Well now go into the process of creation,
seemingly complex but fascinating in its aspects
primordial. Someone has definitely been guardian until
now these secrets that the crowd would never
have included. Try to imagine if you
we all become aware of the system life, as might be desired away from the body to steal the secret of ,
attraverso pratiche pineali di meditazione. Nel prossimo
post vedremo la procreazione negli animali e nell'uomo.
Con tutto ciò non voglio asserire che si tratti di verità assoluta,
ma per noi viaggiatori potrebbe essere l'ennesimo spunto alla
comprensione dell'esistenza
Raffaele mostra la creazione degli esseri organici
1. Allora Raffaele avanza e dice: «Dio è in Sé eterno ed infinito. Egli solo
riempie lo spazio senza confini. Egli, quale il supremo, purissimo ed
immenso Pensiero e quale l'Idea perfettissima dall'eternità in Sé e di per
Se Stesso, non può, come Tale dall'eternità, che concepire in eterno,
incessantemente, pensieri in tutta la Sua Infinità, la quale è colma dei
pensieri provenienti da Lui. Noi (arcangeli primordiali) però - quali Sue
Idee vitali maturatesi già da tempi inconcepibili per voi uomini ed ora
indipendenti e pieni di luce, di sapienza, di conoscenza e potenza di
volontà - abbiamo ai nostri ordini ancora una moltitudine innumerevole
di spiriti, i quali in un certo modo costituiscono le nostre braccia e le
nostre mani, ed essi riconoscono la nostra volontà, e la attuano immediatamente.
2. Solamente i puri Pensieri di Dio sono la sostanza dalla quale è sorto
2. Solamente i puri Pensieri di Dio sono la sostanza dalla quale è sorto
tutto ciò che l'infinito comprende in sé; soltanto noi, in origine, siamo
sorti per la Volontà dell'altissimo e potentissimo Spirito di Dio, mentre
tutte queste cose e questi esseri hanno avuto origine poi per mezzo nostro,
poiché noi eravamo e siamo i primi ed i più eminenti vasi collettori dei
Pensieri e delle Idee provenienti da Dio, e lo saremo anche d'ora innanzi
per l'eternità in misura sempre più vasta e in maniera sempre più elevata e perfetta.
3. Noi riuniamo i pensieri di vita sorgenti da Dio, che a voi si presentano
3. Noi riuniamo i pensieri di vita sorgenti da Dio, che a voi si presentano
sotto forma di lingue di fuoco, e plasmiamo incessantemente - secondo
l'Ordine divino in noi - forme ed esseri; dunque, se qualcuno vi chiedesse
da dove Dio, oppure noi quali Suoi messaggeri e servitori, abbiamo preso
l'elemento materiale per la formazione degli esseri, ecco che l'avete ora
dinanzi a voi! Queste lunghe lingue di fuoco a forma di serpenti sono il
materiale da costruzione spirituale, da cui è stato fatto tutto ciò che
l'infinito nella totalità può mai abbracciare e comprendere
in sé for the essential stuff!
4. How to proceed, however, these creations, the Lord Himself told you
recently demonstrated very clearly. But you can know and understand
in sé for the essential stuff!
4. How to proceed, however, these creations, the Lord Himself told you
recently demonstrated very clearly. But you can know and understand
everything perfectly and all the fullness of life only when
yourself stand before God, the Lord, in all the perfection of
life in spirit, and not in the heaviness of meat.
5. And so you - according to the Will of the Lord and to the extent that there is now
granted - we can see how powerful and ancient
5. And so you - according to the Will of the Lord and to the extent that there is now
granted - we can see how powerful and ancient
servants of God, shaped by this thought, hovering in space, the
forms e degli esseri, guardate qui con gli occhi della vostra anima,
e voi apprenderete delle cose che finora nessun mortale ha mai appreso
su questa Terra.
