimulates the male, it then approaches the female
and fruitful, but he also does not augur a new germ in the female, but only
arousing the activity of the germ life existing in the female.
3. Here's how it is: the male seed, which is of vital spirits
more free and loose, causes the viable seeds of the female captive
ordered a real revolution, and thereby forcing them to the activity;
without this constraint they would continue to rest in their sweet
inertia, and you do not grab each other for training and for
the internal organization of a be. The spirits of the male semen
tease and tickle continuously the vital spirits of the female
without giving them no peace or truce of any kind, but this excitement
the vital spirits of the female are opposed incessantly,
and sometimes - if are very vigorous - they are even able
invalidating the action of the spirits of the male semen. This act in the language of
breeders is called "dispersion", and occurs very frequently
particularly among the cattle, although it occurs often in other
animals and even humans, because the vital spirits female
in the germ vitale materno sono troppo inclini a stare tranquilli per
adattarsi di buon grado ad una qualche attività costante e sistematica.
Ma una volta eccitati sufficientemente e a dovere, allora la cosa procede
senz'altro regolarmente.
4. Vedete, precisamente ora abbiamo qui dinanzi a noi per il libero
esame un germe vitale materno di questo genere; guardate un po'
come durante il tempo necessario per la mia spiegazione esso si è già
molto calmato! Se io adesso lo lasciassi così, allora nella sua tendenza
al riposo si raggrinzerebbe e si contrarrebbe continuamente per il fatto
che le sue parti si spingerebbero sempre more toward the center, the
suck up to empty it and then end up with perish with it.
These are the vital spirits, so to speak, timid and fearful
like small children, and once, as you see here, are enclosed in themselves,
not take no more nourishment from the outside, but suck Instead
continuously from their own center-mother, and must therefore also
shrivel and shrink until reduced to a core of very minute
size of a point. But now we will come here
vital primordial spirits vigorous and masculine, and we will ensure that they are
eccitati continuamente perché si agitino e in questo modo
striscino senza posa sopra questo pigro nucleo femminile, ed allora
vedrete poi quale sarà l'effetto che ne risulterà.
5. Ecco, secondo la Volontà del Signore io ho fatto radunare qui,
mediante i molti spiriti subordinati che stanno al mio servizio, quegli
spiriti vitali del pensiero primordiale che prima guizzavano lì sull'acqua
e che, come vedete, sono più grandi, hanno la forma di lunghe lingue
di fuoco e splendono di viva luce.
Guardate ora con tutta l'attenzione possibile come essi siano solleciti
ed accaniti nel disporsi intorno al nucleo vital that women
pounds in freedom before us, and now here is that the vital spirits smaller
all female, they begin to stir again and try to free the restless spirits
vital male. But these do not yield in any way
, and the excitement of the vital spirits
female spreads deeper and deeper until the main center of life.
6. Now even the latter starts to move, and as the spirits
vital that they gathered around him, become hungry again after
feverish activity, they are forced to feed the spirits of light
male and become viable thus in turn brighter and more full
, so also the spirit of the thought of life is the main
center receives nourishment through their manly. Forced
then this activity, the attackers from the inside out
are encouraged to organize more and more as to constitute a sort of bulwark
well placed. But the vital spirits more vigorous
located toward the center, now well lit, they recognize themselves, their sense
and his order, and settle according to their characteristics and their
affinity, so that you may already observe what come risultino dei
collegamenti organici e come la parte esterna trapassi
in una forma che comincia ad assomigliare sempre più ad un animale.
7. Come conseguenza di questo lavorio e di questa lotta, tutte le parti
vitali sentono sempre più il bisogno di nutrimento, il quale viene fornito
loro sempre in maggior quantità dagli elementi vitali maschili; però
gli spiriti vitali esteriori del nucleo iniziale - i quali vanno ordinandosi
sempre di più - cominciano, a causa del nutrimento, a familiarizzare
con gli spiriti maschili che li mettono in agitazione. Il timore e
l'avversione di prima svaniscono, e questo sentire si diffonde anche
fra gli spiriti interni; tutto inizia ad agitarsi e a muoversi più liberamente,
ed il processo di costituzione dell'essere è ora in questo brevissimo
tempo così avanzato che voi, figli del Signore, potete ormai già stabilire
che specie di animale comparirà qui. Ecco, vedete, ne verrà fuori una
robustissima asinella, e la Volontà del Signore è che essa rimanga e non
si dissolva più».
8. A tal punto Ebram e Risa osservano: «Il buon Raffaele sembra
provare un piacere particolare nel creare degli asini! Due giorni fa,
con nostra non poca sorpresa, ne ha formato pure uno
very quickly, "
9. Raffaele says: "Never mind what he had to happen then
for your lesson! This donkey has a meaning
somewhat different: it is the symbol for all you need,
of true humility. You also men in this world, the combined real donkey
when you are too hasty in your judgments and decisions in
take some action. Here too it was something like that, that is, show
rapidly as is the development of a creature
during the original creative act, and therefore, as a result of hasty action, is
coming off a donkey here, you need this, if you really want to
all costs, what to see in something humorous.
10. This will bring forth the ass donkey created last month, and
next year both will be bought by a man
Jerusalem, and that of the donkey to be born will be kept in memory
all eternity!
11. But now enough with this topic, it is sufficient that you have seen how
from primordial vital spirits (individual thoughts of God)
may arise, without a mother, a natural being, as has been done in the original Creation
. However, if you wish, you can produce
yet other beings with all speed, "
12. They all cried: "Mighty Servant of the Lord, this is not
necessary for our education because we have more than enough already
in the latter instance, wondrous beyond words, to a more
could only make the most confusing and not clear "
13. Raffaele says: "All right, now you do a little 'attention to
what I'm about to tell you, so I think I showed you how is the
procreation and the progress of the becoming of a being - whatever
the species - namely the first time in a mother's body
already existing here and now a second, directly and free, as usually occurs
on each new planet or on some newly-formed island
up a world already old, which also happens occasionally.
14. Only you must not apply this example also
procreation and to become human, especially on this Earth,
because, although the procedure is very similar, the foundation will
extremely different.
15. The female human has in fact in itself a natural substance
, but when breeding takes place as all
known, then it is certainly fruitful and excited a small group, but
it, as a berry off a bunch of grapes, is intended
brought to the post, then a soul already accomplished accesses it,
and care for a while this vital core, until his
substance is advanced enough to allow the soul, which narrows
increasingly to penetrate the embryo is still very fluid and soft;
Having done this, the soul must work to
about two moons. Once impossessatasi in whole embryo, the child becomes immediately
Living in a perceptible
and then grows rapidly until it reaches the normal size.
16. As long as the nerves of the baby meat are not fully developed and active
, the soul continues to work diligently and with
conscious of itself, and plasma and body suits
depending on their needs, but once nerves are all fully trained and their spirit
nerveo continuous development has come to make
an absolutely regular and systematic, then the soul
retires and devotes himself increasingly at rest, and finally falls asleep
in the region of the kidneys of the embryo. From this moment on the soul non
sa più nulla di se stessa, vegeta semplicemente senza alcun ricordo di
un anteriore stato naturale nudo.
Solo alcune lune dopo la nascita, essa incomincia sempre più a
risvegliarsi, ciò che può venire dedotto molto facilmente dal diminuire
della sonnolenza. Ma perché essa pervenga ad una qualche coscienza
di sé, ci vuole un tempo più lungo.
Quando il bambino comincia a parlare, solo allora subentra davvero
nell'anima uno stato di coscienza di se stessa, però senza alcun ricordo
di una preesistenza, poiché tale ricordo non potrebbe assolutamente
conciliarsi con l'ulteriore and greater development of the soul.
17. The soul, however, completely wrapped in the flesh, does not see or recognize anything
for the moment, other than what is presented
through the senses of the body, and in itself can not recognize anything at all
as it is and should be so benighted
itself from its fleshy mass, mostly by ignoring completely that it can
exist for itself, even without the meat. For a long time it feels
one with his flesh, and it takes a great effort
before inducing a soul incarnated beginning to feel and
considered come qualcosa di proprio all'infuori della carne stessa,
ciò che a sua volta è pure necessario, perché altrimenti essa non
potrebbe ospitare in sé alcun spirito, né naturalmente potrebbe
nemmeno mai ridestarlo in sé.
18. Solo quando lo spirito inizia a risvegliarsi nell'anima, allora in
questa si fa gradualmente sempre più luce: essa comincia a
riconoscersi in modo più preciso, e comincia a scoprire in se stessa
delle cose completamente nascoste, di cui però
certo non sa ancora troppo bene cosa fare.
19. E quando lo spirito e la sua potente luce nell'anima entrano
completamente in azione, only then all the memories
awaken in the soul, of course, all transformed into the new light
then there is no more and no deception or illusion, but only a very clear
heavenly Truth, and then the soul is something
alone with his divine spirit, and everything that's in it and outside it becomes
immense joy and supreme happiness.
20. Well, now you all understand, at least approximately
, the symbolic image of the mysterious Jacob's ladder
? Here, so far I have spoken, the
below will tell the Lord Himself. "

