I do not deliberately tell the source as not to affect your imagination and your awareness. But I hope it informs you the same joy that I felt I
1. (I say:) "You see, to that end I have done is brought here by the middle of Africa
this luminous globe to unravel before you the world of nature spirits, and this is not so
prodigious, but rather follow a natural path for you so far
still completely unknown.
2. The light of this stone has the ability to affect the vital nerves
through the cavity of the stomach, so that the soul directs the after
prolonged action of this light, his power of vision, and begin to perceive this
away even the most hidden things. So, now your view will move entirely in
that point, and you can see better with your eyes closed than with eyes wide open
3. The moon produces a similar effect on some people, but never so pronounced and so
can just as high as this stone. Close your eyes
therefore, and make sure if the stomach cavity
see better than with the natural eyes. "
4. At these words of mine all closed their eyes and did not find enough words to express their
wonder when they had found the acute
visual power of the soul through the cavity of the stomach.
5. Only Mataele and his four companions said: "For us this wonderful
power of vision is not new, because it is precisely in this way that
we have often seen the most extraordinary things and we have moved more than once
through places that are no deadly, in the waking state of course, would
able to cross without risking to make the most frightening falls.
we saw at the same time all the air - as well as water of the seas, lakes, rivers and streams
- more densely populated with all sorts of wonderful shapes and
of larvae that moved in the air more or
less rapidly in all possible directions of the winds, and they floated up and down,
now slowly spinning or moving quickly and now. Some
rested on the ground, so to speak, like snowflakes, and flattened
in a certain way with all possible speed in the drills, some were treated as
the dew from plants, others were absorbed into the ground, ed altre ancora da
minerali di ogni specie.
6. Quelle che si appiattivano nei solchi, e quelle assorbite dal regno vegetale e
da quello minerale, non riapparivano più, però dove c'era un albero od una pianta
che stavano marcendo, o dove c’erano resti di un animale in putrefazione, là sorgevano
forme nuove di ogni genere - da principio con l’aspetto di un leggero
vapore luminoso - le quali ben presto si afferravano a centinaia di migliaia, fondendosi
poi in una forma già molto bene sviluppata.
7. Una volta che la forma si era completata in questo modo, non passava molto
che essa cominciava a muoversi come fosse guidata da una specie di coscienza
propria, facendo how does the dog when he goes in search of something of which his good nose
made known the presence somewhere.
8. We saw these beings hover usually meet
flocks of sheep, goats and herds of cattle, reached one of these, they stopped
between the beasts and, at a coupling, an act to which it seemed that these animals were
very encouraged by these beings, the latter were absorbed
own animals that mated, as the dew on the grass
become quite dry, and do not reappear as the view.
9. Many of these forms are also pushed into the water and swam to
some time here and there like slipping leggermente sulla superficie; alcune si
immergevano poi decisamente nell'acqua, altre invece si stringevano insieme in
una massa nebulosa, e si immergevano nell'acqua solo dopo essersi fuse in una
nuova forma che non di rado assomigliava ad un animale acquatico.
10. Ma la cosa più strana era che noi vedevamo sorgere nell'acqua sempre
un'immensa varietà di figure, di larve con forme curiose, e queste avevano un
aspetto all’incirca come di insetti volanti di ogni tipo, come pure di uccelli grandi
e piccoli di ogni possibile specie. In effetti essi erano muniti di zampe e di
altre estremità sviluppate benissimo, ma non se ne servivano come gli uccelli,
perché tutte le estremità were dangling. These figures hovering in the air as
fluff, and only the passage of real birds near them, they could observe the real
signs of life forms in these larvae and nebulae. They
then accompanied the flock, and quickly devoured as they were by it.
11. In addition we perceive as a kind of clear dust raining down from above
, sometimes thicker and sometimes less dense, and in particular the frequency
could be observed on the surface of the water. Looking more closely at this
am-dust, you could see it even in the existence of certain forms or
looked like tiny eggs, or aquatic animals extraordinarily
small and the dust was too soon
swallowed by water.
12. Oh, many things we would be told in this regard if there were
time, but what we saw first in our miserable condition, now let's review the
hand with eyes closed, and this vision awakens in us the memory
now reminds us that aloud: "You have seen all these things
for several years in a row, every night and every night." Sometimes we had the same visions
during the day when the sky takes on a dark and gloomy.
course then we did not know quite what to think, but now thankfully
understand it, and we know what are the causes and what it is!
