Yesterday, Monday, March 16 around 18 to the "Gran Guardia in Verona came to see the follow-up with Antonio Di Pietro and Antonio Donadi Massimo Borghesi.
stamps of Italy has presented the audience with the usual speeches from Verona politicastri bullfighting. The only positive note is that as they appear on television so I live: arrogant presumptuous.
photos above are not put there by chance, have an actual value against an ideological warp the characters represented: hide the truth to the people.
What truth you say. Well you will hear from audio of my interlocutors.
Di Pietro spoke to CHANNEL ITALY seigniorage as a "legalized scam."
Today he considers it a "thing Pallosa" trying to hide with these words of the proceedings to the people, citizens. And since he considers a boring thing has seen fit to nominate a "champion" of popular struggles: Lannutti. Of course, to download the heavy burden. But
Lannutti is defined as an independent and says he does not join the party and as such will behave. That is, continue to work on lettuce, cucumbers, bread, and if there is room for banks.
course without breaking too much balls to IGB (fat banker), otherwise it is the end of Kennedy.
I asked him if this autonomy would give greater powers to build a sovereign Italy. He likes to advertise his books have on the mouth Auriti, but has no independent sovereignty. It will be yet another salaried class in the House of Representatives, paid handsomely with our work.
Here's orgasm crazy and Antonio Di Pietro Beppe Grillo have some things in common besides the same publisher casalmassonico also launch the same manner as the stones and then say that they have not been to do so, despite all have seen of course.
ps for that scoundrel of Borghesi I think of something funny later!
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