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Well now go into the process of creation,
seemingly complex but fascinating in its aspects
primordial. Someone has definitely been guardian until
now these secrets that the crowd would never
have included. Try to imagine if you
we all become aware of the system life, as might be desired away from the body to steal the secret of ,
attraverso pratiche pineali di meditazione. Nel prossimo
post vedremo la procreazione negli animali e nell'uomo.
Con tutto ciò non voglio asserire che si tratti di verità assoluta,
ma per noi viaggiatori potrebbe essere l'ennesimo spunto alla
comprensione dell'esistenza


Raffaele mostra la creazione degli esseri organici
1. Allora Raffaele avanza e dice: «Dio è in Sé eterno ed infinito. Egli solo
riempie lo spazio senza confini. Egli, quale il supremo, purissimo ed
immenso Pensiero e quale l'Idea perfettissima dall'eternità in Sé e di per
Se Stesso, non può, come Tale dall'eternità, che concepire in eterno,
incessantemente, pensieri in tutta la Sua Infinità, la quale è colma dei
pensieri provenienti da Lui. Noi (arcangeli primordiali) però - quali Sue
Idee vitali maturatesi già da tempi inconcepibili per voi uomini ed ora
indipendenti e pieni di luce, di sapienza, di conoscenza e potenza di
volontà - abbiamo ai nostri ordini ancora una moltitudine innumerevole
di spiriti, i quali in un certo modo costituiscono le nostre braccia e le
nostre mani, ed essi riconoscono la nostra volontà, e la attuano immediatamente.
2. Solamente i puri Pensieri di Dio sono la sostanza dalla quale è sorto
tutto ciò che l'infinito comprende in sé; soltanto noi, in origine, siamo
sorti per la Volontà dell'altissimo e potentissimo Spirito di Dio, mentre
tutte queste cose e questi esseri hanno avuto origine poi per mezzo nostro,
poiché noi eravamo e siamo i primi ed i più eminenti vasi collettori dei
Pensieri e delle Idee provenienti da Dio, e lo saremo anche d'ora innanzi
per l'eternità in misura sempre più vasta e in maniera sempre più elevata e perfetta.
3. Noi riuniamo i pensieri di vita sorgenti da Dio, che a voi si presentano
sotto forma di lingue di fuoco, e plasmiamo incessantemente - secondo
l'Ordine divino in noi - forme ed esseri; dunque, se qualcuno vi chiedesse
da dove Dio, oppure noi quali Suoi messaggeri e servitori, abbiamo preso
l'elemento materiale per la formazione degli esseri, ecco che l'avete ora
dinanzi a voi! Queste lunghe lingue di fuoco a forma di serpenti sono il
materiale da costruzione spirituale, da cui è stato fatto tutto ciò che
l'infinito nella totalità può mai abbracciare e comprendere
in sé for the essential stuff!
4. How to proceed, however, these creations, the Lord Himself told you
recently demonstrated very clearly. But you can know and understand
everything perfectly and all the fullness of life only when
yourself stand before God, the Lord, in all the perfection of
life in spirit, and not in the heaviness of meat.
5. And so you - according to the Will of the Lord and to the extent that there is now
granted - we can see how powerful and ancient
servants of God, shaped by this thought, hovering in space, the
forms e degli esseri, guardate qui con gli occhi della vostra anima,
e voi apprenderete delle cose che finora nessun mortale ha mai appreso
su questa Terra.
6. Ecco, io, nel Nome dell'Altissimo ho ordinato ora, agli spiriti che mi sono
sottoposti, di raccogliere qui un’abbondante quantità della sostanza
necessaria; e come ora vedete noi abbiamo qui un cumulo di queste lunghe
lingue di fuoco che emanano una viva luce, cumulo che finora non ha altra
forma che quella di una palla di fuoco. Osservate un po' come queste lingue
di fuoco si stringono l'una vicino all'altra, e si accalcano come se ognuna
volesse sforzarsi di strisciare toward the center. This effort gradually takes over a calm
but this is not a real calm, but is a consequence of the impediment
approaching closer to the center point, which arose precisely because of the increasingly spur them
growing toward the center point itself.
7. But why all tend to reach this point? You see, if I
here before me throw balls of different materials that are
of the same size but one that is heavier than can be launched more
faster and farther than others, or - given away and a strong initial launch
exactly alike - it may reach some
before other stated goal. The same thing happens with the essential
countless thoughts that come from God
Among them there are, so to speak, some heavy, which have already formally equal to
a complete idea, then there are other less heavy, but, to be
thoughts are still very substantial
and compact, then there are thoughts lighter, less mature and less
fed of light are also very light of thought, which
are something just designed, and finally also very light of thought, which are
those corresponding to the first buds, or, better yet, to
first buds of a tree. They certainly have something in itself, but have not yet reached the
development that will enable the divine,
considered in isolation, to establish and say to them: "They will assume
one form or another."
8. When one of us wants, or properly should, be shaped by this
vital substance, now you know, a being in the Order of the Divine Will and the second
the inner impulse of the Supreme Spirit, in this case he calls
him that the spirits are at his service, e questi a loro
volta hanno il compito di raccogliere e di portargli una quantità di sostanza
sufficiente. Ora è altrettanto facilmente comprensibile, dal punto di
vista spirituale, quanto sia naturale nella materia che i pensieri pesanti
o consistenti giungano sul posto prima dei leggeri, per non parlare
poi dei leggerissimi; cosicché i più pesanti costituiscono evidentemente
il centro, mentre i leggeri, che sono quelli che arrivano più tardi,
devono accontentarsi di una posizione sempre più all'esterno; i
leggerissimi formano infine la parte assolutamente esteriore del complesso.
9. Siccome però i pensieri residing in the center are the heaviest, ie
more nutrient-rich, others who are more empty, more
poor and more hungry crowd and huddle close to the rich,
in order to somehow sate of their abundance. And that is why there is
before the phenomenon of twisting tongues of fire that the outer
shake more and more to the center, which now seem to want
finally calm down more and more, though their tendency is still that of
get as close as possible to the center,
to draw from a larger quantity of food vital.
10. Well, now you can see here a heap, which in its most
is still very hungry, and for the moment that asks for nothing more
to be sufficiently satisfied. It is like an octopus marine
spherical, which through its thousand times a thousand
small cups constantly sucking mud from the sea
nourishment that it suits him, until, after supersaturation, finally starting
to form the spherical growths on the sprawling octopus,
with which it can then have more and can manage change
appropriate position and place. With the tentacles it also assumes a form
more detail and more distinct, which already differs much from the spherical primitive.
11. You will all be surprised, but, secretly, my explanation of this
that represent the form of a life, from the first
beginning of a being and his form, this thing that may
only in this way and never, in any case, otherwise! But you only
you looking with the external nature of things, and you can see
very soon and with the greatest ease that here
procedure is identical.
12. Take for example the ovary of a hen, and watch minutely
ova that are attached, and you will see that some of these are small
like tiny peas, others like small grapes, and
others like small apples. Inside the envelope is not
light will be found other than the yellowish substance of the yolk! How
this information is still to be!
13. But this substance is increasingly central fed, and form
around if the album, after a certain period of nutrition, part
coarser albumen is separated from the album itself, however, does not stray
egg, but you have however around the form of shell
very solid, which will serve to protect against crushing
at the time of deposition. Now look at what is already different
just laid an egg since she was the mother's body.
14. But now you are the hen crouches over the egg and warms
for some time. What changes then occurring in the egg! In all
yolk begins to move and ordered; thoughts
more consistent (tongues of fire) would get together and meet, and attract
him kin to them that are closer. These in turn are joined in part by
The first and more with each other, but also attract external
closer and similar thoughts, that is the lightest.
In a short time you can already discover the heart, head, eyes,
entrails, feet, wings and piumicine, when the being is once
progressed this far, then the parties already arranged
attract more and more consistent if the elements of the substance available,
and develop more and more visibly.
15. But while the shape and the body is already almost fully developed, then even the original
main thought is that the
center has been increasingly strengthened, sustenance and satisfied during this ongoing activity. It then, with the superabundance of his life, begins to invade the body,
seizes the reins so to speak, and be living in a
becomes visible, and only then reaches a state of complete training.
16. Reached this state of complete training, then the thought
vital - and that really is the soul that has spread throughout the body
now - you soon realize that it is still locked in a prison
. It then begins to react more strongly,
pierces the wall and out into the great world of broken and full of fear because
does not yet feel sufficiently strengthened.
Here begins the period of nutrition from the outside world, and thanks to that
also to the further growth in this way the development process
takes place until the perception has not be sure of being in a
state of equilibrium with the nature of the outside world.
17. At this point we are now faced with a chicken
developed and fertile, which in turn is suitable for the reception of the parties
specific animation designed to nourish, in part from the air, some water
and for the most part from organic food already animated it suitable;
spiritual nourishment needed for the further development of
his vital soul, and the coarser is not only for the
conservation of their body, but also for the neo-
formation of the egg, from which order and according to the process
hours stated there, then again a chick is born male or female.
18. The diversity of sex, however, depends on how much density,
consistency and strength of thought originating in fundamental
living soul. If this is so from the outset to be fully consistent
already in itself an idea, then its development will coincide with the formation of a
be male, whereas if the original nucleus of
basic idea of \u200b\u200blife is on the second step
lighter, then you will develop a female '.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