6. Ecco, io, nel Nome dell'Altissimo ho ordinato ora, agli spiriti che mi sono
sottoposti, di raccogliere qui un’abbondante quantità della sostanza
6. Ecco, io, nel Nome dell'Altissimo ho ordinato ora, agli spiriti che mi sono
sottoposti, di raccogliere qui un’abbondante quantità della sostanza
necessaria; e come ora vedete noi abbiamo qui un cumulo di queste lunghe
lingue di fuoco che emanano una viva luce, cumulo che finora non ha altra
forma che quella di una palla di fuoco. Osservate un po' come queste lingue
di fuoco si stringono l'una vicino all'altra, e si accalcano come se ognuna
volesse sforzarsi di strisciare toward the center. This effort gradually takes over a calm
but this is not a real calm, but is a consequence of the impediment
approaching closer to the center point, which arose precisely because of the increasingly spur them
growing toward the center point itself.
7. But why all tend to reach this point? You see, if I
but this is not a real calm, but is a consequence of the impediment
approaching closer to the center point, which arose precisely because of the increasingly spur them
growing toward the center point itself.
7. But why all tend to reach this point? You see, if I
here before me throw balls of different materials that are
of the same size but one that is heavier than can be launched more
faster and farther than others, or - given away and a strong initial launch
exactly alike - it may reach some
before other stated goal. The same thing happens with the essential
countless thoughts that come from God
Among them there are, so to speak, some heavy, which have already formally equal to
a complete idea, then there are other less heavy, but, to be
thoughts are still very substantial
and compact, then there are thoughts lighter, less mature and less
fed of light are also very light of thought, which
and compact, then there are thoughts lighter, less mature and less
fed of light are also very light of thought, which
are something just designed, and finally also very light of thought, which are
those corresponding to the first buds, or, better yet, to
first buds of a tree. They certainly have something in itself, but have not yet reached the
development that will enable the divine,
considered in isolation, to establish and say to them: "They will assume
one form or another."
8. When one of us wants, or properly should, be shaped by this
8. When one of us wants, or properly should, be shaped by this
vital substance, now you know, a being in the Order of the Divine Will and the second
the inner impulse of the Supreme Spirit, in this case he calls
him that the spirits are at his service, e questi a loro
volta hanno il compito di raccogliere e di portargli una quantità di sostanza
sufficiente. Ora è altrettanto facilmente comprensibile, dal punto di
vista spirituale, quanto sia naturale nella materia che i pensieri pesanti
o consistenti giungano sul posto prima dei leggeri, per non parlare
poi dei leggerissimi; cosicché i più pesanti costituiscono evidentemente
poi dei leggerissimi; cosicché i più pesanti costituiscono evidentemente
il centro, mentre i leggeri, che sono quelli che arrivano più tardi,
devono accontentarsi di una posizione sempre più all'esterno; i
leggerissimi formano infine la parte assolutamente esteriore del complesso.
9. Siccome però i pensieri residing in the center are the heaviest, ie
leggerissimi formano infine la parte assolutamente esteriore del complesso.
9. Siccome però i pensieri residing in the center are the heaviest, ie
more nutrient-rich, others who are more empty, more
poor and more hungry crowd and huddle close to the rich,
in order to somehow sate of their abundance. And that is why there is
before the phenomenon of twisting tongues of fire that the outer
shake more and more to the center, which now seem to want
finally calm down more and more, though their tendency is still that of
get as close as possible to the center,
to draw from a larger quantity of food vital.
10. Well, now you can see here a heap, which in its most
to draw from a larger quantity of food vital.
10. Well, now you can see here a heap, which in its most
is still very hungry, and for the moment that asks for nothing more
to be sufficiently satisfied. It is like an octopus marine
spherical, which through its thousand times a thousand
small cups constantly sucking mud from the sea
nourishment that it suits him, until, after supersaturation, finally starting
to form the spherical growths on the sprawling octopus,
with which it can then have more and can manage change
appropriate position and place. With the tentacles it also assumes a form
to form the spherical growths on the sprawling octopus,
with which it can then have more and can manage change
appropriate position and place. With the tentacles it also assumes a form
more detail and more distinct, which already differs much from the spherical primitive.
