primordial essence. Pineal oxygen I believe are directly linked
. I'm sure you'll also read some of
feelings that I have received. Obviously not all here.
1. Zinca then says: "Lord! I see on the water surface as
countless fiery serpents darting here and there, some even
you dive, but the rapidity of their movements is not
hampered by a body of water.
I penetrated with a glance up at the bottom of the sea, where there is a
multitude of monsters of all kinds, and an infinite number of
fish, and all are competing to grab these serpents of fire. When
a fish or some other monster has swallowed one or more of these snakes
of fire, it becomes more lively and active, and a kind of
real joy seems to radiate from these marine life.
2. Now I see these serpents of fire turn around here and there
also in the air, but are smaller and less bright, while the region above
water are denser than elsewhere. Those birds that are used at night
fun on the water surface,
not seem like much, but their meeting
fish dart out of the water. Those fiery serpents that swim on the surface of the water
shine over all, and also move very fast
How do you explain this phenomenon, O Lord, and what do we think? "
3. I say: "What you now see, is the vital nutrient
properly that, it is the salt air and sea salt.
One day
natural scientists call this "oxygen" certainly can not see, however, will realize
of its existence and determine how it will be composed, what percentage
will be present or if it is totally absent.
4. Water - vital as the main element for plants,
for animals and humans - must contain in itself the most
part of this oxygen, and especially the great ocean.
The animals could not live in the water at all, if this was not always saturated
in abundant measure of that element.
5. This item was originally the substance of his own soul that
, and corresponds to the thoughts before they are grouped in
idea. But when you see this vital substance soul
huddle in sufficient quantity at some point in a
any way, then it will not tarry long to see a
some form, be animated - that is soft and flexible - is completely rigid
such as stone or a piece of dead wood. Look especially
there, towards the shore, and you will discover here and there a twinkle
particular format as a set of points
light, this phenomenon is the dall'accalcarsi
vital substance, that is oxygen, at one point.
6. Ora voi potete osservare come questi nostri serpentelli di
fuoco si stringano assieme qua e là a centinaia di migliaia come
in un ammasso; un simile ammasso, così formatosi come
accidentalmente, emana poi per breve tempo una luce vivissima.
Questo maggiore splendore denota il momento del reciproco afferrarsi
di una moltitudine di questi serpentelli di fuoco vitale, ma con
un simile afferrarsi risulta poi già bella e pronta un'idea,
sotto una qualche forma.
7. Una volta che la forma si trova in ordine, allora subentra
uno stato di quiete, e il luccicare particolare cessa, ma nel
frattempo è già sorta una creatura la quale si mostra sotto
forma di cristallo, oppure below that of the seed or egg, or even
little animal in the form of water already formed, or at least
of seedlings of aquatic moss. It is for this reason that
you often see with the eyes of the body parts
more shallow and flat located close to the beaches are always
abundantly covered with all kinds of aquatic plants and
, where these patches of vegetation appear very dense, there are not even miss
large and small aquatic animals of all species.
8. But now you'll wonder, "Who is that in a plasma
some form, either rigid or dynamic and vital, these
vital spirits of which one is similar to the other? ".
will answer this question better than any other My Raffaele.
Well, Raffaele come here, speak and provide an explanation with practical examples. "
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