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Reading continues with this second part is devoted to the element
primordial essence. Pineal oxygen I believe are directly linked
. I'm sure you'll also read some of
feelings that I have received. Obviously not all here.

1. Zinca then says: "Lord! I see on the water surface as
countless fiery serpents darting here and there, some even
you dive, but the rapidity of their movements is not
hampered by a body of water.
I penetrated with a glance up at the bottom of the sea, where there is a
multitude of monsters of all kinds, and an infinite number of
fish, and all are competing to grab these serpents of fire. When
a fish or some other monster has swallowed one or more of these snakes
of fire, it becomes more lively and active, and a kind of
real joy seems to radiate from these marine life.
2. Now I see these serpents of fire turn around here and there
also in the air, but are smaller and less bright, while the region above
water are denser than elsewhere. Those birds that are used at night
fun on the water surface,
not seem like much, but their meeting
fish dart out of the water. Those fiery serpents that swim on the surface of the water
shine over all, and also move very fast
How do you explain this phenomenon, O Lord, and what do we think? "
3. I say: "What you now see, is the vital nutrient
properly that, it is the salt air and sea salt.
One day
natural scientists call this "oxygen" certainly can not see, however, will realize
of its existence and determine how it will be composed, what percentage
will be present or if it is totally absent.
4. Water - vital as the main element for plants,
for animals and humans - must contain in itself the most
part of this oxygen, and especially the great ocean.
The animals could not live in the water at all, if this was not always saturated
in abundant measure of that element.
5. This item was originally the substance of his own soul that
, and corresponds to the thoughts before they are grouped in
idea. But when you see this vital substance soul
huddle in sufficient quantity at some point in a
any way, then it will not tarry long to see a
some form, be animated - that is soft and flexible - is completely rigid
such as stone or a piece of dead wood. Look especially
there, towards the shore, and you will discover here and there a twinkle
particular format as a set of points
light, this phenomenon is the dall'accalcarsi
vital substance, that is oxygen, at one point.
6. Ora voi potete osservare come questi nostri serpentelli di
fuoco si stringano assieme qua e là a centinaia di migliaia come
in un ammasso; un simile ammasso, così formatosi come
accidentalmente, emana poi per breve tempo una luce vivissima.
Questo maggiore splendore denota il momento del reciproco afferrarsi
di una moltitudine di questi serpentelli di fuoco vitale, ma con
un simile afferrarsi risulta poi già bella e pronta un'idea,
sotto una qualche forma.
7. Una volta che la forma si trova in ordine, allora subentra
uno stato di quiete, e il luccicare particolare cessa, ma nel
frattempo è già sorta una creatura la quale si mostra sotto
forma di cristallo, oppure below that of the seed or egg, or even
little animal in the form of water already formed, or at least
of seedlings of aquatic moss. It is for this reason that
you often see with the eyes of the body parts
more shallow and flat located close to the beaches are always
abundantly covered with all kinds of aquatic plants and
, where these patches of vegetation appear very dense, there are not even miss
large and small aquatic animals of all species.
8. But now you'll wonder, "Who is that in a plasma
some form, either rigid or dynamic and vital, these
vital spirits of which one is similar to the other? ".
will answer this question better than any other My Raffaele.
Well, Raffaele come here, speak and provide an explanation with practical examples. "


