Saturday, March 1, 2008

Where Do The Gay Men Go In Nj


This paper by Louis Even, in a clear and brief summary of what are the principles that is inspired by the Social Credit .

A healthy expression of what it should represent, for all the world, the system cheap money in the service of citizens.

So even if the text reference is made to a Canadian proposal for the state, is certainly applicable to any state in the Western world as a healthy work of rebuilding a social fabric frayed monetary issuance by central banks concerned exclusively profit derived from their monetary issuance. The state through the Social Credit
acquired monetary sovereignty, which does not consist solely in the issuance of currency, especially in the determination of monetary policies that this entails.

The economic problem of our ancestors, who had the human labor at their disposal, the animal power and a few simple tools, was to produce enough to support themselves. A real poverty, scarcity, were a constant threat. In the twentieth century opened with a continent, with the forces of nature and applied science at our disposal, the immediate problem is to find a way to distribute a large production. The presence of potential or realized abundances should give all Canadians the following political rights in the economic field:
1) Life - The right of everyone to be able to obtain the necessities of life, food, clothing, shelter, without recourse to public charity.
2) The freedom - The right of everyone to choose the type of employment that he wants or who is right, instead of being forced to accept every job it can find.
3) Pursuit of Happyness - The right of everyone to have free time you can use it freely according to his personal initiative, tangible, aesthetic, intellectual, spiritual.
The ability to guarantee these rights is based on undeniable opportunity today to be able to produce all the necessary things using only a fraction of the available human labor.
What is Social Credit?
The credit is a social movement whose goal is to enable consumers to benefit to the public of the full capacity to produce useful goods. The unemployment rate, which affects people today, is not the result of saturation of consumer needs, or exhaustion of resources, but only for non-delivery of products and services. The production goes on only in accordance with the orders it receives. Orders are packed by the purchasing power of consumers. That purchasing power depends on the money that consumers have in our hands to meet their needs. Social Credit has developed a sophisticated and secure plan for reintengrare whenever the gap between the prices of products offered to consumers and the money in the hands of those who want these finished products. This is a system, therefore, does not allow for inflation or deflation, but mathematically and automatically maintains a balance between production and purchasing power. subdues the money and puts it in the service of man. It forced him to carry out its function: the sale of production, consumer satisfaction, as the natural and industrial resources can afford. In addition to this balance, the Social Credit has included in its intentions, the ' eradication of poverty through social guarantees of economic security individual. No one can deny that Canada is able to easily produce enough goods to provide an honest livelihood for all. The physical possibility exists, and only lacks the financial capability. So finance is what you do not need to Canadians, and this is where you must find a remedy. As Henry Ford says, the products are there, but the dollars to buy the products lack. Producers of goods they carry out their role, but producers of dollars mistakenly held their own. There is a wonderful technique in the production, but there is no money in the system. The monetary system, says the great American industrial system is now obsolete, ineffective, and it is time to change it. The monetary wealth is not wealth, it is just a title, a claim on wealth. The wealth comes from human labor mechanism applied to natural resources. Wealth is not lacking in Canada, but it could be much more abundant, since there is not much human labor and mechanical use. The money comes from those who plant, and since there is a shortage, or is not where it should be, the wealth you can not sell, production stops, poverty reigns in abundance. Money is made of metal pieces of banknotes and credit or bank deposits put into service through grants. Today's grants represent more than 95 percent of commercial transactions. Cheques simply move credits to the accounts of banks. The deposits in banks, therefore, constitute the bulk of money in circulation. These deposits are generated through loans made by banks in the form of loans, discounts, overdrafts or bond purchases. The banks are the creators of money. But they destroy this money through the repayment of the loans, the reduction of discovered. If the factory goes faster than the destruction, the money in circulation increases, if the destruction is faster than production, the money decreases. There is no balance between production and money, because banks do not have the purpose of 'balance, but only their particular profit. In addition, advances are being made to production, but the cash flow from production to consumption does not go as fast as the invoice price, which is the rate of production. It 's impossible for anyone, well intentioned or not, maintain the current monetary system in accordance with public demand and production capacity to meet these needs. The nationalization of banks does not fix anything by itself. The change of the controller is insufficient you must change the policy that governs the control. In other words, you have the control to pursue another Finally, you are looking for a constant balance between prices and purchasing power. The National Bureau of monetary claim can not be controlled socially, in accordance with the factors of production and consumption in the country, but at national level, in agreement with the general national accounting. It 'then must have a national monetary authority, as we have a court to administer justice. Private banks may continue their activities with a view to profit, in exchange for services rendered, but should no longer have the right to increase or reduce the supply of money . This function should only be a matter of national competence through the Office National credit.
The National Bureau collects credit factors of production and consumption and acts accordingly in order to issue currency, so that throughout the production to be sold are complied with the times as needed. It has all the powers to achieve this purpose for which it is responsible to the nation. The proposed technique to achieve the dual purpose of the Social Credit - equilibrium prices and purchasing power, and out of poverty - consists of two methods of distribution of new money: offset the discount and the dividend .
Discount Plywood is to put in equilibrium prices and purchasing power by creating and distributing money without inflation. The money finances the discount offset a reduction in price for consumers. If the available production of 12 billion dollars, and the purchasing power appears to be only 9 billion dollars, the National Bureau of Credit decreed a 25 percent discount on all prices, a discount on all products, at the time of sale to the consumer. This is to reduce prices at the level of purchasing power. The discount retailer is compensated, ie, the Office of Credit provides the money that the retailer has sacrificed a discount. This money is created dall'Ufficio di Credito nello stesso modo in cui oggi la moneta viene creata dalla banca . Questa nuova moneta effettivamente favorisce il consumatore, ma a condizione che egli acquisti; favorisce il rivenditore, a condizione che la vendita sia effettuata. Questo è denaro che vende la produzione attraverso la riduzione dei prezzi e che soddisfa tutti: l'acquirente, il venditore, e il produttore, che è soltanto troppo felice di vendere la sua produzione .

Il dividendo nazionale, come indicano le parole, è la distribuzione di un dividendo, di una somma di denaro che rappresenta un avanzo delle entrate da un capitale, a tutti members of society, then, for every man, woman and child in Canada. This dividend is based on 'existence of a cultural or social capital, belonging to all. Capital consisting of the discoveries and inventions of science. The party takes place this capital in production is increasing, while the part of human labor is always smaller. The work should be rewarded, but also capital, including the capital. We are the heirs of all the assets accumulated by past generations, we are all capitalists, and we have every right to a dividend at least sufficient to protect us from poverty .
Al fine di comprendere la possibilità dell'applicazione del sistema monetario sostenuto dal Credito Sociale, non si deve perdere di vista il fatto che il mondo è entrato in un'epoca di abbondanza; che, se ci sono i poveri, non è perché ci sono persone ricche, ma perché l'abbondanza non è distribuita. Pertanto non vi è alcun bisogno di togliere dai ricchi per dare ai poveri; Dobbiamo solo mettere in atto alcune tecnichenel sistema monetario, e non contentare noi stessi col dire che il denaro è fatto per l'uomo, ma di instaurare un sistema che mette necessariamente il denaro al servizio dell'uomo, di tutti gli uomini.
Traduzione Biopresto


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