Yesterday, March 12, 2008, Mr. Veltroni came to the city of Verona for a convention of the Democratic Party. I attended the event and, pending the start scheduled for 13.30 I met the former deputy interior Marco Minniti. I report, in writing and in audio, questions and considerations that I have tried to offer him.
Here is the text:
Biopresto: Do \u200b\u200byou consider essential, important that the state could return to the sovereign than the banks, the issue than money, than all'ingordigia system economico bancario che emette moneta.
Ministro: La moneta la batte lo Stato
Biopresto: Onorevole, mi scusi, la moneta non la batte lo stato......le monetine!!!...
Ministro: No No No la moneta la emette la Banca d'Italia, poi detto questo, c'è un rapporto col sistema bancario....comunque il discorso è troppo complesso.
Biopresto: Si ma la moneta la emettono le banche.
Ministro: Si, la Banca d'Italia.
Biopresto: Ma la Banca d'Italia è made to 97% by private companies
Minister: No No
Biopresto: Yeah, I do not know her?
Minister: The Bank of Italy is the issuing institution of our country.
Biopresto: It 's a public institution, but for 97% done by private banks.
Minister: What is public law.
Biopresto: But it is made by private banks.
Minister: The problem of debt for us is a commitment important, after two years of government have achieved significant results, we want to continue on this path of recovery. Even if you heal because there are more resources to invest, both in terms of tax fairness both in terms of wages.
Biopresto: All right, but formally it would be important to understand if only through the recovery of direct or indirect or through the recovery of sovereignty.
Minister: Over the past two years is a recovery of tax evasion, not taxation.
Biopresto: Yes, but the sovereignty would be stata più interessante.
Minniti ha tagliato corto, non sapeva che pesci prendere rilevando un ignoranza in termini di emissione monetaria che fa venire i brividi. Ma del resto dai servi delle banche cosa ci si può aspettare. L'ennesima conferma, se ce ne fosse stato bisogno.
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