Friday, March 28, 2008

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I do not deliberately tell the source as not to affect your imagination and your awareness. But I hope it informs you the same joy that I felt I

1. (I say:) "You see, to that end I have done is brought here by the middle of Africa
this luminous globe to unravel before you the world of nature spirits, and this is not so
prodigious, but rather follow a natural path for you so far
still completely unknown.
2. The light of this stone has the ability to affect the vital nerves
through the cavity of the stomach, so that the soul directs the after
prolonged action of this light, his power of vision, and begin to perceive this
away even the most hidden things. So, now your view will move entirely in
that point, and you can see better with your eyes closed than with eyes wide open
3. The moon produces a similar effect on some people, but never so pronounced and so
can just as high as this stone. Close your eyes
therefore, and make sure if the stomach cavity
see better than with the natural eyes. "
4. At these words of mine all closed their eyes and did not find enough words to express their
wonder when they had found the acute
visual power of the soul through the cavity of the stomach.
5. Only Mataele and his four companions said: "For us this wonderful
power of vision is not new, because it is precisely in this way that
we have often seen the most extraordinary things and we have moved more than once
through places that are no deadly, in the waking state of course, would
able to cross without risking to make the most frightening falls.
we saw at the same time all the air - as well as water of the seas, lakes, rivers and streams
- more densely populated with all sorts of wonderful shapes and
of larvae that moved in the air more or
less rapidly in all possible directions of the winds, and they floated up and down,
now slowly spinning or moving quickly and now. Some
rested on the ground, so to speak, like snowflakes, and flattened
in a certain way with all possible speed in the drills, some were treated as
the dew from plants, others were absorbed into the ground, ed altre ancora da
minerali di ogni specie.
6. Quelle che si appiattivano nei solchi, e quelle assorbite dal regno vegetale e
da quello minerale, non riapparivano più, però dove c'era un albero od una pianta
che stavano marcendo, o dove c’erano resti di un animale in putrefazione, là sorgevano
forme nuove di ogni genere - da principio con l’aspetto di un leggero
vapore luminoso - le quali ben presto si afferravano a centinaia di migliaia, fondendosi
poi in una forma già molto bene sviluppata.
7. Una volta che la forma si era completata in questo modo, non passava molto
che essa cominciava a muoversi come fosse guidata da una specie di coscienza
propria, facendo how does the dog when he goes in search of something of which his good nose
made known the presence somewhere.
8. We saw these beings hover usually meet
flocks of sheep, goats and herds of cattle, reached one of these, they stopped
between the beasts and, at a coupling, an act to which it seemed that these animals were
very encouraged by these beings, the latter were absorbed
own animals that mated, as the dew on the grass
become quite dry, and do not reappear as the view.
9. Many of these forms are also pushed into the water and swam to
some time here and there like slipping leggermente sulla superficie; alcune si
immergevano poi decisamente nell'acqua, altre invece si stringevano insieme in
una massa nebulosa, e si immergevano nell'acqua solo dopo essersi fuse in una
nuova forma che non di rado assomigliava ad un animale acquatico.
10. Ma la cosa più strana era che noi vedevamo sorgere nell'acqua sempre
un'immensa varietà di figure, di larve con forme curiose, e queste avevano un
aspetto all’incirca come di insetti volanti di ogni tipo, come pure di uccelli grandi
e piccoli di ogni possibile specie. In effetti essi erano muniti di zampe e di
altre estremità sviluppate benissimo, ma non se ne servivano come gli uccelli,
perché tutte le estremità were dangling. These figures hovering in the air as
fluff, and only the passage of real birds near them, they could observe the real
signs of life forms in these larvae and nebulae. They
then accompanied the flock, and quickly devoured as they were by it.
11. In addition we perceive as a kind of clear dust raining down from above
, sometimes thicker and sometimes less dense, and in particular the frequency
could be observed on the surface of the water. Looking more closely at this
am-dust, you could see it even in the existence of certain forms or
looked like tiny eggs, or aquatic animals extraordinarily
small and the dust was too soon
swallowed by water.
12. Oh, many things we would be told in this regard if there were
time, but what we saw first in our miserable condition, now let's review the
hand with eyes closed, and this vision awakens in us the memory
now reminds us that aloud: "You have seen all these things
for several years in a row, every night and every night." Sometimes we had the same visions
during the day when the sky takes on a dark and gloomy.
course then we did not know quite what to think, but now thankfully
understand it, and we know what are the causes and what it is!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

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Today it has become easy and convenient for many public figures, politicians or entertainers (clowns in office) to shoot zero on the world in which we live. He does

Vasco presenting his new album on TG3 Rai. Then, using a public channel to promote his garbage music that can only bring in the spirit of the hearer's feelings approach to drugs and sexual perversion.

The system of mass distraction then acts through shady characters and not including interest, to sell their garbage. Why

signor Vasco Rossi non si da da fare e ci consiglia lei come migliorare questo mondo.

Il mondo, purtroppo, lo distruggono quotidianamente persone come lei dedite a cavalcare l'onda del dissenso per blaterare a vanfera cazzate intorno al mondo che viviamo.

Troppo comodo continuare a ripetere che il mondo fa schifo per poi approfittarne in ogni momento per piazzare in tutte le tv le sue pubblicità commerciali.

Chi scrive di lei " torna Vasco ed è sempre rock che fa sognare" ( un certo Paolo Biamonte), evidentemente ha smesso di sognare un mondo diverso, un mondo cioè senza Vasco Rossi imbonitore di folle e plagiatore di incapaci.

Ebbene sentitevi tutti offesi Vascorossisti of yesterday and today, but I would like him you were in your deepest, maybe this will not help you to awaken from the torpor that TV, newspapers, actors, singers, politicians and minstrels of all sorts, there have so far procured fogging the brain and emotions feelings.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bunga Bungasilvio Ppt


Yesterday, Monday, March 16 around 18 to the "Gran Guardia in Verona came to see the follow-up with Antonio Di Pietro and Antonio Donadi Massimo Borghesi.
stamps of Italy has presented the audience with the usual speeches from Verona politicastri bullfighting. The only positive note is that as they appear on television so I live: arrogant presumptuous.
photos above are not put there by chance, have an actual value against an ideological warp the characters represented: hide the truth to the people.
What truth you say. Well you will hear from audio of my interlocutors.
Di Pietro spoke to CHANNEL ITALY seigniorage as a "legalized scam."
Today he considers it a "thing Pallosa" trying to hide with these words of the proceedings to the people, citizens. And since he considers a boring thing has seen fit to nominate a "champion" of popular struggles: Lannutti. Of course, to download the heavy burden. But
Lannutti is defined as an independent and says he does not join the party and as such will behave. That is, continue to work on lettuce, cucumbers, bread, and if there is room for banks.
course without breaking too much balls to IGB (fat banker), otherwise it is the end of Kennedy.
I asked him if this autonomy would give greater powers to build a sovereign Italy. He likes to advertise his books have on the mouth Auriti, but has no independent sovereignty. It will be yet another salaried class in the House of Representatives, paid handsomely with our work.
Here's orgasm crazy and Antonio Di Pietro Beppe Grillo have some things in common besides the same publisher casalmassonico also launch the same manner as the stones and then say that they have not been to do so, despite all have seen of course.
ps for that scoundrel of Borghesi I think of something funny later!
Follow the video sequence.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

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Press Release Press Release

submissions open until 9 April 2008 for participating in the 2nd Green Hills Hills Rally. The race will be held in Abano Terme 18 and April 19, 2008.