11. You will all be surprised, but, secretly, my explanation of this
that represent the form of a life, from the first
11. You will all be surprised, but, secretly, my explanation of this
that represent the form of a life, from the first
beginning of a being and his form, this thing that may
only in this way and never, in any case, otherwise! But you only
you looking with the external nature of things, and you can see
very soon and with the greatest ease that here
procedure is identical.
12. Take for example the ovary of a hen, and watch minutely
12. Take for example the ovary of a hen, and watch minutely
ova that are attached, and you will see that some of these are small
like tiny peas, others like small grapes, and
others like small apples. Inside the envelope is not
light will be found other than the yellowish substance of the yolk! How
this information is still to be!
13. But this substance is increasingly central fed, and form
13. But this substance is increasingly central fed, and form
around if the album, after a certain period of nutrition, part
coarser albumen is separated from the album itself, however, does not stray
egg, but you have however around the form of shell
very solid, which will serve to protect against crushing
at the time of deposition. Now look at what is already different
just laid an egg since she was the mother's body.
14. But now you are the hen crouches over the egg and warms
14. But now you are the hen crouches over the egg and warms
for some time. What changes then occurring in the egg! In all
yolk begins to move and ordered; thoughts
more consistent (tongues of fire) would get together and meet, and attract
him kin to them that are closer. These in turn are joined in part by
The first and more with each other, but also attract external
closer and similar thoughts, that is the lightest.
In a short time you can already discover the heart, head, eyes,
In a short time you can already discover the heart, head, eyes,
entrails, feet, wings and piumicine, when the being is once
progressed this far, then the parties already arranged
attract more and more consistent if the elements of the substance available,
and develop more and more visibly.
15. But while the shape and the body is already almost fully developed, then even the original
main thought is that the
center has been increasingly strengthened, sustenance and satisfied during this ongoing activity. It then, with the superabundance of his life, begins to invade the body,
15. But while the shape and the body is already almost fully developed, then even the original
main thought is that the
center has been increasingly strengthened, sustenance and satisfied during this ongoing activity. It then, with the superabundance of his life, begins to invade the body,
seizes the reins so to speak, and be living in a
becomes visible, and only then reaches a state of complete training.
16. Reached this state of complete training, then the thought
16. Reached this state of complete training, then the thought
vital - and that really is the soul that has spread throughout the body
now - you soon realize that it is still locked in a prison
. It then begins to react more strongly,
pierces the wall and out into the great world of broken and full of fear because
does not yet feel sufficiently strengthened.
Here begins the period of nutrition from the outside world, and thanks to that
also to the further growth in this way the development process
Here begins the period of nutrition from the outside world, and thanks to that
also to the further growth in this way the development process
takes place until the perception has not be sure of being in a
state of equilibrium with the nature of the outside world.
17. At this point we are now faced with a chicken
17. At this point we are now faced with a chicken
developed and fertile, which in turn is suitable for the reception of the parties
specific animation designed to nourish, in part from the air, some water
and for the most part from organic food already animated it suitable;
spiritual nourishment needed for the further development of
his vital soul, and the coarser is not only for the
conservation of their body, but also for the neo-
formation of the egg, from which order and according to the process
formation of the egg, from which order and according to the process
hours stated there, then again a chick is born male or female.
18. The diversity of sex, however, depends on how much density,
18. The diversity of sex, however, depends on how much density,
consistency and strength of thought originating in fundamental
living soul. If this is so from the outset to be fully consistent
already in itself an idea, then its development will coincide with the formation of a
be male, whereas if the original nucleus of
basic idea of \u200b\u200blife is on the second step
lighter, then you will develop a female '.
lighter, then you will develop a female '.
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