1. (I say:) "You see, to that end I have done is brought here by the middle of Africa
this luminous globe to unravel before you the world of nature spirits, and this is not so
prodigious, but rather follow a natural path for you so far
still completely unknown.
2. The light of this stone has the ability to affect the vital nerves
through the cavity of the stomach, so that the soul directs the after
prolonged action of this light, his power of vision, and begin to perceive this
away even the most hidden things. So, now your view will move entirely in
that point, and you can see better with your eyes closed than with eyes wide open
3. The moon produces a similar effect on some people, but never so pronounced and so
can just as high as this stone. Close your eyes
therefore, and make sure if the stomach cavity
see better than with the natural eyes. "
4. At these words of mine all closed their eyes and did not find enough words to express their
wonder when they had found the acute
visual power of the soul through the cavity of the stomach.
5. Only Mataele and his four companions said: "For us this wonderful
power of vision is not new, because it is precisely in this way that
we have often seen the most extraordinary things and we have moved more than once
through places that are no deadly, in the waking state of course, would
able to cross without risking to make the most frightening falls.
we saw at the same time all the air - as well as water of the seas, lakes, rivers and streams
- more densely populated with all sorts of wonderful shapes and
of larvae that moved in the air more or
less rapidly in all possible directions of the winds, and they floated up and down,
now slowly spinning or moving quickly and now. Some
rested on the ground, so to speak, like snowflakes, and flattened
in a certain way with all possible speed in the drills, some were treated as
the dew from plants, others were absorbed into the ground, ed altre ancora da
minerali di ogni specie.
6. Quelle che si appiattivano nei solchi, e quelle assorbite dal regno vegetale e
da quello minerale, non riapparivano più, però dove c'era un albero od una pianta
che stavano marcendo, o dove c’erano resti di un animale in putrefazione, là sorgevano
forme nuove di ogni genere - da principio con l’aspetto di un leggero
vapore luminoso - le quali ben presto si afferravano a centinaia di migliaia, fondendosi
poi in una forma già molto bene sviluppata.
7. Una volta che la forma si era completata in questo modo, non passava molto
che essa cominciava a muoversi come fosse guidata da una specie di coscienza
propria, facendo how does the dog when he goes in search of something of which his good nose
made known the presence somewhere.
8. We saw these beings hover usually meet
flocks of sheep, goats and herds of cattle, reached one of these, they stopped
between the beasts and, at a coupling, an act to which it seemed that these animals were
very encouraged by these beings, the latter were absorbed
own animals that mated, as the dew on the grass
become quite dry, and do not reappear as the view.
9. Many of these forms are also pushed into the water and swam to
some time here and there like slipping leggermente sulla superficie; alcune si
immergevano poi decisamente nell'acqua, altre invece si stringevano insieme in
una massa nebulosa, e si immergevano nell'acqua solo dopo essersi fuse in una
nuova forma che non di rado assomigliava ad un animale acquatico.
10. Ma la cosa più strana era che noi vedevamo sorgere nell'acqua sempre
un'immensa varietà di figure, di larve con forme curiose, e queste avevano un
aspetto all’incirca come di insetti volanti di ogni tipo, come pure di uccelli grandi
e piccoli di ogni possibile specie. In effetti essi erano muniti di zampe e di
altre estremità sviluppate benissimo, ma non se ne servivano come gli uccelli,
perché tutte le estremità were dangling. These figures hovering in the air as
fluff, and only the passage of real birds near them, they could observe the real
signs of life forms in these larvae and nebulae. They
then accompanied the flock, and quickly devoured as they were by it.
11. In addition we perceive as a kind of clear dust raining down from above
, sometimes thicker and sometimes less dense, and in particular the frequency
could be observed on the surface of the water. Looking more closely at this
am-dust, you could see it even in the existence of certain forms or
looked like tiny eggs, or aquatic animals extraordinarily
small and the dust was too soon
swallowed by water.
12. Oh, many things we would be told in this regard if there were
time, but what we saw first in our miserable condition, now let's review the
hand with eyes closed, and this vision awakens in us the memory
now reminds us that aloud: "You have seen all these things
for several years in a row, every night and every night." Sometimes we had the same visions
during the day when the sky takes on a dark and gloomy.
course then we did not know quite what to think, but now thankfully
understand it, and we know what are the causes and what it is!
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