Angera, March 14, 2008. After the success of last year, the waiting rooms for the second edition of GreenRally Hills Hills. Also this year the Province of Padua and the City of Abano Terme are two important partnerships. During the competition will challenge Domenico Riolfatto Councillor of the Province of Padua Road, Heavy Transportation, equity and Andrea Cosentino, Vice Mayor of Abano Terme. The aim of the organizer Roberto Leaf is demonstrating to the public performance of environmentally friendly vehicles and also their easy adaptability to life and everyday use also as an effective alternative to vehicles powered with the fuels available today.
Registration is open until April 9, then, at the Secretariat of the Event GreenRally c / o ASD Energy Sport (via Gasperini 9-35045 rains of Sacco-Pd-). ASD Energy Sport April 15, 2008 Book Road will deliver the crews so that they can compete in the scenery of green hills Hills. The appointment for the crews is scheduled for Friday, April 18, 2008 from 9:00 to 19:00 for the Documentation and scrutineering at the Villa Bassi of Abano Terme.
The challenge will begin Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:00 am starting with the first competitor to be held in Abano Terme Villa Bassi. The 'theoretical arrival at Old Town Square is expected 16:00. At 17:30 the Organization will publish the rankings of the participants and at 20:00, during the gala dinner, the ceremony will take place premiazione.La competition will consist of a regularity race and Energy Consumption Test on normal roads open to certificate, the registration will cover all electric vehicles, hybrids, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol purpose of promotion and development of vehicles with low impact ambientale.La event will take place in 2 Convoys Regularity in which crews must keep certain average speed - top secret strictly within areas under timed secret - at an average speed tax. Any re-orders and repairs car can run on the road (leaving from the same point where the failure occurred) the initial and final positions of control over trans with a stamp will be recorded on the Road Book will be kept secret while the intermediate ones to monitor compliance road and travel, (all competitors must observe the Highway Code). There are two prizes for GreenRally, they are two different types of race, which will acquire competitors entered a single score derived from the classification only valid for the FIA \u200b\u200btitle.
For further information: Press Office

Simona Fontana

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GreenRally of MoleTorino 1, 5 and 6 April 2008. Registration is open until March 30 for the 1st GreenRally the Mole. The race, scheduled in Turin on April 5 and 6, will inaugurate the second season of GreenRally ( )

Angera, March 9, 2008. It promises to be fought and full of twists the race of 1 GreenRally the Mole to be held concurrently with the Automotive Hall AutoECO Ecological Torino.L 'goal is to show organizer Robert Leaf to the public the environmental performance of vehicles and also their easy adaptability to life and everyday use also as an effective alternative to vehicles powered by fuels currently commercio.Aperte entries until March 30, then, for all those who want to measure vehicles (cars and motorbikes ed) alternative energy: the appointment is to the Secretary of the Exhibition GreenRally 2008, at TTGExpo srl (Via Perrone 16, Torino) Crews enrolled on April 3, will receive the road book that will accompany the cars through the landscape of gentle hills, passing the magic Valentino Turin, the majestic Basilica di Superga going to Pino Torinese, Castelnuovo Don Bosco, for Chieri then go from Cambiano Trofarello and Moncalieri Torino.Il before returning to competition program provides from 9.00 to 18.00 on the Saturday, April 5 and scrutineering at the parc ferme area at 'Oval Lingotto (Via Nizza - Torino ). On 1 GreenRally the Mole will then take off Sunday, April 6 at 9:00 am Departure from the Park Oval Lingotto (Via Nizza-Turin). The start of the first runner is expected at 9.30, while the arrival is awaited by the 17:30 16.30.Alle Organization will publish the rankings of the participants and will take place at 19.00 the ceremony premiazione.La competition will consist of a regularity race and Energy Consumption Test on normal roads open to public traffic, the entries cover all electric vehicles, hybrids, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol purpose of promotion and development of vehicles with low impact ambientale.La event will take place in 2 Convoys Regularity in which crews must hold a certain average speed - top secret strictly within areas under timed secret - at an average speed tax. Any re-orders and repairs the car may be made by road (starting from the same point where the failure occurred), the initial and final positions of control over trans with a stamp will be recorded on the Road Book and intermediates will be kept secret to monitor compliance the rules of the road and travel, (all competitors must observe the Highway Code). There are two prizes for GreenRally, they are two different types of race, which will acquire competitors entered a single score derived from the classification only valid for the FIA \u200b\u200btitle.

For further information: Press Office GreenRally

Simona Fontana

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A successful marriage between sports and ecology !
After the success of last year Euganean Hills, Robert Green Leaf creator and promoter of Rally, the event repeats from Turin.
The first event is for all fans in the city of Piedmont to 5:06 April. On 18 and April 19, Abano Terme instead to kick off the 2nd GreenRally Hills Hills. It then ends with a triptych 1 GreenRally of Lake Maggiore on 2 and 3 August.

Angera, March 11, 2008. Registration is open to all vehicles, even for everyday use (hybrid, LPG, methane, hydrogen, biodiesel, ethanol) than on normal roads will carry out a regularity race and test power consumption: this is GreenRally! ( ). This competition was launched last year by Green Hills Hills Energy Service Sport Events and ASD to promote the development of vehicles with low impact ambientale.Le races, started in 2007 with the 1st GreenRally Euganean Hills, aim to show the public performance of alternative energy vehicles, testing, through competitions, many new technical concepts in full agreement with the pioneering nature of motorsport. The 2008 program provides for the dispute of three races, all valid for the FIA \u200b\u200bAlternative Energies Cup. We will begin the next 5 and 6 April in Turin, at the Automotive Hall AutoECO Ecological (at the Oval Lingotto), here will be held on 1 GreenRally della Mole; il 18 e 19 aprile invece partirà da Abano Terme il 2° GreenRally dei Colli Euganei.In conformità con il Regolamento Tecnico FIA, saranno ammessi alle gare: veicoli elettrici convertiti, modificati e prototipi, prodotti in serie leggeri, veicoli ibridi elettrici e altri veicoli ibridi. Consentiti anche veicoli ad energie alternative come i mono fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi, i poli fuel alimentati da combustibili gassosi e liquidi, i mono fuel alimentati da idrogeno, veicoli bi fuel alimentati da idrogeno e da un altro combustibile, veicoli a celle a combustibile (fuel cells) e veicoli alimentati da biocombustibili.Per veicoli alimentati da biocombustibili si intendono tutti i veicoli motorizzati che utilizzino qualsiasi tipo di motore Heat-powered environmentally-friendly fuels such as, for example, vegetable oils, methanol or ethanol from renewable plant crops, synthetic fuels produced by other processes that use energy sources such as energy solare.Il cycle of production and use of these types of fuel does not increase the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere, creating an alternative to oil dependency, and avoid over-exploit natural resources and significantly reducing pollution emissions from transport.
For further information: Press Office
Simona Fontana

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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Yesterday, March 12, 2008, Mr. Veltroni came to the city of Verona for a convention of the Democratic Party. I attended the event and, pending the start scheduled for 13.30 I met the former deputy interior Marco Minniti. I report, in writing and in audio, questions and considerations that I have tried to offer him.

Here is the text:

Biopresto: Do \u200b\u200byou consider essential, important that the state could return to the sovereign than the banks, the issue than money, than all'ingordigia system economico bancario che emette moneta.

Ministro: La moneta la batte lo Stato

Biopresto: Onorevole, mi scusi, la moneta non la batte lo stato......le monetine!!!...

Ministro: No No No la moneta la emette la Banca d'Italia, poi detto questo, c'è un rapporto col sistema bancario....comunque il discorso è troppo complesso.

Biopresto: Si ma la moneta la emettono le banche.

Ministro: Si, la Banca d'Italia.

Biopresto: Ma la Banca d'Italia è made to 97% by private companies

Minister: No No

Biopresto: Yeah, I do not know her?

Minister: The Bank of Italy is the issuing institution of our country.

Biopresto: It 's a public institution, but for 97% done by private banks.

Minister: What is public law.

Biopresto: But it is made by private banks.

Minister: The problem of debt for us is a commitment important, after two years of government have achieved significant results, we want to continue on this path of recovery. Even if you heal because there are more resources to invest, both in terms of tax fairness both in terms of wages.

Biopresto: All right, but formally it would be important to understand if only through the recovery of direct or indirect or through the recovery of sovereignty.

Minister: Over the past two years is a recovery of tax evasion, not taxation.

Biopresto: Yes, but the sovereignty would be stata più interessante.

Minniti ha tagliato corto, non sapeva che pesci prendere rilevando un ignoranza in termini di emissione monetaria che fa venire i brividi. Ma del resto dai servi delle banche cosa ci si può aspettare. L'ennesima conferma, se ce ne fosse stato bisogno.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

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Martedì 4 marzo scorso, verso le 20,30 a Lazise, una località del basso Lago di Garda ho presenziato ad un convegno del COLIMO (comitato di liberazione monetaria) presso la locale sala civica.

Oratori l'Ing Argo Fedrigo l'avv.Marco Della Luna ed un certo Bellomi; erano presenti alcuni rappresentanti del locale circolo del polo delle libertà. Nella bellissima sala erano presenti circa un centinaio di persone. Questo per la cronaca. Ma veniamo ai fatti.

Dopo una breve introduzione da parte di un consulente finanziario e di una rappresentante del circolo sui temi della serata ha preso la parola Belloni.

Un illuminato, uno che appena conosciuto Fedrigo ne è rimasto fulminato (e si vede).

La loro intenzione è quella di creare gruppi in tutta italia il cui compito deve essere quello di far conoscere la verità sulle banche.

Si dichiarano lontani dai partiti ma in realtà il Belloni si dichiara un ex politico e lo si nota nel momento in cui invoca alla sala le adesioni al colimo. Discorsi da politico cerca consensi. Alla fine della serata ha chiesto anche a me di seguirli e che avevano bisogno di quelli come me.

Mi sono sentito un vescidume addosso che non vi dico ed ho risposto che ero impegnato in una lotta molto più fondamentalista che quella piena di compromessi da loro proposta.

La parola è dunque passata al Fedrigo

Ha esordito parlando del caso della vecchietta che ha rubato nei supermercati per fame e dice che abbiamo raggiunto il fondo.

"Le banche sono essenziali per lo sviluppo, non siamo contro le banche, non è assolutamente vero" questa was one of the first words that he has increased the blood to the brain quickly. Moreover, the Fedrigo told me at the end that are forming a sort of guarantee institutions, a consortium of entrepreneurs to turn to lenders and obtain loans contracted at rates from prime rate without any collateral, just the word .... In short, as the candy Falqui (poor slaves).

So, he says, banks and just check they are correct.

Then the usual story of the issue monitaria by central banks and a bit 'muddled in terms of history and the ways (but better was not possible to expect) on seigniorage primary and then secondary, public debt, budget of the Bank of Italy etc.. etc.. Ascoltatevi recording (I recommend a headset if you're interested, unfortunately the audio of the phone is not much. The camera Loris ate the tapes and then we had to make do).

But the best is yet to come. Marco Della Luna is going to take that course is here to present his new book.

He proposed monetary sovereignty to 7% so 'so as not to break anyone's balls.

He said the good ones, increased the purchasing power of a 10 15%.

My contribution is towards the end of the brief statement, and unfortunately I had more 'minutes available.

hear that the movie hangs when slammed in their face the draft agreement with lenders.

Fedrigo, I confess he lost his speech and was surprised, because even he knew that the site of Colima were reported this news, as he knew it was not reported in their study of a decalogue complementary currency. Probably pretended nothing.

So spoke the political Belloni that dropped the thing speaking in general terms of banking problems and that he was in agreement with what I said

These people are trying to exploit any issue on seigniorage to bring benefit to employers and banks to friends, so as to overshadow the real issues Fundamental to combat monetary sovereignty.
say they do not share the work of no current policy, but if there was one that would be voted Berlusconi, that is the only one that passed in the legislature would consider the fight against the power transfer. Yes .. sure ....
has taken into account so that our "illuminto" the next government proposed Mario Draghi as chairman of the board. An own goal
slap in fact.

Psili my speech is at 1 minute and 53 seconds into the video ... and it feels good!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

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An interesting article in The New York Times, reveals a scenario that perhaps many of us is unknown to the Middle East oil, which reveals an obvious difficulty for the Arab populations increasingly stifled by economic and monetary policies pursued by unscrupulous rulers who demonstrate any disregard for its citizens, and of matching their Western counterparts.


Inflation creates growing unease in the Middle East

AMMAN, Jordan - also because it enriches Arab rulers, the recent boom in oil prices is helping to feed an extraordinary increase in the cost of food and other basic goods that is squeezing the middle class of this region and resulting in strikes, demonstrations and occasional riots from Morocco to the Persian Gulf. Here in Jordan, the cost of maintaining fuel subsidies between rising prices forced the government to remove almost all the subsidies this month, bringing the price of some fuels up to 76 percent overnight. In a devastating domino effect, the cost of basic foods like eggs, potatoes and cucumbers doubled or more.
In Saudi Arabia, where inflation was virtually zero for a decade, recently reached an official level of 6.5 per cent, although unofficial estimates the damage is much higher. Public protests and boycotts have followed, and 19 prominent priests, issued an unusual statement on the Internet in December, which warned of a crisis that could cause "theft, fraud, armed robbery and resentment between rich and poor ".
Inflation has many causes, from increased global demand for raw materials to limit currency to weaken the U.S. dollar. But one cause is the skyrocketing rise in the price of oil itself, which has quadrupled since 2002. All this leads many ordinary people toward poverty even if it stimulates a new wave of economic growth in the Gulf.
"Now we have to choose: either to eat o stare al caldo. Noi non possiamo fare entrambe le cose", ha detto Abdul Rahman Abdul Raheem, che lavora in un negozio di abbigliamento in un centro commerciale ad Amman e che una volta sognava di mandare i propri figli a scuola privata. "Non siamo davvero più borghesia; siamo al livello di povertà".
Alcuni governi hanno cercato di ammorbidire l'impatto dei prezzi elevati aumentando i salari o le sovvenzioni sui prodotti alimentari. La Giordania, per esempio, ha aumentato gli stipendi dei dipendenti del settore pubblico che guadagnavano meno di 300 dinari (423 dollari) al mese di 50 dinari ($ 70). Per coloro che guadagnano più di 300 dinari, l'aumento fu di 45 dinari, o $ 64. Ciò compensa solo una parte degli aumenti dei prezzi, and most of the people working in the private sector do not get no relief.
The fact that inflation is coinciding with the new oil wealth has fed perceptions of corruption and economic injustice, some analysts say.
"About two-thirds of Jordanians now believe there is widespread corruption in the public and private," said Mohammed al-Masri, public relations director of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan. "The middle class is becoming less able to afford what we usually do, and more and more suspicious."
In some places the price increases have led to violence. In Yemen, prices for bread and other foods sono quasi raddoppiati negli ultimi quattro mesi, facendo esplodere una stringa di dimostrazioni e scontri in cui almeno una dozzina di persone sono state uccise. In Marocco, 34 persone sono state condannate alla prigione mercoledì per la partecipazione a disordini alimentari sui prezzi, così ha riportato il notiziario di stato marocchino. Poichè strettamente controllati, la Giordania non ha avuto violente dimostrazioni e scioperi.
L'inflazione è stata anche un fattore - spesso trascurato - in alcuni recenti scontri che sono stati considerati come politici o settari. Uno scontro a Beirut tra l'esercito libanese e un gruppo di manifestanti sciiti che ha causato sette morti, è iniziato con dimostrazioni sull'influenza su tagli the increase in bread prices.
In Bahrain and the UAE, inflation is in double digits, and foreign workers, who constitute the vast majority of the workforce went on strike in recent months due to declining purchasing power of money they send home. Workers are paid in currencies that are pegged to the dollar, and the value of their salaries - translated into Indian rupees and other currencies - has dropped significantly.
The heavy dependence on imported Middle Eastern food made him particularly vulnerable to global price increases in recent years, said George T. Abed, the former governor of the Palestinian Monetary Authority a director at the Institute of International Finance, an organization based in Washington.
Corruption, inefficiency and monopolistic economies worsen the impact, as government officials or business owners artificially inflate prices or refuse untaglio increases.
"For many commodities, we do not have the free-market prices, we have monopoly prices," said Samer Tawil, a former minister of national economy in Jordan. "Oil, cement, rice, meat, sugar: these are all imported almost exclusively by one importer each time. Corruption is one thing when it concerns the construction of a road, but when you touch my food that is different."
In oil-producing Gulf countries, governments, which are well supplied with petrol money can soften the blow by spending more. The United Arab Emirates increased the salaries of public sector employees by 70 percent this month, Oman will have increased by 43 percent. Saudi Arabia has also increased its wages and increased subsidies on some foods. Bahrain has established a fund of $ 100 million this year to be distributed to those most affected by higher prices. But all these costs of government have the unfortunate side effect of worsening inflation, economists say.
In Syria, where oil production is running out, prices have also increased dramatically. Although he has started to liberalize its rigid socialist economy, the government has repeatedly delayed plans to eliminate subsidies that keep prices artificially low for its citizens, fearing domestic reprisals.
Even so, inflation of recent months has weighed on all except on the wealthy. Fakarava
Thou al-Hammad, an employee of the office's contracts Syrian state oil company, has a law degree and earns less than 15,000 Syrian pounds, or $ 293 per month, twice the national average wage. His salary was once more than enough, and until recently he sent half of the salary to his parents.
But rising prices ha cambiato tutto questo, egli ha detto. Ora ha preso un secondo lavoro insegnando arabo nei fine settimana per il sostentamento di sua moglie e del bambino. Impossibilitato per l'acquisto di un auto, prende autobus pubblici dal suo bilocale appena fuori Damasco per andare al lavoro. Egli può permettersi la migliore qualità di pannolini per suo figlio solo per la notte e passa a quelli più economici durante il giorno. Non è più in grado di inviare qualcosa ai suoi genitori.
"Devo vivere giorno per giorno", ha detto. "Non posso calcolare per tutto perché, se mio figlio si ammala, dovrei spendere molto di ciò che guadagno per le medicine per lui."
Allo stesso tempo, una nuova classe di imprenditori, la maggior parte di their ties with the government, has built gaudy mansions and helped transform Damascus, the Syrian capital, with new restaurants and trendy cafes. This has helped fuel a perception of corruption and unfairness, analysts say. Wednesday, the government newspaper Al Thawra published a poll that found that 450 of 452 Syrians believed that their state institutions have been subject to corruption.
"Many people believe that most of the government's economic policies are adopted to meet the interests of the newly emerging Syrian aristocracy, while disregarding the interests of poor and lower middle class," said Marwan al-Kabalan, a professor of Political Science the University of Damascus.
The same attitudes are visible in Jordan. Even before the subsidies on fuel were removed this month, inflation had badly eroded the average income of households in the last five years, said Mr. Tawil, the former minister of the economy. Although the official rate of 'inflation for 2007 was 5.4 percent, government studies have shown that the average incomes of households spent more for food and consuming less, he added. Last year a survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that Amman was found the most expensive Arab capital for the cost of living.
Mr. Abdul Raheem, an official di un negozio di abbigliamento ad Amman, ha detto, "Nessuno può essere al governo ora ed essere pulito."
Intanto, la sua vita è stata trasformata, ha detto Abdul Raheem. Ha spuntato una lista dii prezzi: le patate sono balzate a circa 76 centesimi alla libbra da 32 centesimi. Un cartone di 30 uova è arrivato a circa $ 4,25 da appena al di sopra di $ 2; i cetrioli sono saliti a 58 centesimi alla libbra da circa 22. Tutto questo in poche settimane.
"Queste sono sempre state le cose di base", ha detto. "Ora sono dei lussi".
Con uno stipendio equivalente a $ 423 ed un affitto $ 176 , il pagamento per i prodotti alimentari ed il carburante esaurisce il suo reddito, ha detto. "Ma stiamo molto meglio di altri", ha added. "We are in the media."


translation from an article in The New York Times 02/25/2008

Saturday, March 1, 2008

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This paper by Louis Even, in a clear and brief summary of what are the principles that is inspired by the Social Credit .

A healthy expression of what it should represent, for all the world, the system cheap money in the service of citizens.

So even if the text reference is made to a Canadian proposal for the state, is certainly applicable to any state in the Western world as a healthy work of rebuilding a social fabric frayed monetary issuance by central banks concerned exclusively profit derived from their monetary issuance. The state through the Social Credit
acquired monetary sovereignty, which does not consist solely in the issuance of currency, especially in the determination of monetary policies that this entails.

The economic problem of our ancestors, who had the human labor at their disposal, the animal power and a few simple tools, was to produce enough to support themselves. A real poverty, scarcity, were a constant threat. In the twentieth century opened with a continent, with the forces of nature and applied science at our disposal, the immediate problem is to find a way to distribute a large production. The presence of potential or realized abundances should give all Canadians the following political rights in the economic field:
1) Life - The right of everyone to be able to obtain the necessities of life, food, clothing, shelter, without recourse to public charity.
2) The freedom - The right of everyone to choose the type of employment that he wants or who is right, instead of being forced to accept every job it can find.
3) Pursuit of Happyness - The right of everyone to have free time you can use it freely according to his personal initiative, tangible, aesthetic, intellectual, spiritual.
The ability to guarantee these rights is based on undeniable opportunity today to be able to produce all the necessary things using only a fraction of the available human labor.
What is Social Credit?
The credit is a social movement whose goal is to enable consumers to benefit to the public of the full capacity to produce useful goods. The unemployment rate, which affects people today, is not the result of saturation of consumer needs, or exhaustion of resources, but only for non-delivery of products and services. The production goes on only in accordance with the orders it receives. Orders are packed by the purchasing power of consumers. That purchasing power depends on the money that consumers have in our hands to meet their needs. Social Credit has developed a sophisticated and secure plan for reintengrare whenever the gap between the prices of products offered to consumers and the money in the hands of those who want these finished products. This is a system, therefore, does not allow for inflation or deflation, but mathematically and automatically maintains a balance between production and purchasing power. subdues the money and puts it in the service of man. It forced him to carry out its function: the sale of production, consumer satisfaction, as the natural and industrial resources can afford. In addition to this balance, the Social Credit has included in its intentions, the ' eradication of poverty through social guarantees of economic security individual. No one can deny that Canada is able to easily produce enough goods to provide an honest livelihood for all. The physical possibility exists, and only lacks the financial capability. So finance is what you do not need to Canadians, and this is where you must find a remedy. As Henry Ford says, the products are there, but the dollars to buy the products lack. Producers of goods they carry out their role, but producers of dollars mistakenly held their own. There is a wonderful technique in the production, but there is no money in the system. The monetary system, says the great American industrial system is now obsolete, ineffective, and it is time to change it. The monetary wealth is not wealth, it is just a title, a claim on wealth. The wealth comes from human labor mechanism applied to natural resources. Wealth is not lacking in Canada, but it could be much more abundant, since there is not much human labor and mechanical use. The money comes from those who plant, and since there is a shortage, or is not where it should be, the wealth you can not sell, production stops, poverty reigns in abundance. Money is made of metal pieces of banknotes and credit or bank deposits put into service through grants. Today's grants represent more than 95 percent of commercial transactions. Cheques simply move credits to the accounts of banks. The deposits in banks, therefore, constitute the bulk of money in circulation. These deposits are generated through loans made by banks in the form of loans, discounts, overdrafts or bond purchases. The banks are the creators of money. But they destroy this money through the repayment of the loans, the reduction of discovered. If the factory goes faster than the destruction, the money in circulation increases, if the destruction is faster than production, the money decreases. There is no balance between production and money, because banks do not have the purpose of 'balance, but only their particular profit. In addition, advances are being made to production, but the cash flow from production to consumption does not go as fast as the invoice price, which is the rate of production. It 's impossible for anyone, well intentioned or not, maintain the current monetary system in accordance with public demand and production capacity to meet these needs. The nationalization of banks does not fix anything by itself. The change of the controller is insufficient you must change the policy that governs the control. In other words, you have the control to pursue another Finally, you are looking for a constant balance between prices and purchasing power. The National Bureau of monetary claim can not be controlled socially, in accordance with the factors of production and consumption in the country, but at national level, in agreement with the general national accounting. It 'then must have a national monetary authority, as we have a court to administer justice. Private banks may continue their activities with a view to profit, in exchange for services rendered, but should no longer have the right to increase or reduce the supply of money . This function should only be a matter of national competence through the Office National credit.
The National Bureau collects credit factors of production and consumption and acts accordingly in order to issue currency, so that throughout the production to be sold are complied with the times as needed. It has all the powers to achieve this purpose for which it is responsible to the nation. The proposed technique to achieve the dual purpose of the Social Credit - equilibrium prices and purchasing power, and out of poverty - consists of two methods of distribution of new money: offset the discount and the dividend .
Discount Plywood is to put in equilibrium prices and purchasing power by creating and distributing money without inflation. The money finances the discount offset a reduction in price for consumers. If the available production of 12 billion dollars, and the purchasing power appears to be only 9 billion dollars, the National Bureau of Credit decreed a 25 percent discount on all prices, a discount on all products, at the time of sale to the consumer. This is to reduce prices at the level of purchasing power. The discount retailer is compensated, ie, the Office of Credit provides the money that the retailer has sacrificed a discount. This money is created dall'Ufficio di Credito nello stesso modo in cui oggi la moneta viene creata dalla banca . Questa nuova moneta effettivamente favorisce il consumatore, ma a condizione che egli acquisti; favorisce il rivenditore, a condizione che la vendita sia effettuata. Questo è denaro che vende la produzione attraverso la riduzione dei prezzi e che soddisfa tutti: l'acquirente, il venditore, e il produttore, che è soltanto troppo felice di vendere la sua produzione .

Il dividendo nazionale, come indicano le parole, è la distribuzione di un dividendo, di una somma di denaro che rappresenta un avanzo delle entrate da un capitale, a tutti members of society, then, for every man, woman and child in Canada. This dividend is based on 'existence of a cultural or social capital, belonging to all. Capital consisting of the discoveries and inventions of science. The party takes place this capital in production is increasing, while the part of human labor is always smaller. The work should be rewarded, but also capital, including the capital. We are the heirs of all the assets accumulated by past generations, we are all capitalists, and we have every right to a dividend at least sufficient to protect us from poverty .
Al fine di comprendere la possibilità dell'applicazione del sistema monetario sostenuto dal Credito Sociale, non si deve perdere di vista il fatto che il mondo è entrato in un'epoca di abbondanza; che, se ci sono i poveri, non è perché ci sono persone ricche, ma perché l'abbondanza non è distribuita. Pertanto non vi è alcun bisogno di togliere dai ricchi per dare ai poveri; Dobbiamo solo mettere in atto alcune tecnichenel sistema monetario, e non contentare noi stessi col dire che il denaro è fatto per l'uomo, ma di instaurare un sistema che mette necessariamente il denaro al servizio dell'uomo, di tutti gli uomini.
Traduzione Biopresto